
The Russian State Duma elected the United Russia Party with a 49.82% lead, the Chinese side said

According to the latest news from the Russian Satellite News Agency, data from the Russian Central Election Commission show that the Russian State Duma election has been counted 99% of the votes, and the United Russia Party has won 49.82% of the votes, continuing to lead.

The Russian State Duma elected the United Russia Party with a 49.82% lead, the Chinese side said

According to preliminary data, the Russian Communist Party ranked second with 19.00% of the vote; the Russian Liberal Democratic Party received 7.49% of the vote, ranking third. Just Russia - Patriots - for truth party received 7.42% of the vote, the new party received 5.35% of the vote, respectively, into the top five votes. The report pointed out that at this point, the five political parties have crossed the 5% vote threshold and will enter the Russian State Duma.

Regarding the release of the preliminary results of the Russian State Duma election, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in response to a reporter's question that the Chinese side has noted that the Russian State Duma election was successfully held. The election of the State Duma is a major event in the political life of the Russian state, and the results reflect the will of the Russian people. As a comprehensive strategic partnership partner, China will, as always, firmly support the Russian people in independently choosing the path of development, and firmly support Russia in continuously making new achievements under the leadership of President Putin and achieving development and rejuvenation.

Zhao Lijian also said that after the emergence of the new Russian State Duma, the Chinese side is willing to continue to deepen cooperation with the legislative bodies of the two countries with the Russian side, promote inter-party exchanges between the two sides, and continue to enrich the connotation of Sino-Russian relations in the new era.

On the 17th local time, a series of elections such as the election of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of parliament) and the election of the local Duma officially began. On the 19th, the voting was completed. This election mainly involves the election of the governor of the Eighth State Duma, the 39 local Dumas and the 9 state subjects. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova has said many times in recent days that the Russian side has a large amount of evidence that relevant US agencies interfered in the Russian election, and urged the US side to take measures as soon as possible to prevent US Internet companies from interfering in Russia's domestic elections.

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