
Introduction to Win Yiren What is the relationship between Win Yiren and Lady Huayang?

author:Interesting history

Yi Yiren was the king of the Qin state during the Warring States period, known in history as King Xiang of Qinzhuang, the father of Qin Shi Huang, who lived in the Zhao state as a hostage when he was young, and because the Qin state often provoked wars, he did not have a good time there. After Lü Buwei learned of Yingyiren, he felt that he was a person who could have a great cause, so he became friends with him. Later, with the help of Lü Buwei, he inherited the throne as a concubine.

Who is the Stranger

Also known as Ying Zi Chu, he was the son of King Xiang of Qinzhuang during the Warring States period, the son of An Guojun, born in 281 BC, although he was a royal descendant, he was not outstanding among more than twenty brothers, and his mother Xia Ji did not get the favor of his father.

Introduction to Win Yiren What is the relationship between Win Yiren and Lady Huayang?

"The Legend of Lü Buwei" wins the Inhuman stills

After that, the Win Yiren was sent to the Zhao Kingdom and became a hostage. Because the State of Qin always invaded the State of Zhao and the war was continuous, the People of Victory suffered a lot in the State of Zhao, and even the money and wealth needed for basic daily life could not be guaranteed, and it was very unhappy. At this time, Lü Buwei happened to be doing business in the Zhao Kingdom, heard about the situation of the Win Yiren, had a deep conversation with him, and became a close political friend.

The Win Yiren accepted Lü Buwei's money for living expenses and making friends with capable people in order to broaden their network. Lü Buwei also bribed Lady Huayang and her close relatives in the Qin kingdom, and spoke kindly of favor for win the yiren, saying that the yingyi people regarded her as their own mother. With the help of Lady Huayang, Win Yiren successfully became the first heir of An Guojun.

In 245 BC, the State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, and the State of Zhao decided to kill the Yingyi people in retaliation, and the Yingyi people and Lü Buwei bought the officials who guarded the city and fled back to the Qin State. In 250 AD, when his father died three days after succeeding to the throne, he succeeded to the throne, completely destroying the Eastern Zhou state and expanding the land of the Qin state during his reign.

What is the relationship between Win Yiren and Lady Huayang

Win Yiren was the son of King Xiaowen of Qin, and Lady Huayang was the favored woman of King Xiaowen of Qin, much higher than his birth mother Xia Ji, so Win Yiren tried his best to win Over Lady Huayang at the suggestion of Lü Buwei.

Introduction to Win Yiren What is the relationship between Win Yiren and Lady Huayang?

"In Search of Qin" wins the inhuman stills

When The Win Yiren was still a hostage in the Zhao Kingdom, Lü Buwei bribed Lady Huayang and her sisters and brothers on his behalf, presented some treasures to her, and also mentioned the talents of the Win Yiren and his filial piety to her, pleasing her. In addition, Lü Buwei also persuaded lady Huayang's sister to make her decide to recognize The Win Yiren as a righteous son.

Later, the Win Yiren escaped from the Zhao Kingdom, obeyed Lü Buwei's arrangement, and dressed in the waste costume of the Chu State to meet Lady Huayang, and Lady Huayang, who was born in the Chu Kingdom, was deeply pleased and immediately recognized him as a righteous son. Win Yiren specially changed his name to Zi Chu to show his heart.

Lady Huayang actively helped Win Yiren, on the one hand, she said in An Guojun's ear that he was very talented and deepened his impression, and on the other hand, she said that she had no children under her knees, and asked for the establishment of Win Yiren as an heir, so that there were people to rely on in his later years, and An Guojun also agreed. In this way, there was a succession to the throne of the later Win Yiren, and Lady Huayang also became the empress.

He was the king of the State of Qin and lived a frustrated and difficult life in the State of Zhao in his early years. Because Lü Buwei qingnan helped and advised, the Win Yiren was able to sit on the throne and lay the foundation for the unification of the Qin state. As an unloved concubine, in order to get the heir's position, the Win Yiren pleased Lady Huayang and passed on to Lady Huayang, so the Win Yiren and Lady Huayang were considered mother-son relations.