
Zhang Lijun: Examination room composition, open four eyes, full of brilliance


1. Open the eyes of a bodhisattva

I asked myself, as a grading teacher, what kind of articles are I particularly afraid of?

What I fear most is the "Christmas Tree Essay." What do you see as the characteristics of that Christmas tree? It's a rootless tree! The variety of small objects hanging on the Christmas tree - small snowflakes, small stars, small peach hearts, and all kinds of small gifts in the socks, as well as boxes of small gifts piled high under the Christmas tree, they have one thing in common, that is, they are all fake! Nothing grew from this tree. Hollowness has become its biggest feature. The so-called opening of the eyes of a bodhisattva means that you must understand true compassion and true love. Once there is an element of true compassion in the article, the grading teacher will not turn a blind eye. The Disciple Rules say, "All men must love; the heavens are the same, and the earth is the same." "Only by loving others will they be loved; only by loving others will they be loved by those who read the papers." In 2010, the college entrance examination essay in Guangdong Province was "Neighbor with You". I still remember the essay of the Shenzhen candidate. His writing is to open the "eyes of the bodhisattva"! He wrote his own tablemates, two people very good, are "dead party" level. Next, he wrote: "Until the most nervous month before the college entrance examination, you suddenly said that you were going back to your hometown in Anhui. According to the regulations, candidates must return to their place of origin to take the college entrance examination, you said that you will give up the application for Shenzhen University, because the number of students enrolled in Shenzhen University in his hometown is small, in addition, the learning environment in Anhui, the use of teaching materials is different from Shenzhen, hesitate again and again, or decide to give up... Today, we will walk into the examination room at the same time and write an answer sheet for our own tomorrow, the difference is that I am in Shenzhen and you are in a strange hometown. Many reviewers said that reading this, I couldn't help but cry. Yes, the college entrance examination, everyone can not take care of themselves, this candidate is still worried about the "dead party" in Anhui; in addition, it touches the policy hotspot of the children of migrant workers returning to their hometown college entrance examination, which is very eye-catching.

In 2001, the year of the "integrity" exam, there was a rural test taker whose composition I still remember, and he wrote an article that focused on narrative. The opening chapter is "The mule is sold, Grandpa's soul is lost...", next, write that the mule is looking for home because of the way, Grandpa is overjoyed, but the "honest" Grandpa personally returns the mule to the buyer. The story is vivid and true, poking at the tears. Opposite my school is a park with a peony garden inside. Inside this peony garden, there are peonies planted. About five years ago, when the peonies were in full bloom, I noticed that the peonies in the peony garden were constantly being lost. Later, someone wrote a warning sign and stamped it there. That warning sign is so well written! It is definitely a writing that opens the "eyes of a bodhisattva"!

I'll start by telling my students about me asking my students to write warnings. My request is: write words that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and write words that have the effect of persuasion. So they wrote - civilized city everyone built, please don't pick peonies! (Political version) Love peonies, everyone has a responsibility! (Garden version) Peonies are blooming, how to bear to hurt! (Sensational version) Peony pickers, cut off their children and grandchildren! (Violent version) Finally, I revealed the "standard answer" - peonies are not easy, and they bloom only one season a year. The most prosperous is only about ten days, and it is a blessing to look at it. If you have a rare color, shoot it and paint it at will. Girls don't pick flowers to wear, stealing flowers will not add beauty. Children do not harm the flowers, you laugh when the flowers cry. National color Tianxiang people appreciate, do not take home!

Quietly tell you: there is a shortcut to writing - from heart to heart the closest! You must not expect you to write an unobtrusive "Christmas tree essay", the grading teacher looked away and gave you a high score. It's as ridiculous as a monkey randomly tapping a keyboard to knock out a "Nobel Prize."

Ruthless writing can only be exchanged for ruthless scores. How fair this is!

Second, open your eyes

The bodhisattva should lower his eyebrows, and the Vajrapani should look angrily. Your article must be both soft in heart and hard in bones. If the "bodhisattva eye" is the dare to love, then the "vajra eye" is the dare to hate. If your article is blindly full of small flowers and grasses, warm and warm, then your love will not have strength, and your article will not be eye-catching. Dare to love and hate. So, what do we hate? Hate what to hate, hate to hate people. If we don't hate it, the conscience of words will be gone. Some people say that you have to be careful when writing "hate" in your essay! That's right, you have to hate right first.

