
About the female classmates to eat was refused, Xi'an university students ran away and disappeared for 60 days, parents looked for many ways to hope that the child would go home, and they had found a passerby to exchange cash and speculated that they did not leave the local usual introverted personality and ran away because of the failure to confess

author:News Hotspots

As of July 8, Xi'an university student Cheng Chen has been missing for up to 60 days, according to family and classmates recall, there was nothing to stimulate him before the incident, the only unusual thing is that he once asked a female classmate with a good feeling to eat, twice in a row, but the other party did not agree, on the morning of May 9, that is, the day after being rejected, Cheng Chen left the campus alone, and has not been heard from since.

About the female classmates to eat was refused, Xi'an university students ran away and disappeared for 60 days, parents looked for many ways to hope that the child would go home, and they had found a passerby to exchange cash and speculated that they did not leave the local usual introverted personality and ran away because of the failure to confess

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > had exchanged cash with passers-by</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > speculated not to have left the area</h1>

Cheng Chen did not come to class, the school contacted his parents for the first time, but the family found that his mobile phone had been turned off, and there was no trace of his son everywhere, and Cheng Chen's father called the police.

According to the police investigation, on the morning of May 9, Cheng Chen first took a taxi to a community more than 30 kilometers away from the school, stayed for a morning and then returned to the city for lunch, and exchanged more than 800 yuan in cash with a mobile phone payment with a passerby.

About the female classmates to eat was refused, Xi'an university students ran away and disappeared for 60 days, parents looked for many ways to hope that the child would go home, and they had found a passerby to exchange cash and speculated that they did not leave the local usual introverted personality and ran away because of the failure to confess

Cheng Chen's family speculated that he could not use a mobile phone, did not bring an ID card, and did not have much cash on his body, so he could not go too far, so he should still be in Xi'an at this time.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > usually introverted</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > suspected of running away due to a failed confession</h1>

When he disappeared, the neighborhood he went to twice in the morning was not his own home, nor was it the residence of any relatives and friends, what was there in this place that attracted him, was the girl he liked living there?

Cheng Chen's family wanted to contact the girl who was invited to dinner to inquire about the situation, but the school refused on the grounds that "can not directly face the parties", and could only understand the situation through classmates and teachers, only to know that the female classmate had rejected Cheng Chen's invitation twice, and the rest was not clear.

About the female classmates to eat was refused, Xi'an university students ran away and disappeared for 60 days, parents looked for many ways to hope that the child would go home, and they had found a passerby to exchange cash and speculated that they did not leave the local usual introverted personality and ran away because of the failure to confess

Cheng Chen's father introduced that usually children and their families have less communication, their personality is very introverted, and there are not many friends, which may be one of the reasons why they did not talk to their parents after suffering setbacks, but chose to go out alone.

During this time, they have been blaming themselves, thinking that the usual communication with the child is not enough, resulting in the child running away alone, Cheng Chen's disappearance during his family has been sending messages to his mobile phone, hoping that the child will get out of the haze as soon as possible and return to normal life, but it has been more than two months, and there is still no news.

About the female classmates to eat was refused, Xi'an university students ran away and disappeared for 60 days, parents looked for many ways to hope that the child would go home, and they had found a passerby to exchange cash and speculated that they did not leave the local usual introverted personality and ran away because of the failure to confess

At present, the Xi'an police have intervened in the investigation, and the female classmates involved and the communities that Cheng Chen went to many times on the day of his disappearance are the focus of investigation.

After the search notice released by Cheng Chen's parents spread on the Internet, many netizens advised him to go home early, no matter what he did, the most worried about the most loved by his family, he could only hurt his family by escaping like this, in addition to no use, some netizens believed that because of such a small matter, it would be difficult to be with such a boy, and it would be difficult to be with the girl, and it was not to blame the girl for refusing.

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