
The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

author:Shaanxi Rural Network

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

Whether agriculture is strong or not, whether the countryside is beautiful or not, and whether the peasants are rich or not determine the quality of a well-off society in an all-round way and the quality of socialist modernization. At the 28th China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Achievements Expo, the concentrated display of rural revitalization achievements provided a "model" reference for industrial development, provided new ideas for rural green development, and brought new opportunities for farmers to get rich.

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

Agricultural remote sensing drones.

Explore paths for agricultural science and technology innovation

Rural revitalization and industrial prosperity are the key points. To prosper, the industry must accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological innovation, deepen the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements and promote the application of reform. 

  "In order to overcome the technical problems such as uneven distribution of precipitation, large evaporation and serious soil erosion on the Loess Plateau, with the support of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, the production technology of water-permeable mulch film and fully biodegradable mulch film has been adopted in the dryland areas of the Loess Plateau such as Jia county, achieving more than 20% cost saving and efficiency increase, and promoting agricultural production and farmers' income." On October 22, in the Exhibition Area of Qin Chuangyuan Agricultural Plate in Hall D of Yangling Agricultural High School, volunteers from Northwest A&F University explained to the visitors that science and technology can help increase production and efficiency of dryland agriculture on the Loess Plateau.  

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

High-yield, high-quality multi-resistant maize varieties in the exhibition area of Qin Chuangyuan Agricultural Plate.

  According to the staff of the exhibition area, in recent years, our province has accelerated the promotion and transformation of achievements, and constantly improved the six promotion modes of university experimental stations, industrial chains, science and technology commissioners, agricultural science and technology training, media, and exhibitions. Through the construction of agricultural science and technology demonstration and promotion bases, do it for farmers, carry out agricultural science and technology training, and teach farmers to do it. Build a team of "scientists + engineers + agricultural technicians", organize 1,100 science and education extension experts and 17,000 agricultural technicians with the technical title of Yangling farmers, promote agricultural scientific and technological achievements to the fields, build 350 agricultural science and technology demonstration and promotion bases, train 520,000 people in agricultural science and technology, and promote more than 3,000 new varieties and new technologies.  

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

Volunteers introduced the situation of science and technology to help increase production and efficiency of dryland agriculture on the Loess Plateau.

  It is understood that the Agricultural Plate of Qinchuangyuan is jointly built by Yangling Demonstration Zone and Northwest A&F University and other units, and is an important part of the innovation-driven platform of Qinchuangyuan in Shaanxi Province. The construction of the agricultural sector highlights the characteristics and advantages of Yangling, adheres to the main body of enterprises, the main force of talents, the market leadership, and the government's main promotion, focuses on the three-dimensional linkage "incubator", the "accelerator" of achievement transformation and the "promoter" of two-chain integration, and builds Yangling into a market-oriented, shared, open and comprehensive modern agricultural innovation-driven development platform and source for core demonstration, driving arid areas and serving the whole country.

Inject youth power into the rejuvenation of agriculture through science and technology

The key to rural revitalization lies in people. On October 22, the Shaanxi Communist Youth League's Achievements in Helping Rural Revitalization Exhibition Area, which is also in the D Hall of the Agricultural High School, with the theme of "Rejuvenating Agriculture with Science and Technology, Youth Courage to Take the Lead", highlighted the key element of "people" in the process of rural revitalization and scientific and technological revitalization of agriculture.  

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

"My hometown and me" e-commerce live broadcast scene.

  At the scene, the reporter saw that the Shaanxi Communist Youth League helped rural revitalization achievements exhibition area has a total of 4 exhibition areas such as "Rural Youth Talent Training System Exhibition Area", "Rural Revitalization Youth Style Exhibition Area", "Tuantuan Large Collection of Agricultural Products Exhibition Area", "E-commerce Live Broadcast Exchange Interactive Area", etc., through pictures, multimedia, physical objects and other forms of display, showing the achievements of the Shaanxi Communist Youth League since the Nineteenth National Congress in building a "five-in-one" work system of training and educating people, competition selection, organization and gathering, policy assistance, and typical people. 

  "We have sorted out the typical deeds of the young leaders of rural revitalization, the young leaders of industrial prosperity, and the inheritors of rural culture selected by league organizations at all levels in the province, and selected a hundred outstanding youth representatives from them to compile a book and multimedia videos for centralized display in the exhibition area, through which they encourage more young people to devote themselves to the great cause of rural revitalization." He Xiang, director of the Youth Development Department of the Provincial Youth League Committee, briefed reporters.  

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

The participating anchors of the public welfare agricultural assistance competition carried out the activity of "young anchors looking at agricultural high".

  During the exhibition, they invited the winners of the public welfare agricultural assistance competition and the rural youth of the central government and our province to carry out on-site interaction with "My Hometown and Me", publicize typical deeds, tell hometown stories, and sell hometown products. At the same time, the participating anchors of the public welfare agricultural assistance competition were organized to carry out the activity of "young anchors looking at the agricultural high", publicized the 28th Yangling Agricultural High Conference, and promoted the achievements of high-tech agriculture in various places.

  At this session of the Agricultural High School, the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League will also sign a contract with the Management Committee of yangling Demonstration Zone to jointly promote the construction of the SCO agricultural technology exchange and training demonstration base, promote the establishment of a cross-border e-commerce base for SCO agricultural youth, and build a transnational youth cooperation and exchange platform.

Provide new ideas for green development

Small toilets, large people's livelihood, and rural toilets are the shortcomings in rural ecological revitalization. On October 22, the Rural Toilet Improvement Products Technology Exhibition debuted at the Yangling Agricultural High School, advocating adherence to green development, strengthening the comprehensive management of outstanding environmental problems in rural areas, and making good ecology a support point for rural revitalization.

  "In the northern region, there is little drought and little rain, and the weather is cold and frozen, and energy saving and frost resistance are the most critical." On the morning of the 22nd, in the rural toilet product technology exhibition area of the A hall of the Agricultural High School, the staff demonstrated the antifreeze and energy-saving effects of the products to the masses while speaking.

The "model" of rural revitalization at the Yangling Agricultural High School

The staff introduced the energy-saving and anti-freeze characteristics of toilet products.

  "The minimum temperature in our area will drop to minus 30 degrees Celsius in the winter, and the most popular reaction at present is the problem of how to resist freezing." The design of this pump body is more unique, using the principle of soil insulation to achieve the effect of winter antifreeze, so that we can open the maosai. Several people from the agricultural system of Wuzhai County in Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, said after visiting, "It is really worth the trip to come to Yangling Agricultural High School." They said that the exhibition area through physical objects, models, digitization and other ways of expression, the rural toilet technology, treatment mode, toilet toilet, post-management and other all-round display, for different climatic conditions, different terrain and landform of the rural toilet revolution to provide a communication platform and reference options. At the same time, it is fun and educational, publicizing and popularizing the concept of sanitary toilets, and further improving the public's awareness of sanitary toilets.

  In recent years, our province has implemented the rural toilet revolution as an important people's livelihood project in the field of "three rural areas", adhering to the principle of subordinating quantity to quality, progress to practical results, seeking good and not seeking speed, focusing on overcoming the bottleneck of toilet improvement technology in arid and cold areas such as Northern Shaanxi and Weibei, accelerating the popularization of suitable models, and making overall plans for the construction of rural toilets and domestic sewage treatment facilities. By the end of 2020, the province has completed a total of 4.352 million rural household sanitary toilet renovations, with a penetration rate of 70.2%, and the sense of gain, happiness and security of the vast number of farmers has been significantly enhanced.

(Reporter Wang Qi, text/photo)

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