
Strange things two subway ghosts, rotten corpse strange case

author:Second Miss Book Cafe

1. Subway ghost

The Tianjin Metro is the second underground railway in the country to open, with a total length of more than 7 kilometers. The old subway line was originally just a river, from the gate of Yaohua Middle School is the riverbank, at that time was also the need to prepare for war, in the 1970s the wall river was transformed into a subway, the above-ground part of the wall along the trend of the wall river opened up the widest road in Tianjin at that time - Shengli Road, until it was later renamed Nanjing Road.

At that time, there were only 8 stations, from Xinhua Road to the mouth road, Haiguang Temple and other platforms, and finally arrived at the West Railway Station, which was officially opened at the end of 84, and after some days of opening, I sat once with curiosity and excitement, at that time the subway was a new thing, and all the people in the city had to experience the feeling of taking the underground train. Outsiders should also visit Tianjin. It is indeed something to brag about when you think about it. With the subway is really convenient and fast, smooth and safe, on time, the impression of the subway has not had a major accident, although at that time it was not like the current platform with a protective safety gate, nor did I hear of anyone jumping into it and dying, electrocuting, but except for a strange incident that happened that year.

One day in the nineties, when it was dark, I took the subway back to my errands, entered from the southwest corner station, slowly walked down the stairs into the underground, and got a ticket to the platform. Find a chair against the wall to sit down and wait for the car, at this time the big sister who checked the ticket at the door slowly wandered towards me, stopped next to me for a moment and asked if I was a policeman, I asked her funny: Is my police uniform not real? The eldest sister smiled. Seeing that there seemed to be something on her expression, he asked her bluntly: If you have something to say. The eldest sister talked to me about such an incredible thing.

Just last month, one morning she went to work, first cleaned the platform, swept, found a handkerchief in the corner, looked quite new, she picked it up, opened it, it was stained with blood, she was shocked, and quickly threw it into the garbage can. I wondered who threw the handkerchief that wiped the wound so indiscriminately. At noon idle and a few sisters of colleagues to bring up this blood handkerchief, one of the colleagues was surprised to say that just the night before, the last train immediately arrived at the terminal station, there were very few passengers, she wiped the floor in the empty last carriage, suddenly found a pool of blood under the chair, at that time it was frightened, it looked very fresh, it seemed to have just flowed out, looking around, there was no one in the carriage, looking out after the station, the last few people who walked were not injured, I called and asked the people on duty at the front few stations, but I didn't find anyone who was injured or called the police, so I couldn't quickly wipe it off and go home.

The sisters in the lounge were a little scared, wondering if there were bad people in the subway at night.

At this time a male train driver took the conversation, he said there is more terrible it, has been suspected that he has seen the wrong, never dared to tell people, just a short time ago, this young man is also driving the last car, just from the Haiguang Temple station not far out, the subway in the dark tunnel accelerated, in the distance of the tunnel where the lights did not touch, through the cab glass, vaguely saw a black figure, beating on the track, he was shocked, the underground railway running on the track can never appear on the ah, ah, Not to mention that it was in a dark tunnel between the two platforms, and the tracks were charged. Hesitating whether to brake between thoughts, the speed of the train has been raised, very quickly rushed to the shadow, the black shadow flashed down, directly towards the cab glass, he did not have time to react, subconsciously shrunk his head, after a few seconds back to God, the glass did not burst, the train still ran smoothly, there were no bumps and no vibrations. Turning his head to look at his colleagues, there was no expression. When I reached the final station, my heart beat faster. I had been wondering if I was blind, what the black shadow I saw in the dark tunnel was. Looking at the front of the car, there was no abnormality, and there was nothing under the wheels, and I couldn't figure it out, and I didn't dare to tell anyone else. The experience the lad told was even more frightening.

A room full of people looked at him silently. Frightened, a newly assigned little girl leaned straight behind him, and several elder sisters were also stunned, saying that they would shift shifts and never stare at the night shift again.

