
Four quantiles series – Vince Carter

author:LBJ basketball dreamer

The era of the four major quantiles began in 1998 when Carter entered the league,

It also ended with Carter's quiet retirement in 2020.

Vince Carter was the last of the four major divisions to enter the league.

But it was also the last to withdraw from the league.

Four quantiles series – Vince Carter

Because Carter's style of play is too hot, he has attracted a large number of fans at the same time, but also by countless people questioned,

Many of them included questions about Carter's physical patience, as almost all fans at the time thought that Carter would be the most injured of the four major divisions and the first to retire.

But the truth is that as fans think, Carter's career injuries have hardly stopped.

But Carter didn't exactly become the first of the four major divisions to retire as fans thought.

Instead, he stuck to the alliance for 22 years and became the curtain of an era.

At the peak of his career, he was put on the feet of Spurs Bowen 3 times, and his knee injuries and shoulder injuries also "followed", which directly led to a sharp decline in Carter's state.

But under such injury troubles, Carter can still dedicate the last lock collection to the fans,

Perhaps the most impressive of these is Carter's riding on the French big center at the Olympics.

Four quantiles series – Vince Carter

However, Carter's offensive means are far more than dunks, but his dunk ability is too dazzling, so everyone may gradually forget Carter's rich "arsenal".

The NBA's all-time three-pointer goal counts are the league's top three-pointers, but if you look closely at this ranking list, the sixth in history is the dunk king we know - Vince Carter.

I believe that such a player who can make a good shot can shine no matter what era,

However, it is a pity that the performances of Iverson, Kobe Bryant and Maddy in the same period are more dazzling, so people will always feel that Carter is not worthy of being compared with the three of them when mentioning the four major quantiles.

But don't forget that Carter was also the one who once scored 52 points against Iverson in the Eastern Conference Finals;

And don't forget that he was the one who won four All-Star ticket kings in the era of the four major quantiles, and the number of ticket kings was tied with Kobe;

Everyone can remember Maddy's 35.13 seconds, but don't forget Carter's 44.12 seconds and his last-minute tie to take away the game.

Four quantiles series – Vince Carter

Although Carter's honor is far less than these three, his influence on the NBA is definitely not much worse than theirs.

Carter, 43, has been fighting for the league for 22 years, and his physical and physical strength is not as good as before.

But he's also willing to embrace his role shift from being a superstar to a role player on the bench, the league's big brother telling future generations of players with his actions:

If there is a reason to persist until now, it must be love.

On March 11, 2020, with Carter's whistle-pressing three-point response to the net, the demigod born for the sky said a hasty farewell to the NBA's historical stage, and an era also came to an end.

There is no trace of you in the sky anymore, but you have already flown by.

For Carter fans, they may have been prepared for Carter's retirement at any time, but when they really hear the news, they may still sigh about the years, and those who belong to the post-80s and post-90s youth will forever become the past.

Although Carter has been retired for a year, we still have to thank this demigod for staying with us for so long and contributing countless beautiful highlights to each fan.

The trapeze came to an end, and the jianghu has only four major symbols since then.

Four quantiles series – Vince Carter

The original text, please pay attention to the public number: basketball dream chaser

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