
The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily client

Sanjiang Haohao, Great Lake Soup Soup.

On the afternoon of June 8, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Fairy Bay of Qinghai Lake to inspect the results of the comprehensive environmental management and biodiversity protection of Qinghai Lake.

On the north shore of the Great Lake in early summer, the blue waves are endless, and the water and sky are colorful. Through years of continuous efforts and long-term achievements in ecological protection and governance, the water area of Qinghai Lake has shown an increasing trend, reaching 4588.81 square kilometers in 2020, an increase of 344.31 square kilometers over 2004, and has returned to the level of the 1960s.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

The north shore of Qinghai Lake is vast and vast (Photo by Jiang Feng)

The general secretary pointed out that I went to see Sanjiangyuan and Qilian Mountain before, and this time I came to see Qinghai Lake. Qinghai's strategic position in ecological civilization is very important and heavy. It is necessary to do a good job in the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of ecological resources in Qinghai, implement the national ecological strategy well, and build national parks well. Ecology is a resource and wealth, and it is our treasure.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

"The arrival of the general secretary has further strengthened our determination and confidence to persistently protect this 'ecological business card' of Qinghai!" He Yubang, director of the Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve Management Bureau, said that Qinghai Lake plays an important natural barrier and regulatory function in maintaining the ecological security of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the ecological balance in the western region of China, and "it will always be our duty and mission to protect the biodiversity, ecological system integrity and natural resource endowments of Qinghai Lake." ”

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

Qinghai Lake is ecologically good and picturesque (Photo by Jiang Feng)

Eagles strike the long sky, fish fly blue waves, and many wild animal populations thrive in the Qinghai Lake area, of which the two most widely concerned are:

Nearly extinct przewalski's gazelle, Qinghai Lake is their only remaining habitat and last home in the world. In 2007, surveys showed that the population of Przewalski's gazelle was more than 300, which was less than the number of giant pandas. Through intervention and protection such as sand and grass control, wild rescue, domestication and breeding, the latest monitoring results of the Qinghai Lake National Nature Conservation Administration this spring show that the population of Przewalski's gazelle population has recovered to more than 2560, an increase of about 9 times in 14 years. The protectors who braved the wind and rain and relayed forward now proudly called it: the Chinese diagonal antelope.

There is also the naked carp of Qinghai Lake, whose resources were once on the verge of depletion. As a precious fish endemic to Qinghai Lake, Qinghai people are accustomed to and affectionately call it Huangyu. At the beginning of this year, Qinghai Province launched the sixth closure of Qinghai Lake to breed fish, and the resources of naked carp in Qinghai Lake have recovered to 100,400 tons, an increase of 38 times compared with the beginning of the closure of the lake. Near the Dragon Boat Festival, and to the spectacular Huangyu migration season, a number of migratory rivers, full of tourists from all over the world, the residents along the Coast of the Great Lake have long put away their fishing nets, transformed into pastoral music, tourism reception, beautiful economy busy with happiness.

Man and nature achieve a win-win situation here.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

Mujiale on the shore of the Great Lake opens its doors to welcome guests (photo by Jiang Feng)

On the afternoon of the 8th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Goluozang Gongma Village, Shaliuhe Town, Gangcha County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and walked into the home of herdsman Sonam Tsering to visit and comfort the Tibetan masses.

"The general secretary asked me about the situation in my family before, how is life like now?" Sonam remembered and was still excited. Today, under the party's good policy, the villagers live in brick and tile houses with complete water, electricity and heating, and have also established a professional cooperative for ecological animal husbandry, enjoying dividends at the end of the year, and children can go to primary school at the doorstep of their homes, take classes and computers. Sonam Cairang said that the good life of the herdsmen depends entirely on the party's good policies, and he sincerely thanked the party and the general secretary.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

In recent years, through ecological animal husbandry, grassland ecological rewards, public welfare posts, etc., the per capita net income of 2458 villagers in 639 households in the village has reached 12313 yuan, from the traditional extensive animal husbandry method in the past to a happy new road of good ecology, intensive development and life improvement.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that our party has been established for a hundred years, why do ordinary people wholeheartedly support the Communist Party of China? This is because our party has always wholeheartedly served the people and sought happiness for all nationalities. The achievements we have made in the past hundred years have won the hearts and minds of the people, and we must go better in the new journey of building a modern socialist country.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

General Secretary Xi Jinping said to the enthusiastic villagers at the mouth of The Gongma Village in Goluozang, we are all family, we are all brothers and sisters. This village has changed a lot, and we are very relieved to see that everyone is living happily, and we can feel everyone's deep friendship with the party and the government. By the time of the centenary of the founding of New China, the Chinese nation will certainly be able to stand stronger among the nations of the world. At that time, a happy country, a modern country, will definitely be built. The Chinese nation hugs together like pomegranate seeds, and we are all part of the Chinese national community. In the process of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, no nation can be left behind. Be sure to believe that tomorrow will be better.

The general secretary has just come here∣ the great lake is reborn, and man and nature are win-win here

"The general secretary's words were inspiring, and when he said, 'When the Founding of New China is a hundred years old, the Chinese nation will certainly be able to stand stronger among the nations of the world,' my tears fell at once." As the director of the party and government office of the Shaliuhe Town People's Government in Gangcha County, Hua Xiucai, 37, said, "As a grassroots cadre, I have personally felt the care of the party, the strength of the motherland, and the self-confidence of the nation.

Outside the village, the newly sown rape fields will soon be dressed in flowers for Qinghai Lake in the middle of summer to harvest a new year of hope.

Text: Jiang Feng, Gan Haiqiong, Jiang Ying

Video: Ting Yang

Photo: Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren Xie Huanchi Yan Yan Shen Hong

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