
It is better to believe in Christ than to believe in Nuwa! My aunt bragged about Western theology on the subway, but she was taught a lesson by college students

author:Watakojin 剧

Recently, a very happy thing has been on the hot search, that is, an aunt is advocating Western theology on the subway, and it happens that there is a group of college students on the subway. A young man immediately stood up and refuted the aunt, which made the aunt speechless for a while. After watching the video, netizens also praised the college student's trip. So, what's going on here?

It is better to believe in Christ than to believe in Nuwa! My aunt bragged about Western theology on the subway, but she was taught a lesson by college students

The incident occurred on the subway in Harbin on May 13, where an aunt first kept talking about the benefits of Western Christianity, and then promoted the idea of Jesus saving the world. He also claimed that faith in Christ would bring happiness to him, and he spoke loudly in the carriage, apparently spreading theological ideas. You must know that there are still many minors in the subway, and Auntie's move is against social morality. Usually people feel strange when they meet people who preach religion to themselves, and the aunt proudly shows her understanding of Western theology and deliberately belittles the religious ideas of the mainland. The people next to him pretended to turn a blind eye to the aunt, and in the eyes of many people, the aunt's move was undoubtedly mentally abnormal.

There were a lot of college students in the car, and there was a young man with a schoolbag and a black shirt who couldn't listen to it anymore, and he said to the aunt with a smile, "It's better for you to believe in Jesus than to believe in Nuwa and pinch the villain." As everyone knows, Nuwa is the creator of the mainland mythology, she used mud to kneaded the shape of a human being, and the aunt was not to be outdone, she immediately refuted the view that Jesus was the creator. But he apparently couldn't talk about college students, who said that Chinese mythology is much stronger than that of the West, and that our Chinese culture has never lagged behind.

At this time, the aunt was already refuted by the young man, and the college student said to the aunt that your behavior is a cultural invasion, and it is illegal to promote religious ideas to minors. And you don't care what you believe, but please don't spread it around in public!

It is better to believe in Christ than to believe in Nuwa! My aunt bragged about Western theology on the subway, but she was taught a lesson by college students

This sentence won the praise of the passengers in the subway all the way, and the aunt was also refuted and had nothing to say, his mouth that talked all the way was finally closed, and the passengers who were closer to him did not have to be harassed by his so-called dry words. The mainland is an ancient civilization, 5,000 years of culture has never been interrupted, throughout the world's other ancient civilizations, their culture has been long or short faults. There are many heroes in the 5,000-year history of China, but this aunt is a superstitious son of the creation of the West.

If the underage passengers on the bus were bewitched by him, it was purely for the purpose of cultural invasion. Mainland law clearly stipulates that it is wrong and illegal to propagate religious ideas to minors. The law stipulates that no person may engage in religious propaganda in places other than religious occasions.

Western rulers used fictional theology to consolidate their theocracy, as was evident hundreds of years ago during the Taiping Rebellion. Hong Xiuquan claimed that he was the Son of God, and that he had come down to save the world. But the invincible Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was still exterminated by the Qing government, and when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was exterminated, why didn't Hong Xiuquan use the identity of the Son of God to save his troops? Some netizens said that when you meet these people outside, don't tell him any nonsense, just let him shut up!

The culture of the mainland can make each generation have enough cultural confidence to resist the invasion of these foreign religions and cultures, and the cultural history of the mainland is far more than 5,000 years. The Dadiwan site in Gansu Province has a history of 8,000 years, which shows that 8,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese created a brilliant cultural river, which has endured hardships but never stopped. It is unreasonable for most people to believe in Western theology instead of believing in our country.

It is better to believe in Christ than to believe in Nuwa! My aunt bragged about Western theology on the subway, but she was taught a lesson by college students

And this behavior of the aunt is also understood as insanity, you can ask yourself, but you can't spread this kind of thought anywhere but your home. Some netizens ridiculed that the aunt does not have a social platform account, and if she had, she would now have to be cyberbullied without tears. Every country has its own cultural traditions, and naturally the religious mythological figures it believes in are also different. It is necessary that religious belief is free on the mainland, but it is not allowed to spread in places other than religious occasions.

It is better to believe in Christ than to believe in Nuwa! My aunt bragged about Western theology on the subway, but she was taught a lesson by college students

Some netizens said that God Jesus spoke English, and he couldn't understand it if he prayed in Chinese! This ridicule is simply to the point, if the old lady heard this, she would probably be speechless on the spot. The aunt on the subway was so outrageous that he smiled smugly as he gushed his thoughts to those around him. As everyone knows, his behavior is purely harassment and illegality.

All in all, I hope that every Chinese has enough cultural self-confidence, because we are a big country in the world with 5,000 years of history and civilization that has never been interrupted!

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