After a few days of trepidation, there was no abnormality, but the staff also left a shadow, suspicious of ghosts, especially the late shift, walking from time to time to look back, afraid that someone behind them would follow.

The subway is driving at high speed in the enclosed underground, and the wind surging inside carries a cool tide, blowing on people and shivering. The big sister of the ticket inspector was also in a bad state of mind, and often had nightmares at night, dreaming that a smiling man suddenly pushed her off the platform. When I woke up, I couldn't say it was uncomfortable. Sometimes on the stairs, I heard someone talking and chatting on the platform, and when I went down the stairs and turned around the corner, the platform was empty, and there was no one there. And other colleagues mentioned that everyone seems to have a similar experience, there are many opinions, some say that they saw the big black cat wandering on the platform, and said that everyone looked like they were going to commit suicide, nervous when the car entered the station to maintain order, and said that the lights in the carriage flashed and flashed, during this period, all kinds of rumors were everywhere.

In the next few days, the ticket checking sister and colleagues chatted idly, talking about incomprehensible strange things, and the driver boy said a strange thing that had happened recently. Or he drove the last car, when passing through the Erwei Road station, suddenly heard the call of a woman outside the cab, looking left and right, in addition to the run of the front illuminated section of the rail, surrounded by tunnel black walls, and at this time there was no broadcast in the car, wondering in my heart, the train was running at high speed, the sound seemed to be following the car, intermittently, looming in the noise of the train's wheels and engine. He asked the colleagues around him whether they heard abnormal sounds, and the colleagues looked at the few passengers in the back compartment, the cab was so big, close to the equipment and listened carefully, saying that nothing was found. This young man's heart is a little hairy. When he was about to arrive at the telegraph building station, he actually looked a little sluggish, and the expressionless mechanical operation train continued to run, without the slightest intention of slowing down and stopping, and was slammed by his colleagues before he eased up and stopped the station urgently.

The young man finished this experience, everyone was in an uproar, several timid girls were about to cry, the old sisters were also looking at each other, next to an elderly maintenance worker who did not believe these things, let the young man come up with evidence, or don't say it blindly, the young man was anxious, personally swore that what he said was the real thing, blushed and quarreled with the maintenance worker, and the new cute little girl was next to the two people to fight. Finally, the young man said urgently: There are evil things in the subway at night, and I guess it is the woman in red who makes trouble, and the woman in red who is always waiting for the last train at The Haiguang Temple. I'm not wrong about that! Everyone had seen her, the woman in the red dress, and there was no foot underneath. As soon as the young man mentioned the woman in red, everyone immediately fell silent. Because there is indeed a woman in red, subway employees can often see her walking around the platform without saying a word. Always very late waiting for the subway at the platform, sometimes standing for half a day, after several trips without getting on the train, looking like someone is waiting for someone. The skirt below is very large, and it is not clear whether it is walking or floating. Seeing a mention of the red skirt, everyone was silent, and the young man was very proud.

This ticket checking sister said that she had seen the woman in red waiting for the train three times last week, when it was also very late, there were not many passengers, she did not sit and wait, and walked around in front of the platform, with her head bowed and her mouth chanting something. The more I looked at her, the more I felt a chill, so I was far away from her, don't look for any substitute, drag me down the platform. After the ticket checker finished talking about that bizarre experience, she finally asked me: Can the police manage this kind of thing, can you catch her, I am afraid that she will come to the ground at night and harm people.

After listening to her narration, I have missed three trains. It could be seen that her expression was very frightened when she said this, and it may have tormented her for some time. I asked her, are you sure the woman in red that the lad said is her? The eldest sister nodded continuously: Yes, yes, it is her, basically the people who are doing here know her, always appear at night, do not speak when buying tickets, swaying on the platform, floating around, turning their heads and disappearing.

I can't tell if her description is true, but I'm curious about what they're talking about finding a woman in red, whether she's trying anything, or if she's looking for an opportunity to do something big. I asked about when she appeared, the eldest sister is not sure, generally the last few buses appear, adjacent to these stations are possible, not fixed. I said okay, anyway, I'm done, go up to eat first, and when I'm done, I'll come back with you and wait for her to come out.

