
Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

author:The girl in the lantern
Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Ban Tamara Self-Portrait

There was once a strange woman in the Republic of China, and people have forgotten her original name "Chen Xiuqing", only remembering her later name "Pan Yuliang".

Pan Yuliang, one of the six "new women" painters in the Republic of China, has the most creations and the highest achievements.

She is not afraid of gossip, with bravery and talent, with her works to make a voice, breaking the monopoly of men in the republic of China painting world, and is known as the soul of a generation of painting.

Pan Yuliang's life, mixed with infamy and praise, is full of legends.

The people who scolded her hated her for being born in the Qinglou and her ugly appearance. Denigrated her paintings, threatening that "prostitutes do not deserve to enter the temple of art".

However, she has won numerous awards abroad and has gone to exhibitions around the world, and the price of one work is as high as 29.2 million, which is praised as "the soul of a generation".

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > walked out of the Qinglou</h1>

Pan Yuliang was born in 1895, his father died when he was one year old, his sister died when he was two years old, and when he was 8 years old, his mother died again.

In that era, it was not surprising that such a child was white-eyed, hated, and disparaged as a "broom star".

His parents are gone, and the first life problem in front of Pan Yuliang is whether he can survive or not? The little girl looked around dazedly, not knowing where the boat of her destiny would drift.

Finally someone came forward to take her in, this person is Pan Yuliang's uncle, saying that it is a shelter, it is really the uncle's helpless move, can not watch this child who is somewhat related to himself freeze to death or starve to death!

When they arrived at her uncle's house, they sent people to the fence, and the uncle hated her for being obscure, and punched and kicked her when he did not go well.

In order to survive, you can only endure, learn to observe the color of words on weekdays, and clench your teeth when you are beaten and scolded.

But even with all the caution, even more miserable fate awaited her.

The uncle was not only lazy and lazy, but also gambled badly, and finally sold Pan Yuliang to the Qinglou for money after once owing a huge gambling debt.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Pan Yuliang in his youth

Pan Yuliang went to the Qinglou to work as a slave, the labor and miscellaneous things that were pressed on her were complicated, and it was inevitable that she would be scolded every day when she worked carefully, and she was often insulted by drunken prostitutes, and hell was no more than that.

Unwilling in her heart, she escaped again and again, but how could a weak woman escape, she was caught again and again, and when she returned, she waited for her to be beaten.

She thought that this life would be like this, and one day, she would be tortured to death in this dark life.

Yet Heaven was very kind to her, and a noble man appeared in her life.

The nobleman is Pan Zanhua, the customs supervisor of Wuhu, Anhui, an official with progressive ideas, who has a personal relationship with Chen Duxiu and has also written a manuscript and published it in New Youth.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls


One is the most humble bottom Qinglou woman, one is a powerful upper-class official, Pan Yuliang and Pan Zanhua, two people who originally did not have a boundary, but they met by chance, and Pan Yuliang's fate has since been rewritten.

That time, 17-year-old Pan Yuliang played the pipa and sang a song "Bu Operator", and the mournful song attracted Pan Zanhua, and what really moved Pan Zanhua was Pan Yuliang's eyes, that stubborn, not humble look, and a kind of cold temperament.

During the banquet, he and Pan Yuliang talked a little more, and learned of her tragic life, this woman with thick lips and not outstanding appearance not only made him pitiful, it seemed that it was his unshirkable responsibility to rescue her.

Pan Zanhua did not hesitate to redeem Pan Yuliang from the Qinglou with heavy money.

This is tantamount to a new life of Pan Yuliang, this is the grace of rebirth, she changed her surname from the previous "Chen" surname to "Pan", she was willing to marry Pan Yuliang as a concubine, determined to serve him for the rest of her life to repay the favor.

People around Pan Zanhua were all strongly opposed to this marriage, and they all obstructed and discussed, only their good friend Chen Duxiu supported them, and at the wedding, he was a witness to the marriage.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Sculptures of Pan Yuliang and Pan Zanhua

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="88" > illiterate painter</h1>

Pan Yuliang's life was finally stable, and Pan Zanhua not only gave her a worry-free life, but also gave her the opportunity to receive education, and even after seeing that she was very interested in painting, he would create conditions for her to learn to paint.

