
Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

author:Minnan Net

Zheng Liansheng presided over the meeting and made an important speech Wang Jinlong attended the meeting for guidance

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

The venue of the first plenary session of the Fifth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xinzhou. Photo by Liu Jisen

On September 29, the first plenary session of the Fifth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xinzhou was held. Comrade Zheng Liansheng presided over the meeting. Wang Jinlong, head of the third supervision group of the provincial party committee's change of atmosphere, attended the meeting for guidance.

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zheng Liansheng presided over and spoke. Photo by Feng Xiaolei

The plenary session elected members, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Standing Committee of the Fifth Xinzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Zheng Liansheng was elected secretary of the municipal party committee, Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng were elected deputy secretaries of the municipal party committee, and Liu Zhuoliang, Qin Shuyi, Zhao Xinnian, Liu Tingfang, Liu Ruisheng, Zhang Wenwei, Wen Jianjun and Zhang Yuguang were elected as members of the standing committee of the municipal party committee.

There were 45 members of the municipal party committee and 8 alternate members of the municipal party committee attending the meeting.

The plenary session adopted the election results of the first plenary session of the Fifth Discipline Inspection Committee of Xinzhou City of the Communist Party of China and the resolution of the first plenary session of the Fifth Committee of Xinzhou City of the Communist Party of China.

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Group photo of the Standing Committee of the Fifth Committee of xinzhou city of the Communist Party of China. Photo by Feng Xiaolei

Zheng Liansheng, the newly elected secretary of the municipal party committee, made an important speech. He pointed out that with the party congress as the symbol, Xinzhou has entered a new stage of building an innovative pastoral city that is livable, suitable for work, and suitable for tourism. We must base ourselves on the new era, focus on the new stage, with high standards of self-construction, performance of duties, responsibility, and effectively promote all-round high-quality catch-up leapfrog development. First, it is necessary to strengthen political awareness. Always adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanxi, concentrate on promoting all-round high-quality catch-up leapfrog development, build a livable and livable and livable and livable innovative pastoral city, effectively promote the overall layout of "five in one" and the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, continuously enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and truly establish the "four consciousnesses", firm "four self-confidence", and practice the "two safeguards" We have always maintained a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee ideologically, politically, and in action. Second, we must strengthen the sense of endeavor. It is necessary to completely and accurately implement the new development concept, take the all-round high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development as the theme, take the "336" strategic layout as the traction, implement the development to specific industries, specific enterprises, specific projects, specific matters, and specific paths, implement the responsibility to specific people, strengthen the sense of progress, maintain the momentum of progress, and ensure that the spirit of the party congress is implemented in a small and small way. It is necessary to keep a close eye on a number of major matters related to the overall situation, the present, and the long-term development of Taiyuan and Xinzhou, take the initiative, be consistent, grasp to the end, unswervingly take the road of promoting high-quality development in Xinzhou in an all-round way, and ensure that all work ranks first in the province. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the sense of overall planning. It is necessary to persist in using a comprehensive, dialectical, and long-term vision to make overall plans for development and security, for the present and the long term, for the local and overall situations, for cities and towns and villages, for the key and non-key points, for conspiring according to the situation, for moving in response to the situation, for taking advantage of the situation, and for doing a good job in all fields of work. At present, in accordance with the ten major mechanisms of "sticking a pole to the end," we must make overall plans to do a good job in economic operation, project construction, consolidation of poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, key reforms, special actions, people's livelihood guarantees, ecological environmental protection, safety and stability, environmental construction, propaganda and guidance, the building of the contingent of leading bodies, and the building of party style and clean government, and earnestly do a good job in laying the foundation, increasing stamina, and seeking long-term development, and truly implement the all-round promotion of high-quality development. Fourth, we must strengthen the sense of service. We should persistently regard the benefit of the people as the greatest responsibility, and always realize, protect, and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people. It is necessary to serve the citizens, focus on solving the problems of hot spots and difficulties such as employment and entrepreneurship, social security, education and medical care, housing and pension, and environmental improvement, effectively solve the reasonable demands of the masses, make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and make the actual performance of development more "warm" and the happiness of the masses more "textured". It is necessary to serve market entities, further strengthen the concept of openness, market, competition, rule of law, innovation, integrity, and service, and strive to work the rule of law environment, infrastructure, public services, factor supply, government services, cultural guidance, and innovation ecology, and provide high-quality services for market entities, especially entrepreneurs, to start a business and innovate. Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the sense of struggle. We should persist in constantly cultivating the spirit of struggle, enhancing our ability to struggle, enhancing our courage to struggle, and enhancing our ability and ability to uphold the principled nature of our work in practice. We must have the courage to carry out self-revolution, strive to transform the subjective world, firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, life, values, and political achievements, always ensure that the principles remain unchanged, the bottom line is not lost, and the red line is not crossed, and always maintain a high-spirited and revolutionary nature. It is necessary to stand firm in the stand of struggle, uphold the truth, adhere to the party spirit, adhere to principles, resolutely struggle against acts that undermine the party's discipline and rules and damage the party's body, and struggle against acts of inaction, slow action, chaotic action, and false behavior. It is necessary to enhance the ability to struggle, always stand on the high plane of party spirit and the interests of the people, always stand on the stand of the overall situation and long-term development of Xinzhou, and truly ensure that communists dare to take responsibility for the cusp of the storm, dare to show their swords in big wrongs and big wrongs, break stereotypes and are not afraid of danger, adhere to principles and do not show affection, and always maintain the style, integrity, and ethics of communists who dare to struggle. Sixth, it is necessary to strengthen the sense of exemplary example. Adhere to the above rate, take the lead in setting an example, and persistently demonstrate and drive perseverance. It is necessary to set an example by studying diligently and constantly improve our political quality and professional ability. It is necessary to set an example in vigorously grasping implementation, take the lead in implementing the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee and the provincial party committee and the work requirements of the municipal party committee, and effectively transform them into the paths and methods of the localities, departments, and units, so as to ensure that all work guarantees are effective and effective. It is necessary to set an example for officials to start a business, take the lead in entering the bureau, do things that no one before them dared to do, and do things that others cannot do, and strive to highlight the spiritual outlook and pragmatic pursuit of Xinzhou cadres who are forging ahead and starting a business as an official. It is necessary to set an example in governing the party and discipline oneself, conscientiously implement the first responsibility of party building, grasp the leading body and lead the team in a strict and down-to-earth manner, unceasingly rectify the "four winds," persist in advancing the "three noes," build pro-Qing government and business relations, earnestly guard the bottom line of political work, take the lead in accepting supervision, and lead the atmosphere of one side with a healthy atmosphere.

