
The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

Source: China Daily Bilingual News

In recent days, the news about Afghanistan has been overwhelming, and the media and the public have refocused their attention on Afghanistan.

The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

"For you, a thousand times over"... For most people, Afghanistan is a distant and unfamiliar country. It wasn't until the best-selling book "The Kite Chaser" and the movie of the same name appeared, in the story of two boys and kites, that the public began to try to understand the flesh-and-blood Afghan people there.

Many people do not know that in fact, due to the impact of the war in Afghanistan, the actual location of the movie "The Kite Chaser" was in Xinjiang, China. The peaceful scenes in the film are not Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, but Kashgar, Taxian and other places in Xinjiang. The film's closing credits are also reflected.

Netizen: How ironic is it that while they slander Xinjiang, they filmed scenes in Xinjiang to show "living and working in peace and contentment"?

The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

As for the current changes in the political situation in Afghanistan, Khaled Al-Husseini, an Afghan-American writer and author of the novel "The Kite Chaser," exudes disappointment and concern.

The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

"For 20 years Americans have called them (Afghans) partners, but (but now) they're abandoned and have to fend for themselves and face very unpleasant realities." Khaled Husseini, the author of "The Kite Chaser" and an American Afghan writer, was recently interviewed by BBC Radio Four, referring to the latest speech made by US President Biden on the situation in Afghanistan, and Husseini believes that Biden has not shown sympathy for the Afghan people.

Mr Hosseini told the programme that Mr Biden did not give “a statement of empathy with the millions of Afghans whom the Americans have been calling partners now for 20 years, who are left behind and have to fend for themselves and face the very unenviable reality..."

"If the president met a Marine who lost his legs in Afghanistan, what would she say if she said, 'What am I losing my legs for?'" "Before this chaotic withdrawal, we can at least point to some progress in Afghanistan," Husseini said. ”

If the president met a marine who had lost her legs in Afghanistan, what would he say to her if she said, ‘What did I lose my legs for?’ Before this chaotic withdrawal we could have at least pointed to some progress in Afghanistan...

In recent days, Biden has been heavily criticized for his handling of the evacuation process. But Biden defended his decision, saying ending 20 years of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan would inevitably be problematic.

"We've all seen the pictures. We saw hundreds of people crammed into the C-17. We saw Afghans fall (off the plane). ”

According to the US media ABC, when the host of the show mentioned the disaster scene of "Afghans falling from the plane" in an interview, Biden defended himself: "That was four or five days ago!" ”

With the withdrawal of the United States and the "change of heaven" in Afghanistan, the tragic scene after scene pierces into reality in the most dramatic way.

The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

Hundreds of Afghans rushed to the runway of the airport, grabbed the gangway of the U.S. plane, or hid in the landing gear, trying to escape, but some unfortunately fell and fell to their deaths after the plane took off.

The Afghan movie "The Kite Chaser" made by the United States was filmed in Xinjiang! Netizen: What an irony

Rated 134, stuffed with 640 people? The story behind this picture is poignant...

Some have commented that perhaps the brief images of peace in Afghanistan remain only in the footage of The Kite Chaser.

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