For example, the 2015 college entrance examination essay was "Xiao Chen reported his father Lao Chen on the phone on the highway." As a daughter, Xiao Chen repeatedly dissuaded her father, but her father still went her own way; the daughter resolutely reported her father to the traffic police out of consideration for her father's personal safety.

Why did Xiao Chen's move cause controversy? Because Confucius advocated that "the son is hidden for the father." Even when the father stole a sheep from someone else, Confucius did not agree to his son coming forward to testify. And in most people's hearts, Confucius is a saint! Naturally, the words of the saints are only a matter of obedience. If so, then Xiao Chen is really rebellious!

So, do you think Xiao Chen is hateful or Old Chen is hateful? Or is it hateful to those who can't tell any reason and will only use "verbal violence" against Xiao Chen or Lao Chen? In the face of such materials, I do not advocate and thin mud. If you were to play fifty boards each against Xiao Chen and Lao Chen, then I would give you 100% contempt for your attitude of riding the wall. You have to show your attitude. I like words with a clear attitude: "(Xiao Chen) You should not be disturbed by these controversies, do not be overwhelmed by the rendering label of 'reporting father', and firmly believe that you are expressing your love for your father in a way that is acceptable to your father." I know that you are not doing this, 'I love my father, I love principles', but pure love for my father, and change bad habits in such a way that my father remembers deeply. This kind of love is enough as long as the father can understand it, and it does not need to be understood by others. "This text, written in place.

Below, I would like to provide you with a fresh material, you come to try to make a decision - Hebei Province rated a "2017 moving Hebei Top Ten People". Among the ten major figures, there is a woman, who is solemnly named "Zero Bride Price Hero". The so-called "zero bride price hero" of course refers to not asking the man for a bride price when getting married. Do you think this woman deserves to be a "hero"? Make your attitude clear and write an essay. To this end, I wrote an article entitled "From 'Zero Bride Price Hero' to 'Red Light Stop Jackpot', How Did This Become a Feat?" 》。 Hopefully, you will be inspired by this topic.

Revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao has a famous link: "Iron shoulders moral righteousness, and clever hands write articles." "It was so nice! I like articles that are a little tough, but unfortunately, too many of my classmates' articles become inattentive: shouldering morality and writing articles with soft hands.

Third, open your peach blossom eyes

What is "Peach Blossom Eye"? Peach blossom eyes are amorous eyes! After all, literature is the work of many lovers! You take a look at Cao Xueqin's "Dream of the Red Chamber", how sentimental! You might have to ask, "Huh?" Is Teacher Zhang going to let me write love affairs on the college entrance examination essay paper? "Of course not! By sentimentality, I mean to make you sensitive and affectionate about beauty. Remember: Even if a person sings beautifully in the middle of the desert, he can find his own audience. In this part, I have to talk to you about the "pseudo-beauty" text. Some time ago, there was a hyped college entrance examination full score essay (2005 national college entrance examination essay "Forget and Remember"), the article wrote: Xi Murong said: "Life is a river that flows endlessly, we are all the people who cross the river." "On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank of the river of life is remembering. We shuttled between the left and right shores in our own unique boats, only to know - to forget what should be forgotten, to remember what to remember. Walking on the road of life, we laugh and watch the flowers blossom and fall outside the window, the leaves and leaves fall, and watch the clouds outside the sky, and the wind stops. On the road, we experience too many tragedies and joys, and in the process of sailing the river of life, we have learned to forget the sad and happy things that should be forgotten, and we have learned to remember the bits and pieces that should be remembered. Su Dongpo... Tao Yuanming... Easy Anju... Sanmao... Van gogh...... Hide in the depths of dreams and memories, listen to the flowers and the night sing the nightmares, sing the prosperity, and sing the way of all the memories.

