
Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

author:Floating dreams

As a must-see program for every household during the New Year, the Spring Festival Gala has always attracted the attention of the broad masses of the people.

However, in recent years, everyone's expectations for the Spring Festival Gala have become lower and lower.

The most popular sketches are either the old-fashioned parents between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or the great rivers and mountains that praise the motherland, or the sensationalism and preaching throughout, and there is no sense of laughter at all.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Every time at this time, everyone will miss the Spring Festival Gala when there was Zhao Benshan.

In the past, as soon as the sketch was broadcast, the big guys would put down their work, and it was no exaggeration to say that even the sound of firecrackers stopped.

In the memories of many people's Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan must have occupied the majority of the head.

And he is really powerful, single-handedly carrying forward the two and bringing them to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Not only is he strong, but his Zhao family class has also cultivated a large number of excellent comedians, and Song Xiaobao and Xiao Shenyang are his apprentices.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

"After passing through Shanhaiguan, there is something to find Benshan", this sentence was not false at all at that time.

It can be said that being Zhao Benshan's apprentice was something that all comedians at that time dreamed of.

However, there are always exceptions to everything, there is such a person named Sun Xiaobao, when Zhao Benshan wanted to take him as an apprentice, he did not hesitate to refuse.

What ability did this Sun Xiaobao have to make Zhao Benshan accept him as an apprentice, and why did he reject Zhao Benshan?

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Sun Xiaobao was born in Dehui City, Changchun, Jilin Province, his family is not rich, and there are no relatives in the family who are engaged in the two-person transfer industry.

Like many children, his daily life is either to work in the field or to go to school.

In addition, his greatest pleasure every day is to put a cassette for two people on the tape recorder after coming home from school, and keep the tape recorder to listen all day.

Listening to the two people turn to anyone can, but after listening to it, it is not an easy thing to memorize all of them, and even perform it in a similar way.

Sun Xiaobao did just that.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Sun Xiaobao's father soon discovered his son's talent in this regard, secretly rejoiced that "this child is not safe to be this piece of material", and planned to let him go to a serious troupe to study.

However, there were many troupes running, and each troupe did not want to take Sun Xiaobao as an apprentice. The reason is that Sun Xiaobao is too bumpy to perform on stage.

Indeed, Sun Xiaobao's appearance is really not generous. Short man, short neck, figure-eight eyebrows, sky-facing nose, and an eye-catching matchmaker mole under the mouth.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Not only that, at that time, Sun Xiaobao was already 16 or 7 years old, far exceeding the age standard for the troupe to accept students.

The next time he hit the wall, the grandson did not give up, he firmly believed that his son must be a piece of glowing gold, and for his son, he never skimped on his encouragement and praise.

It is in the company of his father that although he has failed again and again, Sun Xiaobao still has not chosen to give up.

In order to fulfill his son's dream, and in order to let his son have a begging job, the father pulled down his son and asked for left and right in a low voice.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

This was the first time Sun Xiaobao had seen his father so humble.

Under the soft and hard bubble of his father, the Dehui Critics Troupe finally agreed to accept Sun Xiaobao as an apprentice, on the condition that Sun Xiaobao had to pay more tuition than others.

Everyone else is one hundred per month, only Sun Xiaobao is one hundred and fifteen per month.

This money was not small for them at that time, but for the sake of his son's future, his father still gritted his teeth and agreed.

In this way, Sun Xiaobao became a student of the troupe and began his artistic career.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

In the troupe, Sun Xiaobao quickly showed his talent for acting.

At that time, he and other classmates lined up a play "Pig Eight Commandments Back Daughter-in-law", and he played the Eight Commandments of Pigs in it.

Because of her small size, the "daughter-in-law" is much higher than the "Eight Precepts of the Pig".

When the "Eight Precepts of the Pig" carries the "daughter-in-law", the legs of the "daughter-in-law" are inseparable from the ground, and the "Eight Precepts of the Pig" also fell a big heel on the stage, directly pulling the effect of the program to the fullest, causing the audience to laugh.

"Sun Xiaobao", who played the Eight Precepts of the Pig, also became famous, and since then, "Xiaobao" has become a "laughing treasure" in the mouths of his classmates.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

The happy time is always short-lived, and the tuition fee of 150 yuan is too expensive for his family, and after only six months, the family can no longer afford it.

On the day he returned home, Sun Xiaobao saw his father standing in front of the house in the distance.

