
New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

author:Take care of the case
New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

In the last program, we talked to you about this year's China has replaced the United States and become the country with the largest car ownership in the world, and in the future, China can also be called a country on wheels. Among them, new energy vehicles are indispensable, just in the past June, the sales of new energy vehicles have exceeded 200,000, accounting for more than 10% of the total passenger car sales, which is indeed a historic leap.

Looking at the world, no country today has the sales of new energy vehicles accounting for more than 10% of all car sales, and this is just the beginning, and there will be more room for growth in the future. Today's new energy vehicle sales in a month is probably the annual sales of a few years ago, and we talked to you about the last program, new energy vehicles are definitely our weapon in the automotive field.

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

Compared with the Old Capitalist Countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany, they have been immersed in the automotive field for a hundred years and have very high technical barriers, and we can only achieve unexpected victories by using new energy to confront them. And due to the energy problem, many countries around the world today have proposed to ban the sale of fuel vehicles after 2030, 2035 or even 2040, which means that the future of the automobile field must belong to new energy vehicles.

This point is beyond doubt, even Audi said that it will not invest in engine research and development in the future, so for us ordinary consumers, if you want to buy a car or change a car now, do you immediately buy a new energy vehicle or consider a traditional fuel vehicle? Consumers must have their own considerations regardless of the choice they make, but if you only want to change cars in recent years, and you usually have the habit of changing a new car every three or five years, then there is one thing you really need to take into account.

What? The second-hand market of automobiles, with the continuous development of China's economy, many people have money in their bags, men are willing to drive a car, there are many male friends who really have to change a car in three or five years. On the one hand, the car is old, after running for three or five years, there are many small problems, each major repair costs a lot of money, on the other hand, every three or five years a person who works hard in the workplace, whether it is location or salary will increase, more money naturally want to replace, buy the next level of car, let yourself drive more comfortable. It is precisely for this reason that many people have developed the habit of changing cars once every three or five years, but for traditional fuel vehicles, it is easier to change cars, because almost any hot-selling model has a very accurate offer in the second-hand car market.

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

And if this car is only driven for 3 years and 5 years, then at least you can have 40% to 50% of the residual value, many people sell the second-hand car as a down payment to buy a new car, their own economic pressure is not particularly large, which has also caused China's second-hand car market to be extremely prosperous over the years. You remember, about a year ago, we often saw ads for used cars in various media, and all kinds of capitals are very popular with used car e-commerce.

Although today they have disappeared, but only because their business model has not landed, does not mean that the second-hand car market is not prosperous, over the years the country has also introduced a variety of policies and regulations to encourage second-hand cars. In the past, used cars could only be exchanged locally, and now you can sell them to any city in the country, which is a good thing for car owners who want to change cars frequently, because you can sell your used cars for more money, so that the pressure to buy new cars is much less.

Although the sales of new energy vehicles have increased significantly in recent years, the number of new energy vehicles is still very rare compared to the number of hundreds of millions of cars in China, and in some places, second-hand car dealers even say that they do not do new energy second-hand cars at all. Even if you want to do that, the price is also very fierce, friends who are familiar with fuel vehicles know that if the car has just been driven for two or three years, you can get 70% to 80% of the residual value, and if you drive this car for five or six years, you can get about 50% of the residual value.

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

But second-hand new energy vehicles are really not like this, according to many second-hand car dealers, some cars have been driven for three years and even 20% of the residual value you can't get, 200,000 to buy a car just opened for three years, you want 40,000 yuan to sell no one to buy. To tell the truth, people think, if someone buys you to sell quickly, otherwise put in the garage, a few months and a half may not be able to sell.

This year, the situation has only improved slightly, and some brands of second-hand energy vehicles can still guarantee a residual value of 40% after three years and five years, but this is also much lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles, so as a car owner, the residual value is something you have to consider. For example, when you often buy a car, people tell you that the retention rate of these two kinds of cars is particularly high when you buy a certain field brand or buy a certain brand, and the same is to spend 200,000 yuan to buy a car for three years, fuel vehicles can also sell 150,000 or 60,000, and new energy vehicles may sell 80,000 people do not want.

