
The Fei family, which Chairman Mao once praised: two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers

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When Chairman Mao Zedong, the people's leader, was alive, he praised two families. The Pei family of Pei Bai Village in Wenxi County, Yuncheng, Shanxi in the north and the Fei family in Lieqiao Village, Shangrao County, Jiangxi in the south.

The Fei family, which Chairman Mao once praised: two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers

On June 29, 1959, Chairman Mao Zedong inspected the south and had a conversation with Governor Fang Zhichun in Jiangxi about jiangxi's historical and cultural celebrities. Chairman Mao said: "Jiangxi is a place where talented people are produced. The Tang and Song dynasties accounted for three in Jiangxi. Wang Anshi of Linchuan, Ouyang Xiu of Jishui, and Zeng Gong of Nanfeng were all famous literati of the Northern Song Dynasty. After pondering for a moment, he said, "There is a Fei Zai chancellor in the lead mountain in northeastern Gansu, do you know?" Fang Zhichun said, "I have never heard of this Prime Minister. Therefore, Chairman Mao repeated the life and deeds of Prime Minister Fei. He also said: "This man is buried in Lead Mountain after death." Later, he said with some emotion: "Aren't some counties in Jiangxi spreading the saying that 'two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles'?" There is such a saying in this place of Lead Mountain. Then Chairman Mao stood up and said affectionately, "I have never been to this place of Lead Mountain." I have been to most of your Jiangxi, but I have not been to northeast Jiangxi, and I have the opportunity to go. ”

Just as Chairman Mao said, in history, the people of Leadshan advocated literature and martial arts, and there were many talents. In the more than 1,000 years from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty to the 14th year of the Qing Jiaqing, 28 new branches have emerged from 16 counties in Jiangxi, of which 4 have come out of lead mountain. In lead mountain, it is said that "two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers", which shows the grand literary style of Lead Mountain in history. Chairman Mao's praise of Fei Zaixiang is only an outstanding representative of it. The influence of the Fei family in the Ming Dynasty was long-lasting.

For the study of the Fei family, historian Cao Guoqing said in his paper "The Rise of the Keju Family in Jiangxi in the Ming Dynasty and Its Role in the LocalIty: Taking the Lead Mountain Fei Family as an Example": "Jiangxi was the great province of Keju in Chinese history. The Ming Dynasty Lead Mountain Fei Clan, with its continuous success in the field of science, became the title of 'Liangjiang Jia Clan, Keju Family', which continued to flourish for nearly a hundred years in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Fei family successively walked out of 6 jinshi, 11 juren, 23 gongsheng, and 17 Guozijian students. Adhering to the motto: "Only sincerity is the first thing to be done, strong learning is the foundation of oneself, frugality is the foundation of running the family, and honesty is the first official", the Fei family has done what they preach, learn from each other, encourage each other, go to the imperial examination together, and it has become a common practice, and there have been many good stories of uncles and nephews with the same list title. The people of the time called him "Uncle Yuan's nephew Tanhua Lian Dengke, and his brother Shang Shu and his famous courtiers." There is also "Lead Mountain does not let Yan Shan Xiu, Fei Shi once with Dou Shi Fang." "A good story. And Fei Hong is the leader of this family.

The Fei family, which Chairman Mao once praised: two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers

Fei Hong, Zi Chong, Number Jian Zhai, born in 1468 AD. The Fei family of Fuhui Lieqiao of Lead Mountain participated in the first place of xiucai in the XinzhouFu Boy Examination at the age of 13, "Wenyuan", the first place in the Jiangxi Township Examination at the age of 16, and the "Yuanyuan" in the Jingcheng Temple Examination at the age of 20. In the ups and downs of the eunuch sea for more than 40 years, he went through the four emperors of Ming Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde and Jiajing, and assisted the two dynasties in governing.

