
Contribute to the power of youth! Volunteers of the Winter Olympics at the Capital University solemnly swore an oath

author:Xinhuanet client

Beijing, October 26 (Xinhua) -- "I volunteered to volunteer for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, with a great mission and a glorious task..." On the morning of the 26th, the resounding oath echoed on the air membrane ice field of Beijing Sport University, and five volunteer representatives from Beijing Sports University raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath together with volunteers from 65 other Beijing universities on the line.

On the occasion of the 100-day countdown to the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the Beijing Youth League Municipal Committee and the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee jointly hosted the Volunteer Oath Ceremony for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Olympics in the capital universities. These volunteers include volunteers from the three divisions of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, as well as city volunteers. Due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the original offline oath teacher was changed to online and offline synchronous oath teacher.

After the ice dance performance, the volunteer representatives spoke and other links, on the big screen, the volunteers of various colleges and universities lined up neatly, held their heads high, and shouted their vows to the camera - "I will do: obey the command, serve the overall situation; go all out, unite and cooperate... Jointly contribute to the holding of a simple, safe and wonderful Winter Olympics! ”

Lin Longjie, a student at the School of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation at Beijing Sport University, who will be responsible for the external liaison volunteer service work in Zhangjiakou, could not help but recall the original intention of the registration at that time after taking the oath at the scene: "I want to add glory to the Winter Olympics and play my role as a brick and tile." Yu Zhongqi, from Tsinghua University, who participated in the volunteer service work of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and will serve as a volunteer for the Beijing Winter Olympics, said that he has had an Olympic complex since he was a child and hopes to spread China's Olympic culture more widely through his "double Olympic" volunteer experience.

At present, some volunteers have participated in the work related to the Winter Olympic Test Games, and many volunteers are still in the pre-competition training stage.

The event site also held a 100-day ice and snow carnival for the countdown to the Winter Olympics for teenagers in the capital, and the young athletes demonstrated figure skating, speed skating, ice hockey and other Winter Olympic sports on the spot. The first Beijing University Ice Hockey Friendly Tournament was also launched on the spot.

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