
How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

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How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

Earlier, the Golmud Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice on the Internet, the content is roughly because Coco Siri is too dangerous, from now on to prohibit any group or individual from Golmud to enter Coco Siri, the translation is to cherish life, away from Coco Siri, Golmud police are not alarmist, because the real Coco Siri may be 100 times more dangerous than in the announcement.

Coco Siri has been a series of incidents of tourists missing and killed, tourists missing here is not uncommon, more often than a year or even more than a dozen cases, so golmud police issued this announcement is more or less related to the tourist disappearance incident, coco Siri what kind of place is it?

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

Coco Xili, refers to the Coco Xili Nature Reserve located in Qinghai, it is one of the four major uninhabited areas in China, but also the world's third largest uninhabited area, with a total area of 45,000 square kilometers, larger than the entire Hainan Province, Coco Xili in Mongolian is the meaning of the green mountain, listening to is there a vibrant taste? However, it has another name, that is, "the forbidden area of life", because the environment here is extremely harsh and unsuitable for human survival.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

The first is the low temperature of Coco Siri all year round, the hottest time of the year is only minus four degrees Celsius, the coldest time can even reach a low temperature of minus 46 degrees Celsius, coupled with unpredictable weather, one second of bright sunshine and the next second of heavy snow, in Coco Siri is a common thing. Secondly, the average altitude of Coco Xili is 4600 meters above, more than 1000 meters higher than the provincial capital city of Tibet Lhasa, the high altitude makes the oxygen here very thin, only 40% of the plain area, the low-oxygen environment will make people have headaches, insomnia, tiredness, and breathing difficulties and other symptoms, that is, we often say altitude sickness, but this is not the most dangerous, the most dangerous is hypoxia caused by pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, if not treated in time, the mortality rate of pulmonary edema is as high as 40%, The mortality rate of cerebral edema is also 12%, but there is no hospital in the no-man's land for you to register, so getting these diseases in it means that one foot has entered the ghost door.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

In addition to the harsh climate, the food and water here are also very scarce, the lake water is mostly salty, there is no way to drink directly, barely able to call the food is only the wild animals running around, but many of them are nationally protected animals, not to mention, in most cases, these foods are a threat to your life, wolves and bears Needless to say, even vegetarian yaks launch a few tons of cars can not be mistaken, more importantly, communication tools are almost useless in it, once an accident occurs inside, It is difficult to get in touch with the outside, even if it is lucky to get in touch, because of the complicated road conditions in the no-man's land, when the rescuers arrive, the yellow broccoli is cold, so the no-man's land of Coco Xili has always been a hellish difficult existence in the eyes of professional donkey friends, and there are three more no-man's lands in our country, namely Lop Nur, Argin and Changtang in Tibet, each of them is no less dangerous than Coco Xili, or even more severe.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

Some people may feel that as long as the preparation is sufficient, the no-man's land is not so terrible, the accident of those people must be because they are not professional enough, in fact, in the no-man's land accident professionals are not a minority, the most famous of which is known as China's first person on foot Yu Chunshun, he was killed in 1996 when he crossed the no-man's land alone in Lop Nur, before the accident, he has walked alone through 23 provinces, a total journey of more than 40,000 kilometers, footsteps almost all over China, before crossing Lop Nur, He had made every preparation, he first successfully crossed with the team, and buried six bottles of water every seven kilometers on the way to come, and planted dry food supplies every 35 kilometers, and made a mark, so that when he crossed back alone, he did not have to worry about the supply problem, and he himself said that such conditions were unique, and if this failed, it would be unreasonable.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

There is no reason to talk about the no-man's land, and finally Yu Chunshun's body was found in the heart of Lop Nur Lake, the cause of death was due to the lack of water and the whole body organ failure, after the fact, someone analyzed the reason, may be that the wind and sand were too large at the time, so he judged the wrong direction, so he would miss the place of burial, whether it was so, with yu Chunshun's death The truth is unknown, professionals are still so, let alone ordinary tourists, so Coco Xili has jointly issued announcements in the Argin and Changtang no man's land many times, It is forbidden for any individual or group to cross no man's land, but it has no effect, in recent years, wild accidents have occurred frequently, and every three to five can see various reports of donkey friends in distress on the Internet.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

According to the incomplete statistics of the China Mountaineering Association, only outdoor mountaineering affected 49 fatalities in 2019, an increase of 25% over the previous year, and has maintained an upward trend since 2000, which is related to the increasingly hot outdoor tourism in recent years, due to the fast pace of urban life, more and more people yearn to return to nature, the pursuit of peace, washing the soul, this is also understandable, but outdoor tourism is not a farm, need professional knowledge and equipment, But many people are often a hot brain door, wearing T-shirt sneakers on the door, their behavior in addition to their own life is not responsible, but also to the relevant departments to cause unnecessary burdens, general outdoor distress, normal people's first reaction is to call the police, although the police uncles where there is a need to go, but they do not have outdoor rescue experience and equipment, so the police will unite multiple forces for rescue, the so-called multi-party force, refers to the fire brigade, doctors, civil rescue teams and even local villagers, etc. Organizing such a multi-party linkage often requires a lot of manpower and material resources, taking the missing girls in Qinghai as an example, the Qinghai police in the search and rescue process, the police alone used hundreds of policemen.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

Someone has done statistics, rescue consumption of various costs, apportioned to everyone, about 200 to 400 yuan per person a day, this is not counting other costs, if you want to use helicopters, only an hour to spend tens of thousands of yuan, most of these costs are the relevant departments and rescue teams themselves bear, in addition to these, sometimes rescue team members also have to pay the price of life, before there were 18 Fudan students climbing Huangshan when trapped, in the rescue process, a police officer unfortunately fell off a cliff and died, However, after the media exposed that after these college students were rescued, they did not have any condolences or expressions to the sacrificed police and their families, but instead returned to the school and were collectively silent, with a cold attitude, which made the rescuers feel cold.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

So whenever this kind of accident occurs, the highest voice on the Internet is to make the rescue into a fee system, netizens believe that only by paying the price, can those wayward donkey friends realize the preciousness of life, in fact, in the People's Republic of China Tourism Law, there are clear provisions, tourists after receiving rescue, should pay the costs that should be borne by individuals, but the specific costs are not clearly stipulated, so many relevant departments in the belt still choose to pay their own pockets, in fact, some places have also begun to implement fee rescue, But this also brings a new problem, that is, some people may be afraid to ask for help because of the high cost, and finally miss the best time to cause tragedy.

How terrifying is Coco Xili, China's largest "no-man's land"? Today I understand

Foreign countries in this regard earlier than us, more in the United States, outdoor rescue is often clearly marked price, donkey friends are often rescued to pay a large amount of rescue costs, but he does not have the corresponding outdoor insurance, as long as you buy in advance, these cost insurance will be shared for you, the country because outdoor tourism has just started, there are still many things in the market that are not perfect, to do this step, we still have a long way to go.

For now, the wisest thing to do is to try not to challenge tourist attractions with high danger factors, and if you have to go, you must also do what you can, be fully prepared to go again, although everyone has the right to pursue poetry and far away, but no one should pay for you.

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