
The first person in the Xinhai Revolution in Hainan - Lin Wenying

author:Coconut wind revival
The first person in the Xinhai Revolution in Hainan - Lin Wenying

Lin Wenying (1873 ~ 1914), formerly known as Lin Tianze, No. Gran, a member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, a native of Shikeng Village, Qinglan Town, was born in Thailand in 1873 to an overseas Chinese family.

When he was a teenager, he studied at the Overseas Chinese School in Thailand, returned to his hometown after graduating from Zhonghua Middle School to visit his relatives, and married a girl from a neighboring village, Chen Yuda. In the spring of 1903, he went from Thailand to Japan to study, and was admitted to the Department of Political Science of Hosei University in Tokyo. In the autumn of 1904, in Yokohama, Japan, he was introduced by Liao Zhongkai to Sun Yat-sen, and under his influence, he participated in the League. With Sun's deep friendship, they were like brothers and sisters, and together they went to Thailand to give speeches, oppose the imperial system, promote republicanism, and sleep together at night on a double bed in The Moon Ying's house (this iron bed is still on display at the Bangkok History Museum). The police repeatedly searched for Sun Yat-sen, but they were tactfully handled by Wen Ying's family, especially his Thai mother. Lin Wenying followed Sun Yat-sen's revolution and spared no effort to participate in the battles of Zhennanguan and Huanghuagang, becoming Sun Yat-sen's right-hand man. In order to commemorate the friendship between the two in Thailand, Sun Yat-sen gave his wife Soong Ching Ling the nickname "Lin Tai".

The first person in the Xinhai Revolution in Hainan - Lin Wenying

The Republic of China was founded and elected as a member of the first House of Representatives of the National Assembly. In the election of the president, many people voted for Yuan Shikai because they were afraid of Yuan Shikai's power, but Lin Wenying voted for Sun Yat-sen, which was taboo for Yuan. When the situation in Beijing was dangerous and the environment was deteriorating, he secretly escaped from Beijing in 1913 and went south to Qiongya to plan countermeasures. He was ordered to set up a civilian school in Haikou and founded Qiongdao Daily, serving as editor-in-chief and reporter. Yuan, with a grudge in his heart, secretly ordered him to arrest Lin Wenying and imprison him at 3 p.m. on March 29, 1914. Without interrogation, late at night on the third day (March 31), he was secretly executed in front of the appeasement gate of Qiongya, the capital city. The martyr looked up at the sky and smiled before the righteousness, and wrote a poem: "Passing away for a long time, competing to exchange the head for freedom, I do not live up to everyone's burden, and I am willing to pour iron blood into Shenzhou." He fell down with a smile after being hit three times, at the age of 43.

The first person in the Xinhai Revolution in Hainan - Lin Wenying

After the fall of the Yuan clan, the re-establishment of the republic, and the return of Sun Yat-sen to power, in 1916 (the 5th year of the Republic of China), the National Assembly met in Beijing, for Lin Wenying Zhaoxue, posthumously recognized as a martyr, gave gold 5,000 yuan, and sympathized with his bereaved family. In 1919 (the 8th year of the Republic of China), Sun Yat-sen approved the relocation of the bones to the south of Shikeng Village in Qinglan Town, Wenchang County. Premier Sun Yat-sen personally inscribed the inscription "Tomb of the Martyr Lin Wenying", and the president of the Senate, Lin Sen, wrote an elegy: "The face of a scholar, the liver and gallbladder of a hero, the heart of a bodhisattva, the iron blood casts mountains and rivers, the determination to return to the Han family and the world, and the heart says that the south crosses the monarch." Twenty-one people, including Wu Jinglian and Li Zongren, president of the House of Representatives, wrote an article to commemorate the opening, and Hu Hanmin, secretary general of the Presidential Office, personally wrote the martyr's inscription. At that time, the Nationalist government also accepted the suggestions and donations of overseas Chinese to build a stone stele of Lin Wenying's martyrdom in the place where Lin Wenying martyrs died (Fucheng).

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