After half an hour, I returned to the subway station, and the ticket inspector and the conductor, like a Taoist priest, specially brought me a soft chair to sit down, and I took a newspaper and looked at it, patiently waiting for the mysterious woman in red to appear. Unfortunately, until the last train passed, no woman in red was found, and it seems that this mystery cannot be broken for the time being.

The next day, I should go to the platform again to wait, and several staff members enthusiastically moved me a comfortable chair and poured hot tea, I couldn't help but laugh in my heart, it seems that catching ghosts and demons may not be able to do it.

Time slowly passed, one train after another drove by, boredom, I leaned against the wall to take a nap, confused to hear a chaotic footstep from far and near, I immediately woke up, saw the ticket check sister running over in a panic, whispered to me: She is coming! Here she comes! I stood up immediately. Only to see a woman in a long red dress, about thirty years old, pale, no blood, expressionless step by step to the front of the platform, ignoring others, turning around and slowly walking to the end of the platform, the red skirt swinging with the wind, very strange, it seems to be like a strange road in this world, wandering in another space. What was a little calm was that the moment the skirt swung, I found that she still had feet.

The wind blowing through the subway tunnel was so cold that I also plucked up enough courage to slowly follow her and look at her carefully, and the woman in red stood up against the wall and did not move. Suddenly found a detail, her wrist seems to have an unhealed wound, observation, I came back to ask the ticket sister: the blood handkerchief you picked up that day, do you remember the look, is there a broken plum blossom pattern, is the blood on it a cross shape? The eldest sister was surprised and said: Yes, it is a plum blossom pattern, and the blood stain is a ten-pronged shape, how do you know? I said yes, but one thing is for sure, she is a nostalgic person.

People with nostalgia for the past have difficulty changing their habits and ways of life, always going to the same restaurants, ordering the same dishes, wearing the same style of clothes, picking the same color of lace-up shoes, using the same shampoo, cutting the same style of hairstyle. Inadvertently playing always those old songs, with many years of watch is reluctant to abandon, repair and then bring, with a certain kind of pen, then constantly buy the same pen, even the toy pistols, dolls, comic strips of childhood, can be saved to their children to continue to play. And this woman in red, with the same style of handkerchief tied to her left wrist and an uncovered cross-shaped wound, conveyed some kind of message.

I was quietly observing her next to her to see if she had any harmful moves, time had frozen, the three or two people waiting for the train in front of the platform did not know what was happening, a couple of lovers whispered, at this time, the dark tunnel slowly had a faint light, a beam of light shot out from the end of the darkness, and then heard the sound of wheels in the distance.

The last train is coming to the station. Suddenly, the woman in red made a surprising move, she pulled off the necklace, quietly threw it on the ground, and then walked toward the platform, I shouted: Don't move! Quickly chased after it. The woman in red hesitated to look down slightly, her facial muscles trembling, and I ran to her and grabbed her hand, at which point the train had rushed out of the tunnel and came with a roar. The woman in red resisted so hard that she broke free of my hand and rushed along the platform toward the train. I yelled: Stop her! A pair of lovers on the other end of the platform looked at the two people running on the platform in confusion. The young man immediately woke up, the woman in red had rushed to the front of the car, was preparing to jump at the moment, the young man did not have time to run, flew in place, hugged the woman in mid-air, and threw herself on the platform, and the train whistled past.

At this time, the platform was chaotic, the ticket seller went to the top to call people down to help, a few dozen people gathered, I took this woman in red up, and in the chaos, I did not pay attention to the young man, the couple quietly disappeared into the crowd, and then looked for it is no trace. Watching the lively people gathered around, immediately interrogated, asked her why she chose to commit suicide twice in the subway, the woman's eyes were a little sluggish, and she repeatedly said incoherently: Don't wait, don't wait.

The rumors of this woman in red have been broken, and it seems that she is just a woman who is not mentally normal. The woman's family rushed to hear the news, and her father pulled me aside and told me such a twisted story.

