
Let's also talk about "Super Chapai": intelligence and immortality under the rabbit's ears


With the gradual intensification of competition, today's science fiction movies have begun to "give the traditional story suite science fiction mink", and the sensory impact is often disappointing. The midnight snacks are often chatted about some workplace gossip and Weibo paragraphs, which is difficult to have a lingering rhyme for the movie itself. Therefore, when I first started watching "CHAPPiE", my heart was rejected, obviously it was a hardcore setting, but it was a strong selling, who did I look for to reason with? But in the end, the plot setting of the peak circuit turned was eye-catching, and my long-unopened brain hole seemed to slowly open.

Friends familiar with Japanese mecha comics may be able to see at a glance the homage to Apple Nuclear Warfare as well as Mobile Cop (you're old enough to know what I'm talking about). The Briareos in "Apple Nuclear War" set Zhongyuan as a real person, and then replaced by technology into a mechanical body, becoming the ancestor of the "Rabbit Ear" robot, paying tribute to the plot of the film. Also as a police robot, the Patlabor in "Mobile Police" has a similar Gundam "manned mech" setting, which projects different aspects of human nature through the replacement of drivers. Chapai uses the concept of "artificial intelligence" in the setting, through strong self-learning ability, the mind gradually grows from the early childhood stage to the teenager, and this growth is accompanied by the imitation of the surrounding human mind, showing the contradiction between human nature in a different way.




In the film, Chapai learns at an astonishing rate, recognizing toys, animals, and characters after a few minutes of training. Can artificial intelligence in the real world also achieve such a high learning ability?

In the real academic field, Google can be said to be the leader of machine learning, in order to simulate the human brain in 2012 has been disclosed google brain project, through the neural network composed of 1000 computers to analyze 10 million pictures containing cat faces, you can finally independently determine whether there is a cat face in a picture... Sounds a bit low, but it's really the limit of the algorithm. Last year, Google's Deepmind division, which google developed from the project, began training its enhanced version to play the Atari series of arcade games — don't be surprised, let the artificial intelligence grope the rules of the game alone, which is the difficulty.

Atari Classic Game – Space Invaders "Little Bee"

Interestingly, Chapai in the film has already played PS4. Compared with old-fashioned arcade games, the rules and operation complexity of modern games have risen to a new dimension, and the corresponding processor computing speed, data storage space, and energy requirements have exponentially soared, which cannot correspond to chapai's cute little brain melon...

Therefore, the current out-of-control worry about artificial intelligence is only a kind of unfounded conjecture. But compared to the "loss of control" of artificial intelligence, perhaps their "accurate judgment" based on their own logic is more frightening. In today's gradual maturity of autonomous driving technology and attempts to commercialize, the biggest obstacle actually comes from the complexity of legal theory - when an accident occurs, the driving procedure always has a bias for the safety of the lives of people inside or outside the car, can this be characterized as the murder of the other party? It seems that before artificial intelligence can challenge human concepts, it must first learn how to fight against humans.

Probably not wanting to give people a sudden feeling, most of the film spends most of the film explaining the intelligence (and cuteness) growth of Chapai, and deliberately suppressing the growth rate very low... Until it starts surfing the internet. Really only binary can better understand binary, the ability to learn electronic information is probably the racial talent of the electronic brain, after a review, Chapai read out his own complete structure of consciousness and began to study (no doubt, the github at that time must be omnipotent).

Here's a small detail, Chapai used more than a dozen PS4s to do parallel computing - Sony once allowed PS3 users to install Linux systems, and many scientific research institutions will indeed use multi-PS3 parallel to set up cheap computing centers (PS3 chips have very high computing power), but in the end Sony still locked the device for the purpose of preventing piracy. It's a shame that this scene can only be recreated in the movie now (the producer is still Sony himself).

Unlike many routines that simply give humanity to machines, the highlight of the film is the setting at the end (sorry straight man skips the cute point that runs through the whole film), the human soul suddenly transfers into the electronic body, the director may feel that the impact is not enough, and at the end of the day, he uses the memory archive to recreate a dead person. The audience's original thoughts have been trying to answer the question "Is Chapai human in my eyes?" Seeing that the plot is nearing the end, the answer in my heart is about to come out, but the boundary between humans and machines has disappeared in a flash... I still miss that scene very much.

After carefully thinking about this plot, it is actually a near-immortal body that gives human beings, and the audience rejoices at the rebirth of the protagonists, but also induces deep inner fear.

This situation seems to be more complicated than the problem of cloning, clones are just biological individuals who inherit all your genes, need to start from the embryo to grow again, ta's life experience and learning trajectory can not be completely equal to your past, so ta is not you, just a "peer and biological child" that is not well written in your family tree, and the ethical dilemma is mainly around the field of kinship. In contrast, the "soul transfer" completely strips consciousness from matter on the one hand, and on the other hand is a complete copy of consciousness. Imagine the question: If you are an electronic, data-based organism, can a C program you write down also be regarded as a child? Does it have inheritance rights? (Suddenly, it felt like all programmers were committing sins in some way...) )

On the other hand, "metabolism, the demise of generations" is also the basic rule of human society's operation, if you can really rely on the continuous replacement of electronic parts to repair losses and maintain vitality, I am afraid that the only way to maintain the balance of the earth's resources has become regular wars and killings - and advocating the value of life is precisely the foundation of human civilization.

As a science fiction work, many of the discussions in it precede the development of society, and even go too far ahead, bringing many hard wounds to the film itself. But in real life, the world has never been upended by technology overnight, and as the ethical responsibilities of modern technology gradually increase, all changes will be limited to a relatively slow and gradual process. When artificial intelligence really appears, it will certainly not let it directly drive its own body, and it is more likely to penetrate in the form of a virtual assistant like Siri. When the replication of consciousness becomes a reality, it will certainly not be directly used for the continuation of life and the body, but will be the first to be rolled out in the field of brain medicine.

Back in the movie itself, the creator in the film sees his own corpse after undergoing the transfer, quickly understands what happened, and begins his robot career in desperation. Here I would like to spit out a groove: human "memory" is not completely controlled by the brain, similar to the specific state and composition of body muscles, bones, and neural networks are actually part of "memory". For example, disabled soldiers who are replaced with prosthetic limbs often need to adapt to the mutilation of the old body for months to years and re-familiarize themselves with the use of the new body, which is more of a psychological adaptation. In the play, the creator coordinated the bottom change of the brain, organs, and torso within a few seconds after the transmission was completed, and fled at full speed, which felt like a loaded drive, weakening the factors of human nature and affecting the appeal. Complications such as moderate vomiting, dizziness, paralysis, depression, and self-doubt are more real. (You...) Enough)

This manifestation should be even more prominent in the final resurrection of Euranti - due to the relatively early memory inventory, she did not know that the original version of herself was dead, as a mental and physical copy that could not correspond to the original, could she really be called Euranti? At the same time, after inexplicably waking up, it is found that the original ronin has suddenly become the queen of thousands of "Cha Pai" (who has become a robot species), and this multiple gap in psychological, physiological, and social relations is simply a devastating blow to the ordinary human mind.

The director once said in an interview that this is the first part of the trilogy, and although there is a foreshadowing in the follow-up, it depends on the box office performance to see whether there can be the next one... I am not worried about the direction of the plot, and the self-knowledge of the above two protagonists alone is enough to support the main line of the next movie and involve a deeper human level of discussion. But under the frequent attacks of Uncle Feitian, Muscular Macho, and Tights Beauty, what you are looking for is really the depth of the film?

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