
Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

author:E-commerce online

Dressed in a clean white shirt and neat short middle hair, Wang Jingjing was interviewed on the "Talk to Strangers" program and told her experience of being bullied since high school

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

He was discriminated against by his classmates, isolated, and rumored that he "sold himself, was raised, and photographed AV", and even beaten for no reason.

After the program was broadcast, many people flocked to Wang Jingjing's Weibo, Zhihu, Taobao and other platforms to give her encouragement.

Ms. Wang said she didn't like herself when she was interviewed a year ago. "I was too fragile at that time, and I would often blame myself and find excuses for the mistakes of others." I forgive the ill will of all and consider it collective blindness. ”

She would even delete the names of the bullies who came out of the netizens' flesh and posted them in her comment area. "I'm afraid of causing trouble for others, even if they've hurt me."

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

At that time, she had blamed herself for the reason. "My original family was terrible, my parents often quarreled, I was a left-behind child, my personality was inferior and sharp, and I may have brought harm to others without knowing it."

Now that a year has passed, Wang Jingjing has chosen to reconcile with herself and no longer attack herself. "Evil is evil, and I don't have to make excuses for those who do evil."

<h1>A "3 million" water cup</h1>

The cause of being bullied for nearly a decade is an ordinary water cup.

In 2008, Wang Jingjing, who came from an ordinary family and good looks, was a first-year student at Wenling Middle School.

Once, after class, two boys were fighting in the class and accidentally broke a ceramic water cup on Wang Jingjing's desk. Her table mate said abusively to the two boys: "You are miserable, this cup is worth 3 million, pay you to death." ”

The boy offered to compensate 200 yuan, But Wang Jingjing did not want it, and said, "No need to compensate, the cup is not much money." ”

The matter was then uploaded to the school post bar, and interpreted as "Wang Jingjing bragged that her water cup was worth 3 million, and the boy proposed to compensate 200 yuan, and she was too little." For a time, countless alumni set off a wave of "cracking down on fake Wang Jingjing" in Tieba.

Some people questioned that the clothes Wang Jingjing wore were so cheap that it was impossible to afford a 3 million cup. In order to maintain her self-esteem, Wang Jingjing denied the fact that her family was poor and said that she had a rich uncle;

Some people attacked Wang Jingjing's appearance, saying that she looked like Sister Feng with her teeth. Wang Jingjing said that she had her teeth straightened when she was a child, and now it is just rebounding;

Some classmates said that Wang Jingjing liked a certain boy, and she clarified: "I don't like him, and I don't lack boyfriends." ”

However, every time Wang Jingjing explains, there is one more "black material" about her on the post bar. In the end, Wang Jingjing was described as a "goddess" who "claimed to use 3 million cups, had hundreds of millions of dollars in the family, had a boyfriend, and had plastic surgery in elementary school."

"It's like being suddenly cast with a demonic spell one day, and that's how the violence in schools begins." Wang Jingjing ushered in unprecedented malice.

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

Unknown students often formed groups to come to the class to watch and laugh at Wang Jingjing; Su Wei met the student sister after the evening self-study class, stopped her, slapped her more than a dozen times; she was called a "goddess", and no one dared to make friends with her. But anyone who spoke for her would be subjected to the same exclusion and abuse. The girl who had been friends with her said to her, "I'm sorry, I can't eat with you anymore." ”

Even, there are girls who come to the toilet to block Wang Jingjing. "I put my phone under the door and photographed my lower body, and then posted online that I had photographed thirty million shoes of the goddess."


Confirmed depression suicidal attempts </h1>

Ms. Wang told her parents about her experience of being bullied in schools, eager to get help, but her parents' response disappointed her.

After Wang Jingjing was slapped, his father went to school. But after coming out of the principal's office, he said to Wang Jingjing, "Dad is useless, Dad is a farmer, and people's parents are officials." This made Wang Jingjing feel more uncomfortable than being beaten.

Wang Jingjing's mother scolded her, "Others will not hate you for no reason, and find reasons for everything in themselves." ”

"As long as you are good to others, others will also be good to you." You are not popular for sure that you are not good enough for others. ”

The days of being watched, discriminated against, and rumored lasted for nearly 2 years. In 2010, 17-year-old Wang Jingjing attempted suicide by gassing her home. After the suicide attempt, her uncle took her to a hospital in Yuyao, where she was diagnosed with depression.

Her mother could not understand, "What depression, is just a pretense, is just to avoid school!" ”

On the verge of collapse, Wang Jingjing chose to be unconditionally good to her friends, because "I am already very grateful that they can approach me."

A boy approached Wang Jingjing, praised her for her good looks, and often chatted with her online. In order to keep this only friend, Wang Jingjing fulfilled his request: sent him a photo of him wearing only underwear. But the boy turned around and posted the photo online. This made Wang Jingjing more insulted, and she was rumored to "sell herself, be raised, and shoot AV." ”

In 2011, Wang Jingjing withdrew from school under pressure. At her mother's request, she went to work at a local supermarket, but the ill will of the crowd did not end.

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

A girl approached her and said she wanted to be friends with her. When Wang Jingjing got her first month's salary and invited her to dinner, the girl called herself "undercover" online and broadcast Wang Jingjing's whereabouts and photos live. Someone left a message at the bottom, "No one is going to make friends with someone like you, you can't see your place too clearly." ”

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

The two betrayals from "friends" made Wang Jingjing unable to trust anyone anymore.