This woman lives near the Shuanglu Building, goes to work, always takes the subway, and then always meets a man on the subway, the man lives on the side of Nanfeng Bridge, travel is also by subway, began to face familiar, but never spoke, it is also a coincidence, once under a roof to avoid the rain, at this time bumping together is also a fate, so they talked. Soon the two fell in love. After several years of interaction, I chose a good date and decided to get married. Just a month before the wedding, the young man went to a foreign country on a business trip and encountered a car accident, seriously injured and died in a foreign country a few days later. When the young man died, he told the family who rushed to the house that his fiancée had congenital heart disease, and he was afraid that she would not be able to bear this blow for a while, so he first concealed it for a period of time, saying that he had been sent abroad to work for a few years, hoping that time would dilute everything.

As soon as the old men on both sides were summed up, no one said anything, telling the girl that her lover had been sent abroad urgently, and she was in a hurry and did not leave a word. Together with the unit and friends also said hello together to round this helpless lie. Everyone expects time to change all that, and hopefully she'll get used to it slowly. In this way, this lie actually lasted for more than a year, she was very uneasy to ask everyone, why did not make a phone call back from abroad, everyone gently said that men may change their minds outside, infiltrating this meaning to her, let her slowly die. She spent a long time in torment and incomprehension. She was angry, even if he changed, he should find a chance to come back and tell her, she would not pestering him. Since then, her family has kissed her many times, and she has never been moved, perhaps still waiting for him to return from another world and put on a wedding dress for her.

The paper could not contain the fire, and she finally learned that the person she was waiting for was actually gone two years ago. Although such a long time had diluted the thought of him, she still couldn't accept it, not knowing whether to be happy or sad, happy that he had always loved her and never changed. Sadly, she never had a chance to wait for him again, even if it was better for him to change his mind and still live in a corner.

Although her heart had endured the blow, she had not borne it mentally, suffered from a slight mental illness, and since learning the news of his absence, she had often worn a red dress and carried the necklace he had given her, and in the subway where they first met, she sat over and over from beginning to end, as if his breath was still permeated in the carriage. In the end, the illness worsened, unable to control her emotions, a while ago found that her wrist was cut, asked her and did not answer, the family looked at her more tightly. Today she sneaked out again, causing the scene that appeared tonight. Looking at my father's confession, I was speechless. Tell them to look after their daughters and treat them in time.

A few days later, I went to the train driver who was good at telling ghost stories, and I wondered why he always met ghosts. Why spread the rumors of this woman in red, why make up those bizarre and terrifying stories in the subway. I sat quietly in the lounge in civilian clothes and saw a group of people surrounding the young man listening to his new ghost encounters, while the newly assigned little girl snuggled in his arms full of fear, clutching his hand tightly. I immediately understood, turned away from the crowd, and told the young driver: Since the girl has been chased, you can take her home from the evening shift, don't tell these stories, and spread rumors, you can even disturb public order. The young man's face was red, and he stood up to theorize with me, and an old worker next to him couldn't look at it anymore, stopped him and said: Don't worry about people, see a big bat is not a monster.

The source of the recent haunted rumors is in him, this angry young man is nothing more than to create some horror atmosphere, find an excuse to send the new girl home, in order to argue, even unconsciously mention the strange woman in red. In the case of the collective unconsciousness of the crowd, the fear is transmitted, and more unwarranted strange things are exaggerated. However, without his reminder, it was impossible to save the life of the woman who wanted to commit suicide in time. After some education, the young man was embarrassed to admit that he was wrong, and the girl looked at him mockingly. I smiled bitterly in my heart, what else can I say but bless them?

The subway cloud was unveiled, the crowd re-entered the normal work order, entered the free market, found a stall to repair the lighter, let him pour some oil, repair the flint wheel, the stall owner looked at it carefully, shook his head and said, The lines on the wheel are about to be smoothed out, there is no spark, replace the old with the new, add some money, pick a good one. I want to think about it and say: Forget it, don't use it to fire, just put it in your pocket, I am also nostalgic.

