
"Write a story like Tolstoy": Everyone has a novel dream, most people do not dare to start writing 01 million things at the beginning of the difficulty, you dare to start 02 from character creation to rhythm grasp, all aspects to the end of the 03 story, insist on changing, changing, changing the conclusion

author:Enlightenment of the Law

Fiction stories not only live in fictional worlds, but often come from real life. We all have real lives, so why not become writers? This is because most of us either don't dare to try, or give up halfway, or lose to ourselves!

Recently read "Write Stories Like Tolstoy", I was deeply touched, it turns out that most well-known writers are as bitter as we are, suffering from the beginning of the story, Woody Allen to rely on the bath to find inspiration, Gertrudestein to see the cow to get ideas.

Write Stories Like Tolstoy is a book by the famous British publishing director Richard Tolstoy. Cohen has accumulated experience in editing and reviewing countless works and teaching creative writing at Kingston University in the United Kingdom for seven years.

The book lists many famous artists, from Tolstoy to Hemingway to Stephen. King, see how these masters solve the tricky writing skills problem, let us absorb useful nutrition, stimulate our literary imagination and creative impulses, follow the chapters of the book, and easily start the whole creative journey like a progress bar.

"Write a story like Tolstoy": Everyone has a novel dream, most people do not dare to start writing 01 million things at the beginning of the difficulty, you dare to start 02 from character creation to rhythm grasp, all aspects to the end of the 03 story, insist on changing, changing, changing the conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is expensive to dare to start</h1>

The first sentence is difficult, the difficulty is that you may be stuck, and the rest of the text will flow out of this sentence. When you write the first two sentences, your other choices are all gone. - Joan. Didis

Writing is as difficult as doing other things, how to attract readers to keep reading through a good opening statement is the most distressing thing for every writer, it can be said that a good start is half of success, but often this half, although the number of words is small, it prevents most people from starting.

After summarizing the beginning of many famous artists, the author comes up with three elements: grasping, inviting, and inducing.

Grasp: Catch it at a glance at the reader's heart, and have the desire to continue reading.

Such as "Hell" in "Golf Course Doubt"! This is the author's unique style, which is easy to grab the reader's attention.

Invitation: In fact, it arouses the reader's curiosity and eagerness to read further.

For example, in "The Old Man and the Sea", Hemingway wrote: He is an old man who rowed a small boat alone to fish along the Gulf Stream, and has been out of the sea for 84 days, and not a single fish has been caught. For the first 40 days, there was a little boy with him, but after 40 days of nothing, the boy's parents told her that the old man was definitely "salao", a word that was misfortune in misfortune... The sails are patched with flour bags, rolled up, and look like a flag symbolizing the destruction of a hundred battles.

Inducement: In fact, it is to induce the reader to follow the story to explore the follow-up.

For example, Mark Twain wrote in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Those who want to find motives in the narrative will be denounced, those who want to find a sense of morality will be exiled, and those who want to find plot will be shot.

Let the reader wonder who these people are, what kind of people?

The author lists a variety of opening forms in the book, but in general, it can not jump out of the key to these three forms, by listing the examples of famous artists, to guide the reader to explore their own way, which is a good book that stimulates people's creative passion.

"Write a story like Tolstoy": Everyone has a novel dream, most people do not dare to start writing 01 million things at the beginning of the difficulty, you dare to start 02 from character creation to rhythm grasp, all aspects to the end of the 03 story, insist on changing, changing, changing the conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > everything from character creation to rhythm grasp</h1>

The protagonist of the character is often the biggest problem before we start creating, it bothers us like a circular ruin, so how to create interesting, vivid and vivid characters?

How to give them life? Cohen uses 66 literature interpretations of all of this. Tolstoy went out of his way to introduce each animal on the farm to his visiting friends, and he was able to articulate the personality, story, family relationship, and even ethical details of each animal, which were often not the focus of most people's attention.

And the character portrayal in the story, does not it also need such a full understanding? That's why Tolstoy was so at ease in his creation that he was hailed as "one of the greatest master manipulators in literature." ”

The book also guides us to all the details of story creation, such as how to fill the story framework in order to enrich the storyline.

The author explores perspective, dialogue, narrative, rhythm, and even plagiarism, satire, and sexual depictions, all of which are important tools necessary for us to shape a complete story.

For example, only the writer has: I, you, he, she, we, you, they six, in fact, this is the perspective of six angles, allowing people to choose the most appropriate perspective to tell the story according to different stories, appear real, and easy for readers to substitute, not only can approach the distance between the reader and the story, but also increase empathy and identity from the basic level.

For example, dialogue, whether it is a secret conversation between two people or a conversation between many people, is also an element of literary creation. The detailed description of the dialogue needs to be able to convey the personality of the characters, make the events full of drama and temptation, and guide the reader to continue reading, which requires efforts to make the dialogue precise, do not have superfluous words, but also show accurate meaning.

For example, narrative, how to let the expression of the story grab the reader's attention, you need to rely on the expression of language to satisfy.

Defeat monsters, self-made, expeditions, voyages and returns, comedy, tragedy, rebirth. The elements of the story are the setting of the scene, the dialogue, the atmosphere, the symbolism, the description, the reflection and the characterization.

Every map and scene needs to be carefully thought about and portrayed.

"Write a story like Tolstoy": Everyone has a novel dream, most people do not dare to start writing 01 million things at the beginning of the difficulty, you dare to start 02 from character creation to rhythm grasp, all aspects to the end of the 03 story, insist on changing, changing, changing the conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > story to end, insist on changing, changing, and changing</h1>

Some writers want to end the story quickly, and some writers are reluctant to end the protagonist's life, but the ending is a problem that every writer has to face, so how to make it end?

The writer's advice is to keep reviewing and revising, trying to stop writing and start over

The Trash is a writer's best friend.

--Isaac. Beshes. Singh

The story with the ending is the complete layout, so it must be constantly reviewed and revised. As Jane. Austen made several unrecognizable changes to Persuasion, with minor adjustments and drastic changes, making it a good work.

But most people are only willing to polish the work, and some articles need to undergo major surgery, so it is worth deleting, dare to read and revise it repeatedly, test the courage of the author, after all, this is like cutting off the flesh of the body, but also have to do this.

So it's important to know when and where to delete.

Sentences should not have verbose words, and paragraphs should not have redundant sentences. Check each metaphor to make sure they sound appropriate. Cut out clichés, check the consistency of punctuation, and show connections between words, not just pauses. Check that paragraphs and chapters are reasonable. The meaning of revision is to reread the examination, to re-examine or ponder, and then to make up for the error. Start over, start over, start over.

"Write a story like Tolstoy": Everyone has a novel dream, most people do not dare to start writing 01 million things at the beginning of the difficulty, you dare to start 02 from character creation to rhythm grasp, all aspects to the end of the 03 story, insist on changing, changing, changing the conclusion

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

The biggest takeaway from this book is that it is not empty talk, but through the examples of famous writers to speak with data, into the minds of celebrities to see how they operate when faced with writing difficulties, so that readers can learn from their experience and methods of dealing with problems, and bring themselves good writing inspiration.

At the same time, we are told that everyone is trapped in the beginning of the article, but those who are trapped in writing are often afraid to start! You don't have the courage to try and make mistakes, but you don't have the courage to try and make mistakes. As soon as the mystery of writing begins, each person can construct their own complete story system.

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