
Early summer, shallow

author:Early reading
Early summer, shallow

The hustle and bustle of spring has faded, and the vision has become pure and pure.

Bright green, elegant white, green fruit, warm wind...

Early summer, that's it.

I have always felt that the short days of early summer are like a gift from God.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

The sun is not very harsh, and the wind is gentle.

Before the heat, before the cicadas chirped, everything was in the initial brewing, clean as ever, green as ever.

The poplar tree is shaking its leaves, the pomegranate tree is bearing its fruit, and everything is growing unhurriedly.

So silent, so moving.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow


Early Summer · Hanaasaasa

[ The fragrance of April in the world is exhausted, and there is a dark fragrance of locust flowers ]

In the early summer, it is warm, walking on the streets, and there is a fragrance that comes.

Looking for incense, a bunch of white and flawless flowers, dotted with branches, a plain white, swaying posture.

Not like the delicate and unbridled spring flowers, the flowers of early summer are light and soft.

Like a clear spring, it is clear and gentle, stirring up the excitement and surprise of the heart.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

In a trance, it seems to be back to childhood.

The old locust tree in the courtyard becomes vivid and lively every early summer.

The breeze is gentle, a string of small bells, shaking the fragrance of the courtyard, and the taste buds are also seduced.

Mother collects a basket of locust flowers, the fragrance is into the heart, and then washed, made into a locust flower cake, soft and delicious, sweet and delicious.

Take a bite, full of locust flowers, and eat the first bite of summer.

Later, when I left home to work, I never tasted locust cake again.

It's just that every year in early summer, when the streets and alleys are haunted by the scent of locust flowers, there will be a tide in my heart.

I can't help but look for the first summer memories in the shadows of the dark fragrance.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow


Early summer · The wind is shallow

[ Bamboo shake clear shadow cover window, two or two birds noisy sunset ]

The smoke of early summer is always calm.

The sun shines in the trees, revealing a little bit of broken sunlight, and the shadows of the trees are delicate.

In early summer, the wind is shallow.

Like the wings on the soft wings of an angel plucking the strings, gently playing long songs, and putting the starlight in the heart field.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

The mind is quiet at this moment, and everything becomes clear.

Reflecting the breath and change of everything in the world, I look forward to the arrival of a heartbeat.

Places wait to expect you to show up

I didn't see the wind of early summer that year

Crying alone is like really missing

How would you know that it is your endless love

I wish my tears were still hidden

But accidentally let you watch it flow


- "The Wind of Early Summer"

The weather in early summer, the wind and clouds change, everything comes and goes in a hurry, fleeting.

After the light rain, the sky was brushed clean, it was a pure blue sky that only existed in summer, and there was a cloud with high clarity, so white that I couldn't help but be surprised.

Early summer, shallow

And the half-hot and half-cool wind gently brushed away the dust of one side of the memory in the corner for me, evoking the dusty memories.

Naughty children grow into handsome teenagers, the sound of books in school, running figures on the playground, school bags under the desk, laughter in the corridors...

Sincere but not enthusiastic, frank but not reckless.

Those distant imprints of youth are cherished in the deepest part of memory.

The warm wind blows and ripples.

Early summer, shallow


Early Summer · Aasaasa

[ Plum leaves acid soft teeth, plantain green with window screen ]

Rock sugar light green grass, small green plums on the branches, willow eyebrows for whom to open. It seems to be to the east of the king, happy to see the old man coming. The scenery of the small courtyard wine is the same, to the late hook crescent falling flower wind.

The most moving thing about early summer is the plum green.

The warm wind is not dry, the sun is just right, and when you open your eyes, the branches are full of green plums, which is the endless greenery between heaven and earth.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

The way Qingmei sticks her head out of the green leaves is extremely delicate.

Shyly covered with a layer of fine soft fluff, soaked with rain dew, fresh and dripping, let people look at it and want to take a bite - can not really bite, at this time the green plum, the entrance can sour cheeks.

Just like when I was young, I didn't know where to be uninhibited and impulsive, all with some sour and astringent taste.

Later, he learned to make plum wine.

Plums blend with rock sugar and white wine over time, slowly turning from green and yellow to clear.

After a long time, this jar of plum wine has been unable to distinguish what is plum fragrance and what is wine aroma, which is more mellow than before.

Only after experiencing the green astringency, can you understand the mellow fragrance in the future.

It's like experiencing the green and shallow of this early summer, and then daring to embrace the scorching sun of midsummer.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow


Early Summer · Insasa

[ Little lotus only shows sharp horns, there are dragonflies standing on the head ]

The spring water rises and falls, the little lotus first appears, and the dragonflies fly by and quietly stop.

The transparent wings fluttered, and the string in the heart also trembled with it, just like the most beautiful first sight in life.

The spring is silent and the water is sunny and soft.

The little lotus only showed its sharp horns, and there were dragonflies standing on its head.

—— "Xiao Chi", Yang Wanli

In early summer, the little lotus first appeared, and the heart first appeared.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

Unlike the hot summer days, the pavilions of the pond are graceful and colorful.

Xiao Lotus is just green and pointed, and the affection is shallow.

Just like a juvenile heart, the love sinus has just opened, and it does not cause dust.

If life is only like the first sight, it is like the water and lotus on the side of the pond and the fishing boat is late.

In the early summer of that year, the young girl was delicate, the teenager was high-spirited, carrying the fragrance of grass, his heart was beating, he leaned on the door and looked back, his eyes were flowing, and he sniffed the green plum.

Years later, it is still nostalgic and has become the deepest attachment in life.

This is the beginning of all stories and the end of all fairy tales.

In the days that followed, the tide of green poured in, spreading deep and shallow, shining leaves, dense bushes mixed with sunlight and sweat, not like years.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

Come to think of it, everyone has their own early summer in their hearts.

The swaying incense at the tip of the nose is earth and grass, plantains and cherries.

Early summer, shallow
Early summer, shallow

The shallow memories danced in the shallow wind, mixed with the shallow floral fragrance, indulged in the shallow aroma of wine...

Maybe it's an old childhood dream, maybe it's a memories of youth, maybe it's an unforgettable past, maybe it's just a moment of warm treasure.

Those flashes of light, in the shallow taste of early summer, will never grow old.

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