After seeing Sun Xiaobao return, his father lightly took the luggage in his hand and only said: "Follow me to the field to work." ”

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Along the way, the father and son did not say a word. The father walked in front of him thoughtfully, and Sun Xiaobao was also sullen and unhappy after him.

After a while, the father stopped, turned around and said guiltily, "Daddy really can't help it, don't resent Daddy." ”

Looking at the tears on his father's face, Sun Xiaobao suddenly understood his father's silence along the way.

Therefore, he secretly decided that in the future, he must mix up with a person and be filial to his father.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Although the family's savings could not support him to study in a regular theater troupe, this matter had always been a pain in his father's heart.

By chance, my father met a jianghu artist who sang red and white happy events, and since then his father has let Sun Xiaobao learn from him, and he has the opportunity to perform in the village.

In this way, in a series of red and white happy events, Sun Xiaobao's skills were honed out and gradually became a mature artist.

Subsequently, he entered the Peace Theater with his own skills and changed from a jianghu artist to a professional actor.

At the same time, it was here that he also met his destined person, Jin Ling.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

The two of them have a tacit understanding, Sun Xiaobao likes to play on the spot, and Jin Ling can always catch his temporary drama.

Under the seamless cooperation of the two, their stage is always full of laughter and thunderous applause.

Before long, the two became the finalists on the stage.

As their fame grew, many bosses began to come to them and wanted to sign contracts with them, package them, push them to a bigger stage, and shape them into characters like Zhao Benshan.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

However, these were rejected by the young couple.

Of course, his name also reached Zhao Benshan's ears. At that time, Zhao Benshan was already very famous, and was recruiting soldiers in the northeast, planning to transfer the two to the larger world.

He accepted a lot of talented duo actors and also issued an invitation to Sun Xiaobao.

However, Sun Xiaobao also refused. In their view, the Peace Theater is their home, and honest acting is the most important thing.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

At that time, in the northeast, in addition to Zhao Benshan, wei san was famous, that is, Wei San, who was called "three treasures" with Sun Xiaobao.

Wei San, like Sun Xiaobao, only began to learn to turn two people when he was 16 or 7 years old, and dreamed of one day going to a bigger stage.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Although they are both two-person transfers, the styles of Wei San and Sun Xiaobao are completely different.

Sun Xiaobao's duo turned to be famous for "customary", funny paragraphs are easy to pick up, and meat paragraphs are the highlight of them.

However, Sun Xiaobao can be freely retracted according to the audience at the scene, although "vulgar" but not "vulgar", which is not only happy, but also does not make people feel embarrassed.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Wei San studied in the martial arts school since he was a child, not as good as Sun Xiaobao, who had also been in a serious troupe.

Therefore, Wei San's two-person turn is mostly to "funny" and "play stupid" to make people laugh, as long as they can make fun of the audience, they will never consider whether it is excessive, so it is difficult to climb the elegant hall.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Compared with Wei San's vulgarity, Sun Xiaobao's two-person transfer is more elegant and common appreciation. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, if Sun Xiaobao wanted to fire, then he would definitely be able to fire Wei San.

But he is not here.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Like Sun Xiaobao, Wei San also refused Zhao Benshan's request to accept apprentices, but unlike Sun Xiaobao's greed for stability, Wei San's rejection of Zhao Benshan was that he felt that he had more cattle than Zhao Benshan.

Although there is no company packaging, and there is no master like Zhao Benshan to escort him, Sun Xiaobao still broke through the world with his own skills.

In addition to turning with his daughter-in-law Jin Ling on the stage, Sun Xiaobao also filmed a TV series, and his little life was full of wind and water.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

In 2005, he also staged a skit with Li Yong and Wei San at the Spring Festival Gala. On the stage, Sun Xiaobao and Wei San took turns to show their housekeeping skills without hesitation, which attracted the applause of the audience.

Sun Xiaobao's bridge section of "playing" Li Yong several times has become a classic scene in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

Almost overnight, everyone knew the name Sun Xiaobao.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?
Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Sun Xiaobao's value has doubled several times in the year, and many commercial performances have thrown olive branches at him. However, Sun Xiaobao, who has always been honest, did not swell because of this:

"I don't think the Spring Festival Gala stage is suitable for me, everyone has their own place."

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Unlike many people who forget their roots after becoming famous, Sun Xiaobao returned to the Peace Theater to act steadily after the fire, and there were no new works.

At that time, Zhao Benshan was busy preparing his own company, Sun Xiaobao returned to the Peace Theater, and after the Spring Festival Gala became popular, Wei San was in the limelight for a while.