Strange things two subway ghosts, rotten corpse strange case

2. Carrion strange case

Dogs are human friends, then flies are not necessarily liked by everyone, it is a carrier of bacteria, breeding and flying in dirty environments. But this nasty little thing is a friend of forensic and criminal appraisers. In forensic entomology, corpses are closely related to insects, and they can provide us with many hidden secrets when faced with maggots that swell on decaying and swollen corpses.

Tianjin Dongli Lake, located in the northeast of Dongli District, has a water area of eight square kilometers and a circumference of twelve kilometers on the lakeshore, scattered with natural wetlands in the lake area, which is gradually decreasing because of the occupation of developers. And it was on the shore of this picturesque and beautiful lake that there was a case of carrion.

It was a sweltering summer day, and an angler had just arrived at the lake to prepare a fishing rod and bait. Suddenly the grass in the distance moved, saw a hare sneaking out, the angler immediately went to chase, followed by running into the weeds, the rabbit disappeared, and a foul smell came to the nose, the smell hit people dizzy, the angler looked around, checking the source of the smell, he heard a strange buzzing sound in front of him, brushing away the weeds, a terrifying scene appeared in front of him, only to see a group of flies flying above a mass of white flowers, he curiously threw a stone past, the flies exploded in the pan and flew up, and the black pressure was pressed. Looking at it, a human corpse was lying upside down in the weeds, and there was a white maggot surging on it. Immediately lost and ran out, immediately called the police.

Arriving at the scene, it was an inaccessible weed by the lake, and it was thanks to the fishing fans' whim to chase the wild rabbit to find the body. First extract the shoe prints at the scene of the crime, in addition to witnesses, two suspicious footprints were found, looking at the pattern of the soles, one belonging to the leather shoes and one belonging to the tourist shoes, taking pictures of them, and pouring plaster models. Immediately observing the corpse, through the appearance of the body to distinguish that it is a woman, the body has been highly decomposed, the head is swollen, the neck has become thicker, the eyeballs are protruding from the cheeks, the lips are turned outward, the tongue is protruding, the abdomen is bulging, the limbs are thick, and in the hot and humid environment, the whole body has swelled up. Maggots crawled all over the corpse, wearing isolation suits and masks, still unable to hide the suffocating smell.

Let's take a look at what the flying flies and squirming maggots have to offer us. Flies are arthropod phylum, insecta, and diptera. It has a suction mouthpiece, which we call the mouth organ, which can secrete digestive lysate, dissolve food and then lick it into food. Friends who have watched the American horror movie "The Fly" must remember that when the scientist was doing human teleportation experiments, a fly flew into the transmission capsule, and as a result, he and the flies' DNA were recombined, mutated into a fly man, spewed acid from his mouth, and finally shot dead by his girlfriend. It seems how important it is to have a fly shoot at home.

Flies are generally active during the day and inhabit corners, power lines, branches and other places at night. I don't know if you have ever noticed, flies are also divided into many kinds. According to the Tianjin area, there are roughly the following types of flies: the large-headed golden fly of the family Liliaceae (the body is beautiful gold, very rich, and the flying is very star temperament), the patina fly, the mercerized green fly (the body is bright green, a little bourgeois); the fly family's house fly, the city fly (this kind of generally not very good-looking, no luster, the appearance of the general); the black hemp fly of the hemp family and so on. Because of the vast territory of our country, different types of flies vary greatly due to season, temperature, humidity, and environmental regions, and even in the same region, indoor and outdoor corpse-loving insects are not exactly the same. Different provinces and cities have established a unique fly information database according to the more active fly populations in their cities, and after mastering the information such as the life habits, activity rules, breeding places and other information of the flies in the city, it is convenient to determine the time of death, place and other information on the morphological characteristics of the insects in the city. For example, the Tianjin region selects the activity information of several types of flies such as corpse-loving she rope, mercerized green fly, and large head gold rope for reference, while Xi'an in the northwest region and Shenzhen in the southern coast select local flies for comparison. Even in the same city, the distribution of flies is also distinctive, each fly has its own unique breeding ground, such as small houseflies are the most common in the garbage bins around our lives; green flies and lilies are most common in the aquatic stalls and fruit stalls of farmers' markets; large-headed golden flies are often seen in fecal ponds or toilets, it seems that the big-headed golden fly does have the quality of a star, in addition to feces, it is dismissive of others, very dignified and tasteful.

