
The 116-pound girl's request for bariatric surgery was rejected, and the doctor concerned: it is not something you can do if you want to

author:Bright Net

A girl in her early 20s, weighing 58kg, 162cm tall, bmi (body mass index) 22.1 kg/m2, because she was not satisfied with her figure, she asked for surgery after browsing online information, and the result was rejected by the doctor.

This is a scene that occurred not long ago in the outpatient clinic of Gu Yan, chief physician of the Department of General Surgery of Huadong Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. Gu Yan said that weight loss has become a common social phenomenon, but the risks of blind bariatric surgery far outweigh the benefits.

The surging news reporter learned from Huadong Hospital that a patient was admitted to the hospital recently, who did bariatric surgery in a private hospital when he did not meet the necessary surgical indications, and after the operation, adverse reactions came to Huadong Hospital for treatment.

"Bariatric surgery is a surgical treatment, there are strict surgical indications, not if you want to do it." Gu Yan said that all surgeries are risky, and usually in the early stage of weight loss, patients lose weight very quickly, may be malnutrition, and need to be reasonably supplemented under the guidance of doctors. In addition, unscientific bariatric surgery may also cause serious consequences such as organ failure in patients.

Today, obesity is a global public health crisis, and overweight and obesity are also one of the prominent nutritional problems in Chinese. According to the Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases of Chinese Residents (2020), the rates of overweight and obesity among adults (≥ 18 years old) are 34.3% and 16.4%, respectively, that is, more than half of adults in China are overweight or obese.

The harm of obesity is obvious, Gu Yan introduced, in the physiological can cause such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and metabolism-related diseases, in the psychological is also easy to induce anxiety, depression.

But losing weight in the right way is the solution.

Gu Yan said that obese or overweight patients should first implement reasonable food rationing, ensure food diversity, balanced combination of meat and vegetable melons and fruits, and carry out reasonable exercise to ensure adequate sleep. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 6 hours have a 41% higher prevalence of metabolic syndromes such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes than normal people who sleep less than 6-8 hours.

Who is suitable for bariatric surgery? Gu Yan said that bmi (body mass index) is a measure of obesity and its degree, for bmi ≥ 37.5kg/m2, active surgery is recommended; 32.5kg/m2≤ bmi< 37.5 kg/m2, surgery is recommended. If there are complications such as diabetes, weight loss surgery can be performed with a body mass index greater than 27.5.

It should be emphasized that all obese patients who are treated surgically are subject to specialist evaluation and multidisciplinary consultation discussion, and informed consent before surgery can be performed.

Source: The Paper

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