
Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

author:Whale Riding

I believe that many science fiction movie fans are very accustomed to watching robot movies. As long as robots are mentioned, no one is unaware of the three laws of robots:

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

The first law: Robots must not harm individual human beings, or stand idly by when they witness that individual human beings will be in danger

Second Law: The robot must obey the order given to it by a human, except when that command conflicts with the first law

Third Law: Robots should protect their survival as much as possible without violating the first and second laws

Therefore, most of the science fiction films we usually see in the robot theme are combined with the coolness of science fiction and the discussion of philosophy. For example, if robots learn to think, is it a good thing for humans? Will the development of artificial intelligence destroy mankind in the end? There are many such robot movies that conduct in-depth discussions. The most classics are Will Smith's "Mechanical Enemy".

And the robot movie I want to talk about today does take the funny route. The main witty humor, by the way, a bit of nonsense. Most of all, this robot is very interesting!

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

The Douban score of Super Nengchapai is 7.3. The director is Neil M. Neil Blomkamp, a name that most people may not know, but if you mention his other film, the 8.3-point "District Nine," most people should have heard of it.

It seems that every science fiction director has a little bit of his own little obsession and small hobby, for example, some directors especially like to shoot monsters. And the director of this film seems to be particularly fond of Johannesburg in South Africa. District 9 takes place in Johannesburg, and there was a movie before that, and the story of the Super Chapai still takes place here.

There is an American technology company in Johannesburg, South Africa. There are two inventors in the company, one is a former veteran, played by Wolf Uncle Hugh Jackman, who invented a very large robot called the Elk. This robot cannot be sold because it is too large, too powerful, and too expensive to build.

And another otaku scientist invented a robot. The size is similar to that of humans, the combat effectiveness is moderate, and the price is mainly fair, so it is favored by the johannesburg police department and places a lot of orders. Since then, in South Africa, a city full of gangsters and frequent gun battles, the robot police have become a beautiful landscape.

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

Robots and human cops fight side by side to eliminate crime together. Since robots are made of powerful metals, they are not afraid of ordinary bullets. He often undertakes dangerous tasks such as attacks and raids. When the robots suppress the fire of the criminals, the human police follow behind.

It can be said that this kind of cooperation is very good. Our protagonist is such a robot. It's not so lucky, has an inexplicable property of attracting firepower, and is often injured. No, as soon as you get on the field, you get your ears broken. Take a replacement orange ear out of the mission.

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

However, this robot was not very lucky, and in the first fierce fire confrontation at the beginning, it was injured in the chest and could only return to the factory to destroy it.

At this time, the otaku scientist had just figured out how to carry artificial intelligence technology to the robot, and he asked the company's top management, a strong woman in charge of sales, hoping to test a robot for him. But the strong woman vetoed him. This strong woman aims to make money. She had also previously rejected Uncle Wolf's request to continue developing elk, a large robot. This time, also on the grounds of interest, the otaku was rejected.

The otaku scientist is very assertive, you don't let me do it, so I secretly stole the orange-eared robot out. Get ready to take it home and secretly do the test. As a result, he was kidnapped by three robbers halfway through.

It turned out that these three gangsters owed a lot of money to the gang boss, and they tried their best to get money, and if they couldn't get it, they would be killed by the gang boss. They want to rob the cash truck, but they are afraid that they will not be able to beat the robot police. The female robber in the trio is very smart, saying that the robot is like a TV, the remote control is pressed, pop, is not it turned off? Shall we kidnap the scientist who invented the robot and ask him to give us the remote control of the remote control robot?

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

So the three kidnapped the otaku scientist. But otaku scientists say the robot simply can't be turned off manually. The robbers found the scrapped robot in the trunk of the otaku. At this time, the female robber was smart again, saying that there was no remote control, you could reset the robot, and then we took the robot to rob.

The otaku agreed, because he originally wanted to test his artificial intelligence, so the artificial robot in this film was born. This robot has human intelligence. Named Chapai by female robbers. Just like a child, you need to learn from scratch, so the funny plot begins. Otaku teaches "righteous" things. For example, you can't do bad things, you can't rob, you can't kill people. Respect your own nature and do what you want to do.

The robbers taught him how to be a cool gangster, to be able to talk dirty, and brought him two large gold chains to lead him out into the streets. It's okay, it's just hanging out...

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

There's a kind of don't go out of school

Look at this little pose with a gun, look at the big gold chain around the neck, and look at the doodles/tattoos on the shoulders full of personality. Just ask you if you are satisfied?