Observing the female corpse, it was found that because the bacteria in the corpse's intestines were divided and multiplied in large numbers, the gas produced by metabolism inflated the lower abdomen, and other organs were also swollen due to decay and deterioration, emitting an unbearable stench. The fly is sensitive to blood and corpse odor, and can quickly find corpses through the sense of smell, and it is highly sensitive to the ammonia emitted by corpses. The female corpse's mouth, ears, and lower body are squirming maggots, which is in line with the special nature of fly spawning, and it likes to lay eggs in the body's body, such as mouth, nose, eyes, ears, anus, etc. But the female corpse has several unusual parts, and two piles of maggots appear under the female corpse's left chest, and there are also a bunch of maggots under the lower abdomen and under the ribs. Looking further under the female corpse's forearm, maggots also appeared. It is said that these parts are especially because flies also like to lay eggs on injured parts of the human body. Maggots are found simultaneously in several parts of the non-body area. These features indicate that there are stab wounds on the chest and lower abdomen, and defensive wounds on the forearm, although the flesh of the highly decayed corpse has festered and cannot distinguish the wound, but it is these maggots that show that the woman was injured by a sharp weapon before she died, and there is resistance, rather than normal death. At the same time, it was also found that there was an inconspicuous strangulation mark at the base of the female corpse's thigh.

The process of decomposition of corpses can be divided into three stages: invasion, decomposition and residual, and different insect taxa will appear at different stages. If the time of death can be judged through these maggots, it will be of great help to the judgment of the facts of the case. The temperature on the day was 27 degrees Celsius and the humidity was 70%, and the climate these days was very suitable for maggots to grow, and in general, the eggs laid by flies only take 8 to 12 hours to hatch to become maggots. Maggots can secrete a liquid that dissolves proteins, causing the soft tissues of the carcass to dissolve and disappear, while the maggots draw nutrients from it and gradually grow into fly pupae, and the adult corpse can be eaten by the maggots in 3 weeks, leaving only the bones. If the body is buried, then the corpse is definitely the best fertilizer, and the vegetation on the surface of the ground grows unusually lush because the decomposing corpse acts as nutrient, in stark contrast to other vegetation. Through on-site observation, the pupae have not yet been found in the body or underground, forensic doctor Liu used forceps to pick up several largest milky yellow 3-instar fly maggots, measured their length of about 1 cm, took away hatching to determine their species, and in this way compared with the information of fly maggots in Tianjin to infer the approximate time of death.

At this time, the forensic doctor found three small red ants on the corpse, which was puzzling, because these ants were called small yellow family ants, which generally only moved indoors in the home, which was incompatible with the overall environment of the wild, not in this lakeside ecosystem. Combined with the analysis of other clues at the scene, two different shoe prints were extracted, but the female corpse did not wear shoes, and no shoes that could be adapted to her were found nearby, so we can infer that this is not the first scene of the crime, it should be killed in the living room, and the body is thrown here after death, and according to the shape of the female corpse, it should be two people involved in order to move to this. According to the analysis of maggot hatching results, the time of death is about 8 days, but there was a rain in the previous days, which is a factor that delays the laying of eggs and the survival of maggots, so the time is also correspondingly extended, which should be about 9-11 days. After the autopsy here, Da Liu stood up and stretched his sore waist, and asked leisurely: If you choose an unnatural way of death, how will you choose? I laughed and said: It is better to get on the most luxurious plane, to the sky over Bermuda, suddenly explode, instantly burned to ashes, fall into the deep sea, dead and buried.

