
9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

author:Movie spotlight

Recently, two hot searches on social networking sites have aroused heated discussion among netizens.

One is #Revolutionaries Watch Crying#, the content is that many netizens have shed tears in the process of watching the movie "Revolutionaries", especially when they see the climax part, when Li Dazhao is about to be executed, under the touch of the fearless spirit, everyone is in tears.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The other is #Zhang Songwen restores Li Dazhao's righteousness#, also the lead actor In "Revolutionary", Zhang Songwen, played by him, Li Dazhao, was silent and bold before the execution, which made netizens sigh and sigh, and some people commented: This prosperous world is as you wish.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

Obviously, "Revolutionary", which was released on July 1, successfully broke the circle and attracted the collective attention of the majority of netizens.

The film currently has a high score of 7.5 on the always strict Douban, with a score of 9.5 and a cat's eye score of 9.4, becoming the highest-rated film in the same period.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?
9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?
9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

As a main theme movie, what is "Revolutionary"? Is it really good-looking? Why did you get such a high score?

Xiaobian went to see the movie today with doubts, and was also mentally prepared to cry, but in the end he cried more than enough, or broke the defense.

So, let me analyze what points it wins:

First, flashback technique, Li Dazhao's last 38 hours

In the audience's impression, the main theme of the film will generally adopt an epic linear narrative strategy, that is, with a certain character as the center, from his beginning to the end of his life, especially in film and television dramas with the theme of great men, especially.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

However, in "The Revolutionary", for the character of Li Dazhao, a non-linear narrative strategy is adopted.

At the beginning of the film, Li Dazhao's experience in the Kailuan coal miners' strike movement, as well as his return from Japan and his imprisonment, are used as material for jumping editing.

The entire subsequent film actually takes the last fragment of Li Dazhao's life as the main clue, and inserts several events in his life as flashbacks, unfolding an interesting story.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

It is worth noting that these events are connected by very different sub-line characters, and each character has a deep intention, reflecting the different character arcs of Li Dazhao.

The first character, Zhang Xueliang, is a gray character, who on the one hand admired Li Dazhao in his early years, but on the other hand, as the son of the warlord Zhang Zuolin, he was bound to start from his own interests.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The second character, Li Qingtian, is actually a fictional character, there is no such person in history, but he represents thousands of ordinary people in that era. He was a progressive who had been enlightened and awakened by Li Dazhao.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The third figure, Chiang Kai-shek, is undoubtedly a gray figure. From the first moment he saw Li Dazhao, he was hostile, especially after seeing Li Dazhao persuade Sun Yat-sen to cooperate with the Kuomintang and the Communists, he gritted his teeth and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The fourth character, Chen Duxiu, is Li Dazhao's best friend. From the process of getting along with Li Dazhao, it is not difficult to see that Li Dazhao's thickness and delicacy, righteousness and thin clouds, especially the part where Li Dazhao risked his life to escort Chen Duxiu out of Beijing, was deeply moving.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The fifth figure, Mao Zedong, is a disciple of Li Dazhao. The conversation between the two of them on the city tower not only showed Us Mao Zedong's majestic courage, but also reflected Li Dazhao's sincere teaching and strong confidence in the communist concept.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

What connects these five story fragments is the picture of the prison that constantly shows the countdown - how many hours before Li Dazhao's execution.

From the beginning of the film, the time is constantly decreasing, and this high-energy setting actually plays two roles: tension and tear point.

The tension is that this countdown is like a bomb, making us anxious and constantly worried about the arrival of that moment;

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The tear-jerking point is that this common method in action movies and crime films is reversed in this film, and the countdown does not end because of the heroic demolition of a certain protagonist, but inevitably falls like the death penalty, and this sense of fate that cannot be resisted makes people despair at the same time, and tears flow.

Second, Zhang Songwen's possessed acting skills, the spark inheritance of the revolutionary spirit

In addition to the high-energy setting and flashback editing mentioned above, another major attraction in "Revolutionary" is the acting skills of the protagonist Zhang Songwen.

It can be said that Li Dazhao in different periods has different personality characteristics, and in different interpersonal relationships, he has a subtle change of attitude.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

From the perspective of Zhang Xueliang's bystanders, Li Dazhao was a courageous and heroic literati fighter who dared to organize a strike by the workers' group and demand the criminal Russian Victor from the foreign embassies and consulates in the concession.

In this paragraph, Zhang Songwen interprets Li Dazhao's love-hate personality with his fearlessness and fierceness in the face of foreign officials and the intimacy in the face of the people at the bottom.

In Chiang Kai-shek's eyes, Li Dazhao was a zhuge liang-like figure with the ability to negotiate politically in the middle of a conversation.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

However, when Zhang Songwen played it, he did not show a little arrogance, but still wanted to win more support under the premise of knowing that Chiang Kai-shek was full of malice.

As for getting along with Li Qingtian, Chen Duxiu and Mao Zedong, he was approachable and full of strong human concern.

Because he knew that the realization of communism did not depend on him alone, but on the continuous progress of these revolutionary comrades-in-arms to create a new China.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

Further, Zhang Songwen is different from Zhang Tong (playing Li Dazhao in "The Age of Awakening"), who interprets Li Dazhao's tough and tenacious side to the fullest, while Zhang Songwen is more in the expression of Li Dazhao's Dunhou affinity, a kind of personality that is full of rivers and rivers.

Because of this, whether It is Li Dazhao getting along with the people at the bottom or with students like Mao Zedong, he can always make people feel endless hope and warmth.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

The most unforgettable scene is that after Li Dazhao resigned from the "Morning Bell" publication, on the day of the New Year, he came to the bathhouse crowded with beggars, bathed with the beggars, slept with the beggars, and even sang the Hebei drum to add a new year flavor to these poor people.

It is also under this silent and unpretentious action that we can understand why "the spark of a spark can burn the plains" and the revolutionary spirit can be passed on from generation to generation.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

For above all, above all, the revolutionaries expressed sincere human concern for the masses.

We can even say that revolutionary martyrs like Li Dazhao are the real superheroes.

Although he does not have an invincible mech, nor does he have an immortal flesh, or a variety of superpowers, he uses a warm heart that is always close to the bottom layer to let us understand why we should become superheroes.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

When our kids watch a movie with a great theme like Revolutionary, they won't idolize the fake superheroes created by Marvel and DC.

However, as a unique style and excellent quality of the main theme of the film, "Revolutionary" is not currently watched by a large number of people, which is quite disappointing.

9.5 points! What about "Revolutionary", which the whole network is praising?

Indeed, this film should be seen by more audiences, and the blue wisps of the Chinese Communist Party and the fearless sacrifices of the revolutionaries can be remembered by more people, and only in this way can everyone know that today's happy life is not easy to come by.

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