
Li Huayue's evening view is desolate! Only she dared to shoot really on the set!

author:Life catches fast

The name Li Huayue may not be familiar to everyone, but if you mention Shu Weeping, Li Lizhen, Ye Zilin, etc. in the same period, or "Qing Ben Jia Ren", "Jade Futon's Secret Love Treasure" and other films, there must be a lot of people who remember.

And Li Huayue played a very important role in these films, and every scene was a real gun, which was very bold and avant-garde at the time! It was also because he once took a photo naked on the streets of Hong Kong, which was criticized by the apologists at that time.

Li Huayue's evening view is desolate! Only she dared to shoot really on the set!

Born in 1956, Lee Wah Yue is a Hong Kong film actor.

He has starred in classic films such as "Intimate Lover", "Blood Love", "The Secret History of the Forbidden Palace of the Manchu Qing Dynasty", "The Love of Abuse", "Eight Immortals Hotel's Human Meat Char Siu Bun" and so on.

Her appearance is not very outstanding, but she is quite hardworking. Li Huayue prepared the third-grade film "Blood Love" at his own expense, and also served as a producer, screenwriter, director and actor. It also hyped up in front of the media, publicly recruiting film actors on the condition of "fake drama and real work", claiming that when shooting, it should be "real knife and real work, extremely realistic". The gimmick was a big deal.

Li Huayue is an overseas Chinese, and the Chinese is actually not very good. It is not very competitive among the Hong Kong off-star in the same period. Therefore, the film she made ended dismal in the end, and her life after that was even more lonely.

Li Huayue's evening view is desolate! Only she dared to shoot really on the set!

In the blink of an eye, Li Huayue is 57 years old. She was also photographed by the media in a lightly dressed appearance, although her figure is not out of shape, but her facial muscles are relaxed and very scary.

Li Huayue's evening view is desolate! Only she dared to shoot really on the set!