On the surface, pan Yuliang's life after marriage is smooth and smooth, but her identity as a "Qinglou slave" has always been an undercurrent, which will emerge at any time to affect her life.

Therefore, in Pan Yuliang's heart, there is often bitterness, and when she finds that a paintbrush will vent all her emotions, she begins to be fascinated by painting.

Pan Yuliang's first contact with painting came from their neighbor, Hong Ye, a professor at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts at the time, who often stood outside Hongye's window and watched him paint.

After reading it, I quietly returned home to imitate it according to my memory. One day, Hong Ye went to Pan's house as a guest and saw Pan Yuliang copying his own paintings, and his eyes widened excitedly: This is a person who has not received art education at all! How can you draw such a good thing!

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Pan Yuliang

HongYe immediately wrote a letter to Pan Zanhua praising Pan Yuliang's artistic talent and wanting to accept her as his student, and from then on, the talented Pan Yuliang began to learn painting with Hongye.

She must not have thought that this brush would truly change her life.

In 1920, at the age of 25, Pan Yuliang was admitted to the Shanghai Fine Arts College, specializing in Western painting, and various student sports and artistic activities impacted her, and her heart was shocked.

It turns out that women are not just men's attachment, it turns out that women also do a lot of things, and she is stubborn in her bones, she made up her mind that she can definitely make a career!

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

To learn Western painting, to understand the structure of the human body, human body painting is an indispensable compulsory course, but the feudal concept at that time, painting the human body is really rebellious and offensive.

Pan Yuliang is not afraid, there is no model, she takes off her clothes and paints herself in the mirror, and when other students are stagnant because of old ideas, she has already made great strides forward on the road of art.

Pan Yuliang's excellence began to appear, which naturally attracted the jealousy of others, so some people began to dig up her history and attack her: "Pan Yuliang is a prostitute", and the news began to fill the campus.

Even some students who thought they were from "noble" origins joined forces to protest and demand that the school expel Pan Yuliang, who could not accept being a classmate of Pan Yuliang.

Under pressure, the school had to dissuade Pan Yuliang. Where will she go?

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Shanghai Meizhuan group photo, the front row of girls in the third right is Pan Yuliang

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="94" > the first person to study abroad</h1>

The decadent and backward feudal system of old China has destroyed many women, how many talents have been trapped, and how they have fought through this helpless fate as weak women.

Pan Yuliang, who is proud of her bones, does not complain about herself, and she is determined to prove herself with actions.

In 1921, the Sino-French University of Lyon recruited international students, and with the support of Pan Zanhua, Pan Yuliang took the exam and was admitted with excellent results, and she became the first batch of female students to study in France.

Coming to the West, Pan Yuliang breathed the free air here, she absorbed the nutrition of Western art like a fish, she studied without sleeping, coupled with her own talent for painting, Pan Yuliang's artistic talent became more and more refined, and finally learned, in 1926, won a gold medal at the International Art Exhibition of the Italian government, and began to be impressed by the world.

She decided to return to China to hold a painting exhibition, and she had to fight for herself and Pan Zanhua, who had the grace of knowing her, and let those who had belittled her in the past take a look.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Works by Pan Yuliang

In 1928, she finally held her own art exhibition in Shanghai, including more than 80 works such as "Supine", "Black Girl" and "Lonely Shadow".

Once exhibited, it immediately caused a sensation in Shanghai's art scene. Major newspapers and media rushed to report and praise.

This is the first female painter in China to open a solo exhibition, unparalleled delicate oil painting brushstrokes, strong visual impact effect, for a time, "Pan Yuliang" three words shocked the Republic of China painting world, breaking the situation of men in this field dominating the world.

Even when he dissuaded her from the Shanghai Meizhuan, he specifically found her and hired her to come back as the head of the department.

After she was hired to come to the school, she often took the students to various activities and mingled with the students.

At this time, the criticism came again, and she was scolded by the orthodox scholars as a teacher, and she took out the matter of her origin and protested to the school.

Pan Yuliang, who has experienced great winds and waves, no longer cares about these, she only cares about her students and the situation outside, she opens a painting exhibition to raise money to support the anti-Japanese resistance, she donates her jade statue of Buddha, and she even reprimands some people in the art world who only care about their own selfish interests.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Pan Yuliang's graduation photo at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Rome is mixed with a graduation certificate

Her remarks suddenly stabbed the honeycomb, and a person from a lowly background dared to accuse them, which paid off.