Zheng Liansheng stressed that the blueprint is beautiful and the heavy responsibility lies on the shoulders. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, firmly shoulder the sacred mission of the new municipal party committee, forge the original intention, continue to struggle, unite and lead the party members and cadres and the masses in the city, really do solid work, immerse themselves in hard work, hand over the answer sheets for the new era, and repay the organization and the people.

The Fifth Xinzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

List of secretaries, deputy secretaries and standing committee members

Secretary: Zheng Liansheng

Deputy Secretary: Zhu Xiaodong Guo Bensheng 

Standing Committee: Liu Zhuoliang, Qin Shuyi, Zhao Xinnian, Liu Tingfang (female) Liu Ruisheng, Zhang Wenwei, Wen Jianjun, Zhang Yuguang 

Comrade Zheng Liansheng's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zheng Liansheng, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1965, graduate student of the Central Party School, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the Secretary of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Biography of Comrade Zhu Xiaodong

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zhu Xiaodong, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1972, university, master of business administration, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy secretary of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee, the secretary of the party group of the municipal government, and the mayor

Comrade Guo Bensheng's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Guo Bensheng, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1970, graduate student, Master of Arts, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the deputy secretary of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee (at the level of director of the main office), the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the president (dean) of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee (Municipal Administration College), and the director of the office of the Municipal Committee for Comprehensively Governing the City in Accordance with the Law.

Comrade Liu Zhuoliang's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Liu Zhuoliang, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1969, university, bachelor of economics, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission.

Comrade Qin Shuyi's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Qin Shuyi, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1968, university, bachelor of economics, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Organization Department.

Comrade Zhao Xinnian's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zhao Xinnian, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1976, university, master of public administration, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee, deputy secretary of the party group and vice mayor of the municipal government.

Comrade Liu Tingfang's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Liu Tingfang, female, Han ethnicity, born in July 1964, graduate student of the Central Party School, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Propaganda Department.

Comrade Liu Ruisheng's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Liu Ruisheng, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1966, graduate student, master of public administration, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the political commissar of the Military Sub-district.

Comrade Zhang Wenwei's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zhang Wenwei, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1976, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, master of law, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee, secretary general, director of the United Front Work Department, deputy secretary of the party group of the CPPCC Municipal Committee (concurrently), director of the office of the Municipal Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, and director of the office of the Municipal Committee of Finance and Economic Committee.)

Biography of Comrade Wen Jianjun

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Wen Jianjun, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1966, graduate student of the Central Party School, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and a member of the Party Group of the

Comrade Zhang Yuguang's resume

Resume of the standing committee of the new standing committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee: Secretary Zheng Liansheng Deputy Secretary Zhu Xiaodong and Guo Bensheng

Zhang Yuguang, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1968, graduate student of the Central Party School, member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the secretary of the Wuzhai County Party Committee.

Source: Xinzhou Daily

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