According to a nearby uncle, a stranger recently drove a motorcycle around here several times, stopped at the far side of the crime scene to smoke, saw the uncle bowing his head next to him and then left, without any action. It is this move without action that makes it unusual. He doesn't do anything here, doesn't fish, doesn't catch birds, is it just to see the lake scenery, but this is not the best way to see the scenery, or is it that he watches some special "scenery" is not destroyed, and the hastily set up "landscape" under the planned improvement is not appreciated by others at the same time?

Soon, according to this clue, combined with other informants, the identity of the man riding the motorcycle was confirmed, and there was no rush to arrest, what we needed was evidence, and only direct evidence could lock the suspect. In order to avoid hitting the grass and snakes, a reasonable method of investigation was taken, when the man was driving a motorcycle, we let a colleague ride a bicycle and collided with him at the intersection, the colleague immediately dragged him not to theorize, and just right, inadvertently a passing traffic police car stopped, the scene to resolve the dispute, the man saw the uniformed police look unnatural, the traffic police quietly let him hand over the driving license, and then there was a problem with the annual inspection, and naturally withheld the motorcycle, Let them collect the supplementary formalities three days later. The scouts then extracted several different fabric fibers from a screw burr on the rear rack of his motorcycle, and when compared with the fabric on the body of the body at the scene of the crime, one of them was consistent with its source, but it could not be judged whether the woman hung when she rode alive or hung when she was carried after death. There is also a tiny detail, the motorcycle bracket has a wire wrapped buckle, may be tightly wound, not easy to remove the wire, was cut directly by the vise root, and left a small wire buckle on the bracket, like a ring.

Then secretly visited the investigation, found that his family is harmonious, relatively wealthy, his wife is still working in the village primary school, the son is also very competitive, admitted to the key middle school, the two have just gone to Beijing for a trip, and the travel time seems to coincide with the time of the crime, vaguely revealing the evidence of alibi, but this travel time is too suspicious, not a weekend holiday, but a working day, it seems to be deliberately arranged to rush out to play. Clues cannot be found in recent missing persons. So where did this corrupt female corpse come from? Did the deceased have anything to do with him?

Another clue was reported in a timely manner, according to a tenant landlord complained to others, a woman from out of town who rented the house did not quit, and also stole the newly purchased curtains, and some days a man who called himself her brother contacted, came to make up the rent and curtain money, and cleaned up the woman's things. Immediately contacted the landlord, through the photo identification, confirmed that the brother is the man riding the motorcycle, but also found that the wire in the house to dry clothes has also been cut and missing. There was a can of pesticide on the windowsill, which the woman, according to the landlord recalled, had purchased it and complained that there were small ants in the house. So a large-scale inspection of the house, but the room was washed unusually clean, and the ground was wiped by chemical reagents, and no biodevelopment could be detected, but this diligent cleaner neglected a detail, and this insignificant detail was fatal, and we removed the bed, a 4 square centimeter floor under the leg of the bed, and detected the blood component.

The scraps cut through the curtains were compared with several other fabric fibers collected on the motorcycle, and the results were consistent. Well, it can be thought that the woman once sat on the motorcycle, but she was still wrapped in a strange curtain, and the clothes and curtains were scratched off by the screw burrs of the motorcycle frame at the same time. And the woman seemed to be sitting unsteadily, and was tied to the car by wire. Imagine that such a strange way of riding is not very strange, then the motorcycle should not be a living person, only a dead person!

More and more signs show that it is full of mysteries, after the landlord provided the rental woman's IDENTITY card, finally learned the woman's real identity, is a hair washroom lady in Tianjin, contact her relatives have not been heard from her for many days, and learned that she has no brother, she told her family that she has been friendly with a man in Tianjin, it seems to have reached the point of talking about marriage. Asking the neighbors again, the woman last appeared on the 19th, and according to the man's claim to outsiders that the time of travel was also on the 19th, then he did not have the time to commit the crime. However, the wise man has a thousand worries, there will be a mistake, he described to outsiders the first attraction to Beijing, after verification, because of the internal decoration of the attraction, it was not open to tourists, and he deliberately made up this tourist lie.

