
Tanhua Township develops the alpine vegetable industry to help rural revitalization

author:Chuxiong released

Tanhua Township, Dayao County, regards industrial revitalization as an important starting point for the strategy of rural revitalization, and regards the development and expansion of the vegetable industry as a "sunrise industry" and "gold industry" for the masses to increase income and get rich, and has accumulated momentum for consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization.

From July to October every year, the alpine potatoes and cabbage produced in Tanhua Township make up for the shortage of the Dayao vegetable market and have broad prospects. This year, the planting area of alpine vegetables in the township will reach 2,500 mu, and the total output is expected to reach 10,000 tons, with an income of 4,000 yuan per mu.

Tanhua Township takes the one-stop service development model of "experimenting with and demonstrating new varieties of planting, new technology promotion, and agricultural order sales", combined with the alpine vegetable demonstration base represented by the Haigu tusson village committee to further create convenient conditions, continue to consolidate industrial infrastructure, and comprehensively build a "demonstration" standard construction base.

By adopting the development model of "party branch + leading enterprise + cooperative + demonstration base + base + peasant household", making full use of resource advantages, and vigorously developing "order agriculture" in accordance with the "four follow-up" model of "filing card households follow the large planters, large planters follow the cooperatives, cooperatives follow the leading enterprises, and leading enterprises follow the market". Driven by the Tanhua Community Radish Demonstration Base, it signed orders with the large vegetable sellers of Dayaojia Tesco and Panzhihua Farmers' Market, which further solved the problem of difficult vegetable sales for the masses.

Since the beginning of this year, agricultural technicians, village cadres, and large planters have been organized to hold 5 on-site meetings, train 500 people, organize 2 visits to surrounding counties to study advanced vegetable planting technology, and rural cadres have conducted 2,200 on-site lectures and training for farmers, and distributed 4,560 copies of publicity materials. Through the first time, rural cadres will send new technologies to the doorsteps of the masses, create a "standardized" service model, and drive farmers to increase their income.

Relying on "Beautiful Tanhua" and short video live broadcast platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou, we will continue to increase publicity and promotion. Tanhua township alpine vegetables are moving towards the high-quality direction of "demonstration, scale, order, standardization and branding", and have embarked on a new path of characteristic industrial development that conforms to the actual conditions of the countryside, opening up a new situation in which alpine ecological vegetables broaden the channels for increasing income, and the industry prospers to help rural revitalization.

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