Yes, this candidate is rich in "memory" and the ability to "adjust memory" is also amazing. However, when this article was translated to the United States, Emily, an undergraduate writing teacher at Yale University, believed that the "routines" that Chinese students are proud of are precisely the taboos of writing in the eyes of American universities! Because Chinese students like to write articles with poetic, complex, and flowery words and sentences, the result is that it is irresponsible to disturb readers! She speculated that "perhaps these students are trying to cover up the inadequacy of their thinking." As American teachers continue to ferment their doubts about our full score, most language teachers are reflecting: "pseudo-beauty", is it "beautiful"? At this moment, if you dare to follow in the footsteps of this "pseudo-beautiful" text, you may be subjected to "retaliatory slaughter" by the readers, so please be extra careful! The so-called beautiful text is not to play with flowers, not to play with "literary and artistic style", but to "praise the truth, goodness and beauty through wonderful stories, vivid language, and plump images, denigrate false evil and ugliness, and highlight the beauty of faith and the beauty of the sublime." If the words of beauty are not attached to the idea of beauty, they will become the ulcer of "bright peach blossoms". Our views should also beware of mediocrity and kitsch. I wrote in the article "Roses Blossom for The Blossom": I have shared the story of "peacock and composition" with my peers many times - the Chinese teacher told a story for everyone to find an argument: male peacocks cherish their beautiful tails very much, and must be combed and cared for every day, for fear of slight damage. Hunters know this characteristic to hunt peacocks on rainy days, because the rain will wet the big tail of the male peacock, because there is full of moisture, the peacock is afraid of taking off and will hurt the feathers, so no matter how close the hunter is, he is absolutely motionless and allowed to be slaughtered. Soon, a "scholar bully" made a high opinion: "You can start from two aspects. A peacock - coveting vanity, losing big because of small, ignoring the whole, only looking at the part... Two hunters - good at seizing the opportunity..." The teacher listened and nodded his head in approval.

Alas, how can you not dig into such a depth: for the peacock, beauty is its life. It guards beautiful feathers, and it is guarding a beauty for human infatuation! At this moment, the hunter who sneaked up on the peacock was despicable and shameless to the extreme.

Fourth, open the eyes of the child

The so-called "child's eyes", that is, children's eyes, are full of innocent and childlike eyes. Among the prose writers I have come into contact with, the one I admire the most is Balgi Wilderness. I always like to use one of his sentences as an example to illustrate how interesting children are. For example, you imagine a scene where a sika deer goes to a spring to drink water. Then, please write it out in the language of literature. At best, you might say: a bouncing sika deer goes to the crystal clear spring to drink water. However, The Man Balgi Wilderness does not write so. He wrote it so funny—"The spring water holds up the deer's pink lips"!

I love this wonderful sentence so much! I liked it so much that I couldn't help but ask Sensei Harano to write a calligraphy for this sentence. In fact, this is a sentence full of childlike innocence. Borji Wilderness can face a silk-spitting bug, a fiery red crown, and a tomato with a wonderful dome to produce endless and wonderful associations, thus removing the unspeakable anxiety and uneasiness in the reader's soul. His "Moonlight Handkerchief" and "Snow Greeting Card" are all wonderful texts full of innocence and childlike fun. If you can quote such a passage in your article, any language teacher will instantly fall in love with you.

There is a text in the "Old Textbook of the Republic of China", and there are only four short sentences throughout: "Three cows eat grass, one sheep also eats grass, one sheep does not eat grass, it looks at flowers." You see, this is clearly a sheep with a poetic temperament!

You might ask ," why is it so flattering to quote such a sentence?" "This is because, behind the cows, sheep, flowers, and grass, there stands an innocent child! Whoever eats the grass and who watches the flowers is all the result of the child's observation; and this child is every child's today and every adult's yesterday. Such a sentence is naturally "all ages eat". Of course, here I would also like to remind everyone that innocence and childishness are not childish and immature, it is different from being tender and selling cuteness in the text. When you drop the pen is "bear big", "bear two", "happy sheep" and "gray wolf", then congratulations, you are stable into the three types of text no doubt! Finally, test everyone's "childlike fun index". There was a singer named Xiao Juan, she said: "If you sing well..." Now, please continue the sentence after "then". How will you pick it up? Hopefully, her "If You Sing Well" article didn't surprise you.

The person who writes eats the "soul meal"; I have said: "Writing is a gesture of inviting dialogue." If you can have a "soul dialogue" with your grading teacher on that college entrance examination essay paper, then how can the teacher not give you a high score? When you write, please open these four eyes (of course, in an article, you don't have to open all four eyes, it is good to open one eye).

Bodhisattva Eyes – Compassionate Lover.

King Kong Eye – Justice sharp.

Peach blossom eyes - sensitive and amorous.

Child's Eyes - Childlike Fun.

Zhang Lijun: Examination room composition, open four eyes, full of brilliance

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