
High blood pressure targets thin people, thin people get high blood pressure is more terrible? These 3 truths explain to you what factors are related to high blood pressure? Why are thin people more at risk of high blood pressure?

author:GP online

In China, hypertension is a high-incidence disease, and the number of people who suffer from it has reached 270 million. Because most of the patients with hypertension are relatively obese people, so many people take it for granted that hypertension is the patent of fat people, in fact, this cognition is wrong, although the incidence of hypertension has a certain relationship with weight, but weight is not the only factor, if thin people suffer from high blood pressure, the risk factor is much higher than that of fat people.

High blood pressure targets thin people, thin people get high blood pressure is more terrible? These 3 truths explain to you what factors are related to high blood pressure? Why are thin people more at risk of high blood pressure?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" what factors are associated with hypertension >? </h1>

1. Heredity

High blood pressure has a certain hereditary nature, if the parents are hypertensive patients, then the probability of children suffering from high blood pressure can reach 75%, so people with family history should pay more attention to the details of life and diet, to avoid premature high blood pressure due to incorrect living habits and eating habits.

2. High-salt diet

Excessive intake of foods with a relatively high salt content will lead to an increase in sodium ions in the blood, so that the plasma osmolality will increase, and when the blood vessels consume too much water in order to regulate the osmolality, the blood pressure will naturally rise.

3. Long-term heavy drinking

Alcohol will cause irritation to various organs of the body, including blood vessels, which can easily cause narrowing or even occlusion of the vascular cavity, resulting in plaque in the blood vessels, increased blood viscosity, and over time will not only cause hypertension, but also lead to atherosclerosis, so that the probability of suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases has increased.

High blood pressure targets thin people, thin people get high blood pressure is more terrible? These 3 truths explain to you what factors are related to high blood pressure? Why are thin people more at risk of high blood pressure?

4. Drug abuse

Improper use of drugs can also lead to the occurrence of high blood pressure, such as regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can cause prostatic fluid synthesis to be inhibited, prompting the body's blood pressure balance to be broken, and eventually triggering high blood pressure. Frequent oral contraceptives will cause elevated serum triglycerides and phospholipids to cause water and sodium retention, prompting a slow increase in peripheral resistance to blood vessels, and eventually leading to an increase in blood pressure.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > why are thin people more at risk of high blood pressure? </h1>

1. The peripheral blood vessels of thin people are relatively thin

Compared with obese people, the peripheral blood vessels of thin people will be relatively thin, and the resistance of blood vessels will be greater, and once the blood pressure rises, it is easy to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction.

2, easy to get emotional

In contrast, thin people in temperament and psychological quality than obese people are slightly worse, in the face of some things, it is easy to appear impatience and excitement, under the influence of bad emotions, the original high blood pressure will be a new high, so that the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions in a state of high pressure damage.

High blood pressure targets thin people, thin people get high blood pressure is more terrible? These 3 truths explain to you what factors are related to high blood pressure? Why are thin people more at risk of high blood pressure?

3. Thin people have a relatively late age of onset

Compared with obese people, thin people will suffer from high blood pressure at a relatively late age, so thin people with high blood pressure at the same time, it is easy to suffer from age-related complications, such as hardening of the arteries, cardiac compensatory hypertrophy, etc., the threat to the body and life will be greater.


If the thin person suffers from high blood pressure, it is necessary to closely observe and control blood pressure, it is recommended to adhere to the long-term use of antihypertensive drugs, can not stop the drug or change the drug without authorization, and also measure blood pressure regularly. In addition, to maintain a calm mood, to avoid tension, anxiety, anger and other extreme emotions, it is recommended to adjust the emotions through deep breathing or exercise. Of course, obese patients should also pay attention to the monitoring of blood pressure, and insist on taking antihypertensive drugs to avoid other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by hypertension.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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