I have to say that this person is a person with a strong sense of foreboding, he to the day of receiving the motorcycle, in the face of the sudden criminal police performance of unusual composure, there are not a few rounds to confess his crime, it turned out that although he had a successful career, a happy family, a virtuous wife, a smart son, but he did not know how to cherish the plain and happy life, when seeking excitement outside, he got acquainted with this hair salon woman, fooled around for a long time, the hair salon woman proposed to divorce him, and she formed a family, And constantly threatened to expose the two people's private feelings, because of its constant harassment and impatient, he killed the woman in the rental house, pulled down the curtains to wrap the body, and tied the body to the motorcycle with wire, went out in the middle of the night, and contacted his accomplices to meet him halfway, because they did not find a suitable attachment, it was inconvenient to throw themselves into the lake, in a hurry, the two abandoned the body in a secluded weed, dealt with the scene, and took away other physical evidence to destroy. Later, he felt uneasy about abandoning the body like this, and went back to the place to inquire about the wind, ready to find an opportunity to bury it again. It was this self-made clever move that finally exposed him.

Although he had confessed, he could not tell the whereabouts of the accomplice, and then changed his mouth to say that in the middle of the night, he hired a migrant worker he did not know to help him carry the body, which was obviously against common sense. The shoes that matched the shoe prints left at the scene of the crime have also been destroyed and cannot be compared. However, from the analysis of the plaster model of the tourist shoe, the depth of the stampede shows that the person wearing this shoe should weigh no more than 110 pounds. And the biggest suspicious point is that the careful investigation of the carrion of the female corpse found that the wound was very shallow, and many, not a fatal, but wielded and stabbed many knives, and there were many resistant wounds on both arms, which showed that the murderer wielded the knife not enough, the assassination time was long, in order to cause such a wound, from the distribution of the location of the corpse knife wounds, the murderer's size is not high, which is not in line with the characteristics of an adult and strong man holding a knife. We summoned the man's wife, the wife's forehead has scratch marks, we immediately have a bottom in our hearts, the husband and wife increase the intensity of interrogation, the husband still claims to be what he did, and the wife collapses the psychological defense line, confessing that he learned that the husband has an affair with others behind his back, so he looked for the miss theory, in the dispute, the miss did not want to show weakness and took out a fruit knife to provoke, the wife took the knife in anger, stabbed it to death, and was horrified afterwards, called the husband to urgently discuss countermeasures, the husband came to see a stupid eye, Busy cleaning up the scene and clearing the blood stains. He wrapped the body in curtains and transported it out in the middle of the night with a motorcycle, and carried it with his wife to the weeds by Dongli Lake and abandoned it. After destroying all the evidence, he immediately went out to travel the next day, and quietly advanced a day when he spread it to the outside world, creating the illusion of not being present at the time of the crime. Through the confessions of the two men and the collection of other favorable physical evidence, the two men were formally arrested.

The husband is uneasy about a peaceful life, and provokes the disaster of killing, so that the relatives are imprisoned, the family is broken, the young woman if she faces her emotions rationally, it is also a kind of beauty to give up, but in the confusion, the death is lost. Although the husband was remorseful and guilty, and was willing to bear the punishment for his wife's impersonation, it was too late. A moment of confusion, the trajectory of life turned, resulting in the second half of life embarking on the road of infinity.

Creeping maggots on dead bodies, disgusting creatures silently fulfill the mission god has given them, helping humanity complete the final stage of evolution, breaking down the organic matter of the body, dissolving soft tissues, and allowing us to return to the embrace of nature. Creation created life, but also destroyed life, to achieve a perfect balance. In samsara, everyone completes a short journey to the world, and after a hundred years, the body is destroyed into fertilizer, in a sense, man is also a link in the food chain of nature, and eternal time plays a moving song, oxidizing all living and inanimate bodies, making red pink skeletons, making money dung.

Strange things two subway ghosts, rotten corpse strange case

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