
Traitor Liu Liankun: The biggest espionage case since the founding of the People's Republic of China, both sides of the strait have the rank of major general

author:Geohistory stories

In the early days of the founding of New China, the country was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, and it was necessary for the whole country to unite and work together to contribute to the country. However, there are some people who voluntarily betray the interests of the state for their own selfish interests. The protagonist of our story today is such a traitor, a senior general with the rank of major general in both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, who committed the largest Taiwan-related espionage case since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Next, let's reveal the beginning and end of the espionage case of Major General Liu Liankun on both sides of the strait.

Liu Liankun was born in 1933 in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. In 1947, at the age of 14, Liu Liankun officially joined our army and our party, which was in the late stage of the Liberation War. After joining our army, Liu Liankun was responsible for the procurement and production of ordnance for a long time. Because of his outstanding work performance, in 1985, Liu Liankun was promoted to the head of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army and was awarded the rank of major general. Then, Liu Liankun, as a major general who enjoyed the rank of regular army, had a bright future, so why did he become a spy of the Kuomintang in Taiwan at that time?

Traitor Liu Liankun: The biggest espionage case since the founding of the People's Republic of China, both sides of the strait have the rank of major general

It all starts with a corruption case. After Liu Liankun became the director of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, there was an increase in the number of people around him. This made Liu Liankun, who was in a high position, gradually lose his original intention, and often used his position to open the back door for some people, and by the way, he wantonly amassed wealth. Finally, in the late 1980s, Liu Liankun's corruption problem was discovered by the relevant central authorities, and he was not only dismissed from his post as director of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, but also demoted to the post of deputy military officer, and the major general was also demoted to the rank of colonel. Liu Liankun could have been promoted to lieutenant general soon after, but because of this stain on his body, it was unlikely that he would have this opportunity in this life. Therefore, Liu Liankun held a grudge against the Beijing top brass and wanted to betray the country.

Although Liu Liankun is no longer the director of the Ordnance Department of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, after all, he has been in power for many years, his contacts are very wide, and his relations with hong xuezhi, Zhao Nanqi, Liu Huaqing, and other senior generals of our party are very good, and it is naturally very easy to contact all kinds of confidential information. Therefore, Liu Liankun was targeted by Yin Zongwen, director of Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau. Beginning in 1989, Yin Zongwen often took advantage of the opportunity of the mainland region's opening up to the outside world to send intelligence personnel disguised as "Taiwan businessmen" to the mainland to plot against some generals at various posts in our party.

Under the operation of Yin Zongwen, Shao Zhengzong became a direct subordinate of Liu Liankun. During the contacts between the two men at work, Shao Zhengzong consciously or unconsciously revealed the benefits of the Kuomintang authorities in Taiwan, and then intentionally or unintentionally fanned the flames and provoked the relationship between Liu Liankun and our party. And Liu Liankun, who already had a grudge against our party, quickly became moved. Finally, in 1992, he officially agreed to join Taiwan's Military Intelligence Agency.

Traitor Liu Liankun: The biggest espionage case since the founding of the People's Republic of China, both sides of the strait have the rank of major general

In order to show the importance attached to Liu Liankun, in November of the same year, Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau sent Pang Jiajun, deputy director of the Sixth Division, to Guangzhou and Beijing to meet Liu Liankun. And as soon as it came up, a red envelope of 20,000 US dollars was given to Liu Liankun as a greeting gift. Moreover, during this meeting, Pang Jiajun explained liu Liankun's treatment in the Taiwan Intelligence Bureau, the main contents of his usual work, and how he communicated with the Taiwan side. Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau gave Liu Liankun the code name "Shaokang No. 2", and the monthly salary is 3500 US dollars, but this is the basic salary. If Liu Liankun provides useful information and a commission bonus, according to the important information, each copy is more than 200,000 Taiwan dollars, and the top-secret information is more than 1 million Taiwan dollars; and the Taiwan Kuomintang authorities have also awarded Liu Liankun the rank of major general of the Nationalist Army; in addition, Liu Liankun's life after retirement has also been properly arranged, so that he has no worries at all. I have to say that Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau, a department that is committed to creating ghosts in other people's ranks, is a good hand at winning people's hearts and minds. Liu Liankun was very satisfied with the treatment given by the Taiwan side, and in order to show his sincerity, he provided the Taiwan Military Intelligence Bureau with 15 confidential information on which fighter jets and which anti-aircraft missiles the mainland had imported from Russia, as well as the first batch of emergency combat units of the People's Liberation Army. In this way, Liu Liankun became the first spy to hold the rank of major general on both sides of the strait

Liu Liankun's worst betrayal of mainland intelligence was in 1996. At that time, the Platon Was preparing to conduct large-scale military exercises, and cross-strait relations were even more tense. Liu Liankun, who had been blinded by his interests, used his position to continuously provide Taiwan's Military Intelligence Bureau with information related to the deployment of missiles, locations and quantities, and the deployment map of the military exercise three months before the start of the military exercise. After receiving this information, the Taiwan side took targeted military defensive measures in advance, and in order to increase the odds of winning, it also transmitted this information to the United States and requested US military support. Subsequently, the United States sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to support Taiwan. In order to avoid the outbreak of a new war, the top level of the central government had no choice but to order the military exercises to avoid the Taiwan region as much as possible, which eventually led to the failure of the military exercises to achieve the desired results and the missed opportunity to liberate Taiwan.

Liu Liankun officially began working for Taiwan's Military Intelligence Agency in 1992 and was arrested and executed in 1999, serving the Taiwan Intelligence Bureau for a total of 7 years. In the first 6 years alone, Liu Liankun, who received an intelligence bonus of 25 million Taiwan dollars without a basic salary, betrayed the number of important intelligence of our party and our army, and deservedly committed the most serious espionage case in the fifty years since the founding of the Chinese mainland, and it is also the most influential Taiwan-related espionage case. However, "good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation." Look up in disbelief, who has the heavens spared?" Even if Liu Liankun hid deeply, in the end, he could not escape the severe punishment of the law.

After the military exercises, the top level of the central authorities had already detected that someone had leaked secrets inside, and at that time, Lee Teng-hui on the Taiwan side also inadvertently revealed during the election campaign: "All the actions of the Chinese Communists are in our hands, and the missiles on the mainland are empty bombs." In addition, the leaked intelligence is extremely secretive, and only some high-level generals can access it. As a result, the relevant departments began to investigate within this range. After three years of painstaking investigation, in 1999, the target was liu Liankun. Subsequently, the mainland counter-espionage organs immediately took unified action and arrested liu Liankun, Shao Zhengzong, and other internal ghosts. The evidence was conclusive, and Liu Liankun knew that he was powerless to retreat, so he confessed to all his crimes in a military court. In August of the same year, Liu Liankun was executed by injecting a poison needle at the age of 66.

A mistake into a thousand years of hatred! At any time, those who betray the country are intolerable to the people and are spurned by future generations.

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