In the sixth year of Ming Zhengde (1511), Emperor Wuzong remembered his loyalty to the imperial affairs, scrupulously fulfilled his duties, and conferred on him the title of Zhengyi Pin Wenyuange University Scholar. Later, he was also crowned Crown Prince Taibao, a scholar of Wuyingdian University, and at the same time promoted to Hubu Shangshu, and thus entered the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty. Fei Hong was in a high position, and naturally he bribed his dignitaries and dignitaries. However, Fei Hong's self-improvement will never be mixed. At that time, Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, was dismissed from his post as a palace guard by the imperial court for committing a crime of rebellion, and Tuntian was confiscated. Fei Hong served as an editor in the Hanlin Academy of the Imperial Court from his younger brother Fei Huan, and his wife Lou Shi was the younger sister of Princess Ning. Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, wanted to take advantage of his kinship and collude with the party Qian Ning to go to Fei Hong's mansion and give him a gift of "treasured play with silk coins", hoping to intercede through Hong and restore the official to his post. As a result, Fei Hong flatly refused. Ning Wang Zhu was ashamed and hateful. In order to achieve the purpose of restoring the official, King Ning also bribed the magnates with a huge amount of gold and silver treasures to Channing and Shangshu Lu of the Bingbu. One day, when Fei Hong ascended to the court, Lu Wanfeng stepped forward and said, "King Ning asks to be reinstated as an escort officer. Fei Hong asked rhetorically, "Don't you know why he was removed from his guards at that time?" Lu Quan said: "Now that he has changed his mind and become a man again, I am afraid that he cannot but reinstate him." Fei Hong sternly refuted it on the spot. When the song was transferred to the cabinet, Fei Hong again stated the reasons why the person should not be reinstated. From then on, King Ning, Channing, and Lu Quan hated Fei Hong to the bone and waited for an opportunity to take revenge. Later, Emperor Wuzong finally listened to the rumors, or ordered the reinstatement of the official Ofning. Fei Hong was indignant and invited his brother Fei Huan, who was also an official in the capital, to resign his official position and return to his hometown together.

"If you live in a temple, you will worry about your people, and if you are far away from the rivers and lakes, you will worry about your king." In his hometown, Fei Hong still did not forget to plan for the well-being of the people in his hometown. He took advantage of the influence of the imperial court officials to win the support of local officials and the participation of the people, actively built water conservancy and developed agriculture, and in just a few years, Fei Hong presided over the construction of the miles-long "Huiji Canal" and the "Xincheng Dam" in Wang Erxiang. More than 600 years later, the dam is still functioning today, and thousands of acres of farmland are protected by drought and flood. The "Huiji Canal" is a section of irrigated farmland on the outskirts of hekou town in the county town, and after entering the urban area, it bends and curves through the streets, and is the water source for tens of thousands of people to wash away in their daily lives. At the same time, it is also an inexhaustible firefighting pool for a large number of wooden houses in the ancient town. Fei Hong also attaches great importance to the education cause in his hometown, and has funded the establishment of two colleges, "Hanzhu Academy" and "Jingxing Academy", and personally lectured and taught, cultivating many talents with cultural knowledge for his hometown.

The Fei family, which Chairman Mao once praised: two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers

