
What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

author:Henan Xiaoping

Breeding boars, we are also called wolf pigs here, breeding boars is to breed sows of the right age, physical strength and energy of the breeding boars can produce high-quality semen, in order to make the sows normally conceived, more productive piglets, produce healthy piglets, before many families in the countryside will raise one or several sows, due to the small number of sows raised by individuals, there is no need to specially raise breeding boars, which gave birth to the industry of special breeding breeding boars, some people specially raised a breeding boar as a breeding boar to earn money, in the nineties, Breeding is 20 to 30 yuan, breeding is not successful mainly depends on the quality of the semen of the breeding boar, with the development of the times, the family breeding sows are very few, there is no one to raise boars specifically, only large breeding plants have breeding boars.

What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

Breeding boar production characteristics: breeding breeding boar is to provide high-quality semen, only excellent breeding boar can produce high-quality piglets, the general family breeding one or several sows is not required to specialize in breeding breeding boars, but in the production of large groups must breed breeding boars, in the case of natural mating, each breeding boar can bear about 40 sow breeding tasks a year, producing hundreds of offspring every year, so heavy tasks require breeding boars must be physically strong, energetic, Therefore, it is very critical for breeders to raise and manage and rationally use breeding boars.

First, the main points of breeding boar feeding management

The quality of the breeding boar's physique directly affects the quality of the semen, the quality of the semen affects the quantity and quality of the piglets, and then affects the economic benefits of the farmers, so in order to improve the economic benefits, the breeding boar is the foundation, only the breeding boar's physique can take on the heavy responsibility, so how to improve the physique of the breeding boar? Let's start with the following three points.

What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

1, how to scientifically feed breeding boars

Breeding boars must use scientific methods to select feed that is conducive to breeding boars, and different breeding boars should make different feeding plans, such as feeding separately according to age and weight.

In general. Young breeding boars within 2 years old are in the development stage, the amount of activity is large, the feed requirements are higher, and more refined feed with high nutritional value and good digestion can only enhance physical strength and energy, and develop better to ensure the demand for production.

Breeding boars can be fed three times a day, feeding concentrate mixed with some green feed, green feed contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements, not only can increase appetite, but also supplement the nutrients needed in the body. After eating the feed, prepare clean water for it to drink.

In the breeding season, in addition to normal feeding, it is also necessary to increase nutrition, and feed some high-protein foods, such as fish and shrimp and eggs, which are good nutrients.

What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

2, let the breeding boar exercise in moderation

Life lies in movement, this sentence is suitable for any animal, if not exercise, the breeding boar will grow a fat meat, too fat will affect the physique, sexual desire will decline, semen quality will also decrease, so in order to raise a healthy, energetic, sexually strong breeding boar to let it exercise properly, can be driven out of the rotation, through the exercise to improve the body's indicators, so as to produce more and more high-quality semen.

3, artificially carry out the correct adjustment

Breeding boars will be dishonest after sexual maturity, often crawling and masturbating with each other, so there is a risk of injury, so it is necessary to adjust, even if the posture and movements are corrected, to ensure the success of breeding.

Some breeding boars have a strong sexual desire and are prone to self-masturbation, so they should be kept in captivity alone and away from the sow, so as not to stimulate it when breeding.

What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

Second, the rational use of breeding boars

Breeding boar use can not be arbitrary, only reasonable use can produce the best effect, especially in the peak breeding period, according to the age and physical condition of the breeding boar to make reasonable arrangements.

Although 1-2-year-old breeding boars can be used, they are not yet fully mature, so they cannot be used too many times, 1 to 2 times a week. 2 to 5 breeding boars have been fully developed, physical strength and energy are relatively strong, so they should undertake the main breeding work, every morning and evening can be mated, but pay attention to enhance nutrition, so that it can maintain physical strength, in order to continue to work. Breeding boars over 5 years old have belonged to the elderly, weak physique, poor spirit, semen quality decline, in order to ensure quality, about 2 days to use once, each time to use before feeding, to prevent eating too full to affect the breeding, after each breeding also to increase nutrition.

What should I do if the breeding boar has more than enough heart and insufficient strength? Do these two things well, be energetic and physically strong

Frail and sick breeding boars do not breed for the time being, because its physical strength is not good, it will aggravate the disease, and the quality of the piglets cannot be guaranteed.

If artificial insemination is used, the mature breeding boar collects sperm every 2 days, and the breeding pig that is used for the first time or the breeding pig that is not used for a long time should not be used for the first time, because the sperm stored in the body for a long time is of poor quality.

In the breeding season, do not covet immediate interests and overuse the breeding boar, which will cause the breeding boar to lose the breeding ability prematurely, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Summary: In order to produce high-quality piglets and improve the economic benefits of farmers, we must first do a good job in breeding and management of breeding boars, and the above two aspects are the focus for the reference of farmers.

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