
Reminiscing about the years of Zhengrong Tell the story of Tan Hua

author:Wuhan is a big deal

Wuchang Agglomeration Area

"Party building leads, integration and empowerment" special action

Reminiscing about the years of Zhengrong Tell the story of Tan Hua

Recently, the special action activity of "Remembering the Glory days and telling the story of Tan Hua in Wuchang Agglomeration Area" was held on the third floor of the community party and mass service center, and more than 30 residents from the community and merchants in the Tan Hualin Cultural and Creative Industry Agglomeration Area participated.

At the event, the old party members of the community told the development process of the Tan Hualin community from an old community to a popular attraction to today's cultural and creative industry agglomeration area, which not only let the audience feel the development and changes of the community over the years, but also let everyone deeply appreciate the strength of the country and the beauty of life.

Reminiscing about the years of Zhengrong Tell the story of Tan Hua

Merchants in the agglomeration area have also shared, Tan Hualin is the most special is to closely link the business, residence, scenery, and last year, under the impact of the epidemic, the merchants have almost no turnover, community workers have built a platform for the merchants, help them warm up in groups, relieve pressure, so that the merchants in the agglomeration area can quickly recover from the resumption of work and production after the epidemic.

The owner of Tan Hualin Simple Life Museum recalled at the event: "My wife and I met in Tan Hualin, fell in love in Tan Hualin, started a business, got married, had children, until now the children have gone to school, here are too many of my memories, I have very deep feelings for Tan Hualin. Everyone talked about thanking the leadership of the party, especially after the outbreak of the epidemic, and felt the pride of being a Chinese. I also want to talk about after the outbreak of the epidemic, party members, community staff for our pay, as one of the earliest merchants to tan Hualin to start a business, it is a great honor to become the head of the merchant alliance, but also because during the epidemic period, the community for our merchants to resume work and review and actively find a way, Secretary Feng Jing personally brought goods live, with this concerted heart, we are confident that we can work together to survive, during the epidemic period I also play my own skills, for the vulnerable groups in the community and people with inconvenient haircuts to provide free haircuts, This is also my intention to give back to the society. ”

After the story sharing of twelve party members, the masses and merchants, under the guidance of the liberal arts social workers, the community exchanged points for the residents who participated in the community volunteer service in the early stage, which is part of the Ali Public Welfare Project Time Bank, which aims to further stimulate the motivation of the majority of party members and the masses to participate in volunteer service through the point exchange, so as to promote the smooth development of volunteer service activities in the Tan Hualin community.

Source of information | Wuhan Boya Social Work Service Center

Edit | Sun Jing

Audit | Rao Caizhong

【Source: Wuchang District Social Organization Incubation Base】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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