Fearing reality communication, she opened a shop online </h1>

In the placement test for high school admission, Wang Jingjing's score was the fifth in the class. After experiencing bullying incidents, her grades plummeted. After dropping out and re-studying for a year, she was admitted to a business English major at a college in Hangzhou.

Far from her hometown of Wenling, she felt the ease and joy she had long been away from in college.

Although in the college post bar, there are also people who copy and paste "pickpocket stickers" in an attempt to expose her "unbearable high school past". Fortunately, the college classmates got along well with Wang Jingjing. Such posts will be deleted quickly and posting accounts will be banned.

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

College classes are small, in her spare time, Wang Jingjing will take a photo of a friend's clothing wholesale store. "It's not a formal model, it's a casual photo of a full-body for wholesalers to see."

After working part-time for a while, Wang Jingjing began to think about what kind of work she would do after graduation. She abandoned the idea of being an office worker, because she was bullied for a long time in high school, and she was still afraid of communicating with people, feeling that she was difficult to engage in a job that had a lot of communication with others, and afraid of not handling the relationship with colleagues.

Starting your own business seems like the best option. Soon after, Wang Jingjing opened a Taobao store, picking up goods in a friend's store engaged in clothing wholesale, while selling some beauty and skin care products. The first start-up fund was her tuition fee of 7,000 yuan. "I went to school after repeating my studies, and there was a delay in paying the tuition, so I took it out and got a batch of goods."

In order to drain the store, Wang Jingjing shared her dressing experience and skin care experience on Weibo and women's websites. Her Taobao store receives 50 to 60 orders a day. "Seeing the messages of fans on Weibo, seeing the gratitude of buyers in Taobao stores, I will truly feel that I am trusted and accepted."

Because of the high cost of express delivery near the school, Wang Jingjing pulled the goods to the vicinity of the North Silk Clothing City. Every day after class, she takes a bus for more than an hour to the warehouse to deliver goods. At eight o'clock in the evening, take the bus back to the dormitory.

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

"At that time, I couldn't afford a printer, so I wrote the delivery note by hand, and the next day my arm was very sore, and the dishes were shaking." Wang Jingjing recalled, "Although it was very hard, I felt the fullness of my heart for a long time, earned the first bucket of gold in my life, and also walked out of the shadow of depression." ”

Bothering to take care of her own small shop, Wang Jingjing can earn thousands of yuan a month, and when the business is good, she can earn tens of thousands of yuan, far more than her peers. In 2014, the year after opening the store, in order to concentrate on running the Taobao store, Wang Jingjing dropped out of school and returned to Wenling.

At the time, she and her boyfriend were married and had a lovely daughter.

No more self-aggression </h1>

Wang Jingjing's Taobao shop business is getting better and better, and soon the monthly income has reached 20,000. At the same time, there are more and more ugly remarks on the Internet.

Some people inexplicably attacked her and her daughter on the women's and mother's and baby websites, some copied photos of her underwear to various websites, and some people attacked her depression, "She was notorious in high school, and she was mentally ill." ”

Seeing these remarks, Wang Jingjing's long-dormant depression fully recurred, and the whole person lost dozens of pounds. "My husband later said I was like a skeleton." Wang Jingjing said that during that time, she was not interested in anything, and felt that the world was gray. The shop was left unattended and quickly closed.

In October 2016, Wang Jingjing saw someone post on Zhihu about rumors that had accompanied her since high school. There is even a fake "Screenshot of Wang Jingjing's Weibo" showing the price of her self-exposed prostitution for one night, and the bottom of the post is a malicious message.

This time, the angry Wang Jingjing chose to take up the weapon of the law. She sued the rumor-monger Jiang Mou in court.

After a difficult collection of evidence, Wang Jingjing won the case, and the court found that Jiang constituted defamation and sentenced him to three months' detention. The groundless bullying that Wang Jingjing suffered when she was young finally recovered some through the law.

Wang Jingjing has always regretted that she does not have a good academic qualification. She couldn't start her life from scratch, but she had a fresh start. In 2018, Wang Jingjing's beauty Taobao store reopened, and she took care of the small shop and her family at the same time.

One day, she was at Wenling's home while answering customers' questions while watching her children play around the house.

"The child was smiling happily at the toy, and I suddenly felt happy at that moment. I don't allow anyone to hurt my beloved as much as I hurt me. From now on, I just want to live for myself and the people I love. "She no longer makes excuses for those who have bullied her, and she no longer attacks herself."

The business of the Taobao store gradually stabilized and could meet her daily needs. She also taught herself photography to photograph beautiful moments for others.

Bullied for nearly a decade in high school, after the Jedi counterattack, she found a new life after opening a store A "3 million" water cup diagnosed depression attempt suicide Fear of reality communication, she opened a shop online and no longer attacked herself

Recently, she began to learn to draw and design, and she wants to open her own branded clothing store on Taobao soon. "Positioning is a mid-to-high-end route, designing beautiful clothes for girls like me who have a neutral temperament." She has the courage to face the harsh reality and is full of beautiful yearning for the future life.

She wanted to use her story to tell the same bullied girl: "Be brave and ask for help, know that being bullied is not your fault, don't attack yourself, and find reasons for the evildoers." ”

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