Therefore, there are many people who do not understand that new energy vehicles do not represent the advanced direction of the market, why second-hand new energy vehicles can not be sold at a price, there are many reasons, we analyze with you one by one. First of all, the first is that the amount of ownership is too small, we know what used cars are the most valuable, a certain field brand and a certain brand, why? One of the big reasons is that the amount of ownership is huge, so consumers are relatively trusting, and a certain market fair price has been formed. And many niche fuel car brands to tell the truth the retention rate is quite poor, when buying a car, the car dealer will remind you, if you consider the residual value you choose this brand, choose this brand is not afraid of loss.

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

The same is true for new energy vehicles, after all, we just set a new energy vehicle sales peak in the past June, more than 250,000. But the problem is that China's annual automobile production and sales are more than 20 million, China's car ownership is more than 300 million, under such a huge number, the stock of new energy is very small. And there are even fewer people who really want to sell new energy vehicles, so this is why many second-hand car dealers are reluctant to do new energy vehicles, the amount is too small to be priced, and no one can sell them.

There is another reason that the replacement of new energy vehicles is too frequent, we take Tesla as an example, Tesla price reduction can be reduced more than a dozen times a year, at the beginning of this year Tesla issued a big move, to its new energy vehicle price reduction, just two days ago Model Y is a one-time drop of more than 70,000 yuan. Sometimes we feel that new energy vehicles are simply the same as mobile phones, Apple launches a new model every year, an old model is launched immediately reduced in price, more importantly, the new model is loaded with more new hardware and software, which is not available in the old model, and the price is cheaper than the old model at that time, so this also seriously hit the residual value of new energy used cars.

Three years ago, it was like saying that you spent 350,000 yuan to buy an Audi A6, and after three years of driving, this car is still selling, that is to say, the same Audi A6 you bought on the market is still on sale, at most a little bit of a small modification, the average person can't see it at all. So you can sell the Audi A6 for almost 70% to 20% off in three years. But new energy vehicles are not like this, when you are ready to sell the new energy vehicles that have just been opened for three years, you will find that the same products on the market may not be sold, even if the sales are also after a major update and transformation of the product, the retail price is much lower than what you bought at the time, the product is more advanced than you, you think about your second-hand new energy vehicle residual value It will drop to what state?

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

More critically, there is a fatal question, what? battery. The core of the traditional fuel car is the engine, although the engine also has a life, but relatively speaking, people who buy second-hand cars will not care much about how much engine life is left, because an engine runs 1 million kilometers is completely fine. And most of us honestly drive a car for three or five years, it is not easy to drive more than 100,000 kilometers, so for people who buy second-hand cars, he has to consider whether the skin film is good or not, whether there is an accident, whether the air bag has jumped out, at most finally consider whether the mileage is within a reasonable range.

Almost no one thinks that you've run 100,000 kilometers and the residual value of the engine is only 90%, so I'm going to press your price, no. But conversely, the core of the new energy vehicle is the battery, the battery is attenuated, so many years everyone has changed countless mobile phones, who know that the new mobile phone used for half a year after a year, the battery attenuation, charging frequency to be greatly strengthened. You used to have no need to charge a day, now you have to charge twice a day, new energy vehicles are also like this, after three or four years, the battery has been greatly attenuated, when you buy a car, you are told that the mileage may be 300 kilometers, and now even 150 kilometers are not.

Mobile phone is out of power you can take a charging treasure, the car is out of power can you charge at any time, more importantly, the same model as you sold after three years when people replaced the new battery, the mileage is already double your original version, and you are only half of the time you just bought, so you think about how many people can buy a new energy vehicle with a very low mileage?

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

Of course, some people say that it is not the end of replacing a battery, sometimes the price of new batteries is higher than the price of second-hand energy vehicles, which is why many consumers do not choose second-hand new energy vehicles. After all, who buys a car is for travel, who does not want to have power anxiety anytime and anywhere, so today's second-hand car market is this status quo, new energy used cars it is not easy to sell, so we have to remind many good friends who want to change cars, although new energy vehicles definitely represent the direction of the market, but it will take 10 to 15 years to completely replace fuel vehicles.

In the future, whether to choose new energy vehicles or traditional fuel vehicles, you can consider from many aspects, but at the same time we really want to remind those new energy manufacturers must pay attention to the residual value of new energy second-hand cars. In the future, new energy vehicles will sell more and more, the second-hand market will gradually establish, if the residual value is too low, then there are really many people who will give up new energy vehicles when choosing, on the other hand, which manufacturer if they can make strange moves to enhance their second-hand car residual value, then its new car will certainly sell more and better.

New energy vehicle sales account for more than 10%, why is the residual value of second-hand cars so low? Will it affect car purchases?

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