
Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

author:Wild Green

I believe that everyone has also been angered by several incidents of girls living alone recently. I will not dwell on the details of the incident here, but what makes people indignant is that in such a civilized, harmonious and peaceful legal society, such appalling and tragic things will happen one after another. At the same time of grief and anger, some people also asked: Why is this?

Some people think that women should not dress up sexy and beautiful; some people think that this is the darkness of human nature; more people in this incident think that women should not live alone.... Personally, I think these are not the key to the problem, the most critical is the lack of respect for women, the lack of respect for women by men, and the lack of respect for women in society. I saw someone comment that everyone is talking to their daughters about how to protect themselves, but few people are talking about respecting women for their sons. This is true.

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

Since the establishment of civilized society, all women have been running on the road of pursuing equality between men and women, and society is constantly shouting for equality between men and women. But it turns out that until today, men and women have not achieved true equality. I would say that men, society, and even women themselves have always had a false and unfair understanding of women as a group. In fact, women are not different in all other aspects of being born human, except that women are different from men in gender and skin. Please don't label women with any gender!

Today we walk into the life of pan Yuliang, a world-class artist, and see what life has given her as a daughter. What did she give back to life?

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

Tragic death

Pan Yuliang, formerly known as Chen Xiuqing, was later renamed Zhang Yuliang, Pan Yuliang, and the character Shixiu. Born in 1895 in Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. The first half of Pan Yuliang's life is described as tragic. She lost her father at the age of one and lost her mother at the age of eight, and at the age of fourteen she was sold by her own uncle to a brothel as a brothel. Since then, the label of "prostitute" has accompanied her almost all her life, and she has stubbornly and strongly struggled to get rid of this label. When she was first sold into a brothel, she dived, hanged herself, and cut her wrists to try almost everything that would end her life to get out of this hell on earth, but every time nothing changed except a beating. Until one day when she was 17 years old, she met the noble person who changed her life, Pan Zanhua.

One day at the age of seventeen, Pan Zanhua, then the customs supervisor, came to Wuhu to take office, and the local government and all walks of life in industry and commerce held a dinner party to win over the new governor. At this time, Zhang Yuliang had grown fresh and unworldly, so he was offered a string song to help entertain. This evening, Zhang Yuliang sang a song "Bu Operator", "It is not love of wind and dust, it seems to be mistaken by the leading edge." Flowers fall from time to time, always relying on the eastern monarch. If you go, you must go, and how do you live? If the mountain flowers are planted all over the head, Mo Qiannu returns. This melody of longing for happiness and freedom lingered in the hall for a long time and attracted the attention of Pan Zanhua.

In this way, Pan Zanhua disregarded the gossip and his own reputation in the world, redeemed Zhang Yuliang and accepted him as a concubine. Zhang Yuliang also changed his name to Pan Yuliang, intending to be reborn.

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

A twist of fate

After getting married, Pan Zanhua arranged for a professional teacher to teach Pan Yuliang. Whether it is a cultural course or an art painting, Pan Yuliang is hungry for learning, and the teacher who understands the quick lead is full of admiration.

In 1918, Zhang Yuliang applied for the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and the first place in sketching and the high score of color were not listed because of her origin. Finally, under the struggle of his professor Hong Ye, he was finally admitted to the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, and studied painting professionally under Wang Jiyuan and Zhu Qizhan. Since then, Pan Yuliang has embarked on the road of art, and all the way to glory, going farther and farther.

In 1925, she won the First Place Scholarship in Rome and was able to study in Italy, where she entered the National Academy of Fine Arts in Rome to study oil painting and sculpture. In 1926, her oil painting Nude won a gold medal at the Rome International Art Fair, breaking the record in the history of the academy that no Chinese won an award.

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

In 1928, Pan Yuliang returned to China, and at the end of the year, he held his first solo exhibition in Shanghai, which was also the first solo exhibition of Western paintings in China. But her paintings were labeled "This is a prostitute's praise to her clients." She had to stop the exhibition.

The following is her self-portrait at this time, from the self-portrait we can see that she is wearing an elegant cheongsam, showing the soft and feminine beauty of women. This is her understanding of women, but also a flattery to the world. But the world did not appreciate it, they could not see all her achievements and shining points, only saw that she had been a prostitute. How pathetic!

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

Ban Tamara Self-Portrait

In 1929, Pan Yuliang became the head of the Western Painting Department of the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, his alma mater. But colleagues said they were not ashamed to work with prostitutes, and Pan Had to resign. But no matter what the world gives Pan Yuliang, she is strong and herself, and her pursuit of ideals and art is unwavering. What is the label of the world, too many people live in the distorted philosophy of life that "the grapes cannot be eaten and the grapes are sour".

Pan Yuliang has won more than a dozen international awards, known as "a first-class figure among Chinese Western painters", and set a number of international firsts and Firsts in China. But the label of "prostitute" has never been able to get rid of. If at first she still cared about what the world said about her, gradually the label did not pose any threat to her, and she lived as she wanted.

Below is a later self-portrait of her, sitting naturally and generously in front of the window, looking forward with contemptuous eyes, and the flowers placed on her chest blooming brilliantly. She seems to be telling those who label her: Life is my own, and you have not experienced my bitterness or the right to be jealous of my sweetness.

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

There are too many women who prove that in the long history, women and men can sit on an equal footing, and they also have the ability to sit on an equal footing. But why do we still wave the flag to this day to say "equality between men and women"? Because society has given women too many constraints and labels. There was once a very good female artist Georgia O'Keeffe, and when people said "female artist", she said very unpleasantly, please remove the word "female", I am an artist. How good it is to say, women and men are just different genders of people, they are the most spiritual beings in this vast universe, why should everything be clearly distinguished that it is the work of "women"? Is it just because of the unequal strength between men and women? Ridiculous, ridiculous!

Pan Yuliang, who is labeled: Women are not different except for gender and skin, please respect

"Women are pleasing to themselves", on what basis?

Men are proud of their ability to "keep women in custody", on what basis?

"A woman should take care of her children and take care of the elderly to serve her husband", on what basis?

"Women represent the bearers of sex, the oppressed party", why?

Now that it is no longer a patriarchal society, what are all the labels given to women?

The sign of the progress of human civilization: please learn to respect, learn to respect life, learn to respect women.

Only by learning to respect and fear any life can we fundamentally solve the problem of inequality between men and women, and can we put an end to the improper interpretation and oppression of women by some men.

Women shouldn't have any labels!

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is immediately deleted

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