The robbers wanted Chapai to help them rob, and Chapai remembered the scientist's instructions and said that they could not rob and could not kill. So the robbers taught him to use all kinds of darts and double knuckle sticks, saying that these were not guns, it didn't matter, the stupid Chapai believed... The robbers also said that it was someone else who stole Daddy's car —the robbers asked Chapai to call him Daddy, and those people were bad people, and asked Chapai to help him retrieve his car. Chapai believed again.

So on the street, I saw a small robot, shouting: Bad people, bad people, don't steal my father's car again, while using the road to stop cars, touch porcelain to grab cars, all kinds of car robberies...

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

By the way, Chapai also helped himself grab one...

Just when Cha Pai was being taught more and more crooked by gangsters, he was gone on the road of the little gangsters. The big villain of this film, our uncle wolf, began to do bad things. In order to promote his elk robot, he decided to steal the secret key of the otaku scientist and paralyze all the robot policemen.

When the robot police are paralyzed, the gang will be unable to suppress it, take the opportunity to fire and commit crimes everywhere, at that time, his war robot, the Elk, can turn the tide.

At this time, another crisis is also approaching Chapai, because when the otaku scientists assembled the scrapped Chapai, they welded the battery and the body together. The battery can only be used for a week, and after a week, Chapai will die because of the power outage. But at this time, Cha Pai was already a "person" with self-awareness and feelings, and he didn't want to die...

The plot behind is not a spoiler, and everyone is interested in watching it.

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

In fact, this movie is still deficient from the perspective of hard science fiction. But science fiction movies are not popular science books after all, in addition to science and technology and theoretical settings, we must consider the plot and human nature, philosophy of the discussion.

In terms of technology, there are actually two questions worth discussing: the first is: when artificial intelligence can learn on its own, what kind of education should humans teach it? Second: If both humans and robots can achieve immortality by transferring consciousness, what is the difference between humans and robots?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > first ask the first question:</h1>

When an artificial intelligence is born, it is like a newborn baby of human beings, this time it is a blank piece of paper, all depending on how adults educate. You can teach it to be a leper, or you can teach it to be a man who obeys order and principles. It all depends on how you teach.

Like chapelli, the otaku scientist enlightens it and teaches it to follow principles; the robber teaches it how to be a qualified.

But the life span of artificial intelligence can be much longer than that of human beings, in such a long period of time, in principle, it can learn all kinds of knowledge, and it can also be disassembled to various people, all kinds of values, and all kinds of ways of doing things. Good, bad, good, evil...

So what will artificial intelligence grow into over time?

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

We assume that a human being, who has eternal life and great power, will he still treat himself as a human being? Will it still respect the thoughts and lives of other weak human beings?

In human history, there has been a long hierarchical society. Slavery and slavery; warriors and commoners; the Yuan dynasty divided the populace into four classes; the caste system in India still exists.

This is still the same human being, or even the same family. If it is replaced by artificial intelligence, how will the "it" full of power and wisdom view human beings?

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > to the question of immortality</h1>

Behind the super-energy Chapai, Chapai used the sensing helmet to develop a method of consciousness transfer. In this way, he was reborn by transferring his meaning to another robot before his own body died. Then, even more frighteningly, he used the same way to transfer the consciousness of the seriously injured otaku scientist to the robot.

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

In this case, in fact, human beings have achieved immortality. Because as long as the consciousness is not extinguished, it can constantly change the body. If human technology really achieves this step. What will the ethics and structure of society look like?

People with power and wealth use technology to achieve a constant transfer of consciousness, constantly changing new and better bodies. What will the world be like then?

Also, why are humans called human beings? Is it human beings who have a human body? Or is it human beings who have human thoughts and emotions? If human consciousness could be transferred to robots, or human bodies could be transformed into robots. At that time, were humans still human?

Super Chapai: The most improper robot movie, even artificial intelligence to mix the underworld as a big brother first said the first question: let's talk about the problem of immortality

In Battle Angel Alita, there is content about machine bones and machine limbs.

What will become of a human being when one day, when the human body is no longer unique and no longer important? What will the world become?

In fact, one of the reasons why science fiction movies are good is that they will open up a future world full of countless possibilities for us, make our vision and vision greatly shocked, and at the same time, trigger a lot of deep thinking.

In that world, there is both the beauty and magnificence of metal and fantasy, and the fear of the unknown. What do you think?

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