Sure enough, when Pan Yuliang opened the fifth painting exhibition, trouble came.

In the painting, there is an oil painting called "Manpower Heroes", which depicts a naked Hercules lifting a stone to protect small flowers and grasses, alluding to the bravery and kindness of working people.

However, it is this painting that, in the exhibition, is cut with a knife and then a mocking note: A prostitute's ode to a prostitute.

The paintings that also praise the working people, Xu Beihong's "Yugong Moving Mountains" created by Xu Beihong at the same time has been widely praised, and this different treatment of cloud and mud makes Pan Yuliang's inner pain like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Pan Yuliang after studying abroad

"Prostitutes can't defile ivory towers", this criticism is like a tide, unscrupulously pouring in, this time, Pan Yuliang knows that this closed and conservative art environment can not accommodate herself, helplessly, she finally made up her mind to return to Europe again.

In 1937, she left her hometown again, who knows, this forty years is a farewell, she has never been able to set foot on the land of the motherland.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="98" > run away again</h1>

In the Days of Europe, although free, the thought of Panzanhua made her feel lonely and lonely.

Fortunately, she has a paintbrush in her hand, and she uses the art of painting to express her voice, express her thoughts about her motherland and relatives, and express her views on the turbulent situation.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

In the middle is Pan Yuliang

During World War II, Pan Yuliang in France recorded the crimes of fascism and accused the evil of war, and she painted the work "French Massacre".

Once, a German officer saw her work "Shutan" and forced it to buy it at a low price, but Pan Yuliang resolutely refused to sell it, which annoyed the officer and deliberately damaged her work during the exhibition.

Pan Yuliang was intimidated by the arrogance of the German officers, and she wrote on the back of the painting: "The painting was destroyed because it refused to be purchased at a low price by the Germans, as evidenced by this." ”

Pan Yuliang's diligence and talent have made her famous in Europe, flowers and honors accompany her, she is often invited to participate in various large-scale exhibitions, and people have marveled that this excellent artist comes from China!

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

The French Holocaust

Although she is in Europe, Pan Yuliang is always concerned about her motherland and her own life is also very poor, but she will donate most of the income from the sale of paintings to women and children in China.

She campaigned for the lost and damaged works of art in the country and single-handedly rescued those precious works of art.

Pan Yuliang and her paintings have been wandering in a foreign land, and although they have gained great fame in Europe, she insists on not changing her nationality. Her heart is on her homeland.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Works by Pan Yuliang

Unfortunately, she was never able to return until her death, and never set foot on the land of her hometown.

In her later years, she often stared at the necklace that Pan Zanhua gave her, she looked out the window and missed her hometown, and she prepared a suicide note, explaining that there were people who must send their works back to the motherland.

In 1977, she was buried in a cemetery in France, and the tombstone was engraved with "World Artist Pan Yuliang".

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

Pan Yuliang and Pan Zanhua's promise of love

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="101" > generation of painting souls</h1>

"A prostitute is not worthy to enter the art world", this is the eternal pain in Pan Yu's conscience, a thorn in her heart.

Although Pan Yuliang was born in Qinglou, she was virtuous and virtuous to ai, and she established the "three noes" principle for herself when she was studying in France: 1. Do not fall in love; 2. 2. Non-admission of foreign nationality; Do not sign up for galleries.

Do not fall in love, because there is only one Person in Pan Zanhua in his life; he does not join a foreign nationality because his homeland is around Pan Zanhua; he does not sign a gallery because he must insist on the independence of his art and the independence of his personality.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

She was not afraid of the many spectators of the feudal era to slander her, resolutely shouldered the infamy, gave up the life of a rich and comfortable Mrs. Kuo, used the paintbrush as a weapon, and practiced true female liberation.

As she herself said: My life is the life of a Chinese woman who fights for women's freedom with love and ideas.

Pan Yuliang, a sister of the Republic of China painting circle: a painting is worth 30 million, out of the Qinglou but out of prejudice out of the Qinglou A word is not recognized to the first person to study abroad as a painter to once again run away from a generation of painting souls

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