Wei San took advantage of the trend and performed on many stages, and at the same time, his program also entered the 2006 program list.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

However, the overnight popularity made Wei San more and more arrogant and blind, and before the Spring Festival Gala of 2006 began, Wei San was detained for attacking the police.

The police officer who was beaten at the time publicly stated that in his opinion, Wei San, a person who violated the law, was not suitable to appear on the spring evening of the following year.

In this way, Wei San's program was killed.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

But at that time, the network was not developed, and the information spread was not fast, so Wei San's career was not affected by half a point.

However, shortly after being released from prison because of the attack on the police, Wei San was exposed to drug abuse and detained again. The news went straight to television and was broadcast as negative news.

Wei San's career suffered a fatal blow as a result, and he almost never appeared on stage again.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Wei San and Sun Xiaobao stepped onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala together, reached the peak of their acting careers together, and the two of them also ushered in the trough of their careers together.

The audience is always good at forgetting, and Sun Xiaobao, who lacks exposure, soon faded out of everyone's memory, and slowly the two turned to the market and no longer have his place.

The roof leaked during the overnight rain, and I don't know why, Sun Xiaobao and Jin Ling, who have always loved each other, finally came to the end of their marriage.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?
Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Without Jin Ling's cooperation, Sun Xiaobao was like losing a wing, and since then he has never found a partner with Jin Ling's tacit understanding.

There was only one person left in the two of them, and there was no longer a thunderous applause on his stage.

At the same time, his income has also taken a sharp turn for the worse, even to the point of unsustainability.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Therefore, he had to compromise with life and began to frequently receive commercial performances and make money by live broadcasting.

But there are so many handsome men and beautiful women on live broadcasting, and Sun Xiaobao has not eaten a little benefit.

Today, the 44-year-old Sun Xiaobao told his recent situation when he connected with the Internet celebrity Li Ge.

He and his ex-wife, Jin Ling, have been fighting over the custody of their children, and his son is currently with him and is in high school.

But without a stage, he couldn't make any money at all, and the income from live broadcasting was not enough for the daily expenses of the grandfathers, and he couldn't even pay the heating fee at home.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Just chatting like this, Sun Xiaobao proposed to recognize Li Ge as a dry father.

Originally, netizens thought he was joking, but he mentioned this matter several times in the live broadcast, and it seemed that he was really cornered.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Seeing such a situation, many people began to feel sorry for him.

If he had agreed to Zhao Benshan's request to accept the disciples, perhaps his life now would be a different situation.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Here Sun Xiaobao fell to the point of recognizing the Internet celebrity as a dry father, and Wei San, who also refused to be Zhao Benshan's apprentice, was mixed up.

Wei San, who rejected Zhao Benshan because of his arrogance, could not compromise with life, and after his career ushered in a low point, he immediately went around to trust the relationship, wanted to worship Pan Changjiang as a teacher, and on the show, he knelt down in both breaths and publicly completed the worship ceremony.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Pan Changjiang, the master, obviously did not have the ability of Zhao Benshan, and Wei San did not return to the peak of his career.

He even followed the example of the Zhao family class and set up a Wei family class as usual, but it has been tepid.

With the rise of the Internet, like Sun Xiaobao, Wei San also chose to enter the field of live broadcasting.

Sun Xiaobao was fighting alone, and Wei San was bringing his own Wei family class to live broadcast together.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Wei San has always been known for being funny, and with so many apprentices working together, Wei San's live broadcast room is much more lively than Sun Xiaobao's, and its popularity is much higher.

In the 2020 National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, Wei San took the opportunity to organize a "double festival party".

He led the disciples of the Wei family class to put on funny clothes together and amused the fans in the live broadcast room.

This live broadcast attracted a large number of netizens to watch, and the number of people once reached 100,000, which was the opposite of the dismal scene of Sun Xiaobao's live broadcast over there.

Sun Xiaobao's history of depravity, from the Spring Festival Gala comedy star to the recognition of Internet celebrities as a dry father, what has he experienced?

Sun Xiaobao is honest about his duties, does not argue or grab, and finally can't even pay the gas bill, and can only make money in the live broadcast.

Wei San was full of ambitions and broke the law many times, but in the end he successfully washed white with live broadcasting, and made a lot of money by bringing goods and selling goods.

The two are compared, and people can't help but be very sad.

The same is the trajectory of life that rises and falls, but the ending of the two is very different, is it honest that now honestly can not be eaten as a meal?

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