In the autumn of the 14th year of Zhengde (1519), Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, finally rebelled, and set out from Nanchang, through Poyang and Attack anqing, to Nanjing, hoping to seize the throne. After Fei Hong and Fei Huan learned about it, they sent people to inform the emperor day and night. Emperor Wuzong hurriedly issued a decree, ordering Tinggan to send an army to attack Wang Yangming, and after 43 days of fierce fighting, he completely annihilated Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning. After the rebellion was put to rest, the imperial court ministers asked the emperor to recall Fei Hong and reinstate him. Emperor Wu learned a profound lesson from the rampage of King Ning to the overthrow of evil, and he was ashamed of fei Hong. In 1521, he issued an edict announcing Fei Hong's entry into the Hajj, reinstating the official and sealing the protector of the country. This is Fei Hong's second entry into the cabinet. Soon after, Emperor Wu died. Sejong Succeeded Tony Zhu and changed his era name to Jiajing. In 1524, the first assistant Yang Tinghe returned to his hometown, Fei Hong succeeded him as the first assistant of the cabinet, and jia Jin was also the prince's master, the official Shangshu, and a scholar of the imperial palace. In February of the sixth year of Jiajing (1527), because of the same courtier Zhang Xuan, Gui Cao and others were framed by jealousy, Fei Hong left his post again and returned to his hometown. In the 14th year of Jiajing, Zhang and Gui Erchen successively went to the throne or died. Sejong, remembering Fei Hong's loyalty, said bluntly, reinstated him as the head of the cabinet, and gave him the silver medal of "Minister of the Old Auxiliary". He also decreed that Fei Hong's hometown was given the title of "Crown Gaili" and a plaque was personally awarded. Four months later, Fei Hong died of illness in Beijing at the age of 68. In this regard, Emperor Sejong was deeply saddened, and he resigned for a day, and led hundreds of civil and military officials to the capital to bid farewell to Fei Hong's body. Posthumously awarded "Taibao", "Wenxian Gong". Lingshu was escorted back to his hometown of Lead Mountain for burial by his successor, Xia Yan (Guixi). Fei Hong's funeral was mourned according to the "Nine Altars of Mourning and Glory Ceremony", and the grand event was unprecedented. Fei Hong also made achievements in literature and wrote a lot of works in his lifetime. He is the author of "Hudong Collection", "Goose Lake Excerpt", "Chenzhang Collection", "Testament Record", "Zhejiang Consternation Record" and so on. Among them, there are seven volumes of the "Selected Works of Fei Wenxian", and the "Outline of the General Catalogue of the Four Libraries" has been handed down to the world.

Fei Yu (Fei Yu), a scholar in the sixth year of Ming Zhengde (1511), was appointed as the editor of the Hanlin Academy. His wife Lou was the younger sister of Princess Ning. Zhu Chenhao, the King of Ning, plotted rebellion and repeatedly instructed Fei Huan in the hope of gaining his support, but was resolutely rejected. Dissatisfied with this, the court magnate King Zhongning's party members framed and attacked him, and he was impeached for "improperly staying in Hanlin", and implicated his brother Fei Hong, who was also deposed and returned to his hometown. The King of Houning finally rebelled against the dynasty, and after the two brothers of the Fei clan learned about it, they urgently reported to Emperor Wuzong to quell the rebellion. After king Ning's rebellion was put down, the imperial court revived Fei Yu. Hou Guanzhi to the Rebbe Shangshu, crown prince Taibao and Shaobao. Jiajing died in the 27th year (1548), and was given the title of Guanglu Doctor and Tan Wentong. Fei Yu also contributed to literary creation, writing "Zhong Shi Ji", "Jinling Manuscript", "Nangong Song Han" and so on. The Compendium of the General Catalogue of the Four Libraries contains 6 volumes of the Selected Works of Fei Wentong.

The Fei family, which Chairman Mao once praised: two prime ministers across the river, one yuan in ten miles, and one door and nine soldiers

According to the "Zhizai of Leadshan County", in the nearly 300 years of the Ming Dynasty, 28 descendants of the Fei family from Henglin, Lieqiao, Qinghu and other places in The Lead Mountain, from the central imperial court down to the local officials, served in the government. For example: Fei Wan, Engineer Wailang, Fei Maoxian, Libu Langzhong, Fei Mao, Commander in Nanjing, Fei Maoxue, Guangxi Prefect, Fei Maoyue, Imperial Physician of Tai Hospital, Fei Yaonian, Zhengqing of Nantai Servant Temple, and so on. In the history of the Ming Dynasty, it has left a period of historical activity.

The Fei family praised by Chairman Mao Zedong, although because the Fei family had a prominent position in the Ming Dynasty, played a certain role in the historical development of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, behind the glory of the Fei family after hundreds of years, it condenses the spirit of the Chinese nation to inherit the past and forge ahead and make unremitting efforts to improve itself. In this way, the Fei brothers created the prosperity and development of the family, and also created a history of prosperity and development of the Chinese nation.

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