
Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

author:Junqing observation video

According to British media reports, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair gave a public speech at an event, calling on other Western countries to jointly develop a counterterrorism strategy in the event of the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan. Blair, who served as British prime minister from 1997 to 2007, was the hasty order of Blair when he sent troops to Afghanistan, and from his speech, he regretted his decision at that time. But Blair is reluctant to admit that it is his own personal problem, but blames the times.

Blair is very disappointed with the United States now, and he believes that the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan shows that the United States has limited interest in military means to combat terrorism in the foreseeable future, and the United States is unwilling to send ground troops, which will only increase the willingness of terrorists to launch attacks.

Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

The United States has always launched wars in the name of counter-terrorism, but Europe is not the United States, and the biggest difference between the two sides is that it is difficult for terrorists to go to the United States, but it is very easy to enter Europe. With refugees is a truth, the United States is on the other side of the world, and Europe is next to the Middle East, the sins of the United States, a large part of the consequences need to be borne by Europe, refugees, terrorists, Europe is afraid of refugees, on the one hand, because terrorists may mix with refugees.

The United States has made it clear that it is going to go from Afghanistan, and the next series of troubles will find Europe, so Blair calls for the development of a counter-terrorism strategy in the case of excluding the United States, which is a very real problem, the United States cannot be mixed, even if it is mixed in, it will not play any role, it is better to take the initiative to exclude the United States.

Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

Blair noted that counterterrorism without the United States is a challenge for European countries, and he is concerned that the Lack of Strategy-Strapped by Western countries has led to anxiety among allies and the perception that the era of belonging to the West is over. After the West fled in Afghanistan, similar voices continued to be heard, and Blair also heard a lot, and Blair still recognized some of them.

Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

Blair said self-deprecatingly, Western leaders of his generation naively believed that a country could be reshaped, "we foolishly believe that Western values can be exported." "Europeans now generally accept the fact that it is the greatest lesson the war in Afghanistan has taught them. But the minds of Europeans are the same as Blair's, admitting some mistakes, but not carrying the pot, but throwing the pot to the United States, emphasizing that the United States wants to export Western values.

Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

In layman's terms, this is an afterthought, and it is the same loser as the United States, but since it is led by the United States, Europe now means: "Look, I said it would not work." So Blair said "a generation of Western leaders", including all the Western leaders of his contemporaries, and pulling everyone together to carry the pot, so that he would not be responsible for Britain's hasty invasion of Afghanistan.

Blair admits to being naïve, regrets his credulity to the United States, and that a generation of Western leaders have had to bear the burden of decline

The end of the war in Afghanistan has made the world see the decline of the West, and although Blair's words have elements of throwing pots, it is also a fact that the West has declined in the hands of their generation of Western leaders. When Afghanistan was invaded, it was the heyday of the West, especially the United States, and they thought that they could do whatever they wanted and could reshape the whole world, but they did not understand the principle that when the water was full, it overflowed, and the prosperity was declined.

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