
CAF: Arnold is very similar to me, he has raised the overall standard of right-back

author:Tiger soccer

Recently, after FIFA announced the best team of the year, Brazilian legend Cafu was interviewed by the Daily Mail, in which he talked about Liverpool right-back Arnold, who was selected for the best team of the year, and also recalled the night of Istanbul in 2005, the two World Cup final trips in 1998 and 02.

In fact, any right-back, as long as he has a heart of "crossing the midfield and participating in the attack", he can easily be labeled as the "next Carfoe", and when talking about this, Carfoe smiled and said: "This really makes me feel very happy, I am the only player in history to reach the World Cup final three times in a row." I also hope I can inspire those young English players. In the past, no player wanted to play as a defender, so we can be considered pioneers in this regard. ”

When arnold is mentioned, Cafu smiles and nods frequently, making no secret of his recognition of the England defender who has been selected for this year's FIFA's best team, saying: "I can see some similarities between him and me in him, he does a great job in defence, he also dares to be bold in the game, his passing skills are superb, his free kick skills are also very good, I believe he can be the focus of the next World Cup." ”

'He's taken the right-back a notch higher because because he we've started to shift the way we measure right-backs.

"It's not just the players in the world who can score goals who are the best players, there are players who are great and good, but because of where they play on the pitch, they may not be able to win the Ballon d'Or. But now the full-back should also be seen as the protagonist in the game. ”

According to Cafo, brazilians today recognize and revere the position of right-back, whether on the street or on the beach, children will rush to imitate the 1958 and 1962 World Cup winner De Zama Santos, and the 1970 Mexican national team captain Carlos Alberto.

Cafu added: "In my opinion, a right-back in a team should get the highest salary! You see, strikers only need to score goals in the game, midfielders only need to be responsible for tandem, passing, goalkeepers only need to make saves, and full-backs, on the other hand, they are responsible for keeping an eye on people on the pitch, they also need to provide cover for the center-backs and midfielders, as well as forwards, crosses, shots and tandem with the forwards. Having two good full-backs at the same time can create a big threat in a game, but without that, it's hard for a team to do well in the game. ”

It is worth mentioning that Cafu was born on June 7, 1970, and when asked what was happening that day, Cafu replied without hesitation: "Brazil is playing against England in the World Cup match!" ”

"My father was in the delivery room urging the nurse: 'Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up and deliver my baby, I have to go to the Brazilian team to play. Interestingly, the nurses, like my father, were in a hurry to see brazil. ”

"Midwives have been pleading with me to be born early, encouraging me: 'Hurry up and be born!'" Little Bailey! ”

'I was born in the middle of that game, when Brazil led 1-0, it was Yairzinho who scored, and then I thought maybe from that moment on I was destined to be the world champion.

"When I was young, I stuffed newspapers and textbooks into my socks to make soccer balls, used flip-flops on the street as goalposts, played barefoot on the cement floor, and when I came home from the kicks, I found that my toenails were missing, but that seemed to me to be the happiest thing at that time."

Last year, Cafu's eldest son, 30-year-old Danilo, died of a sudden heart attack while playing football, and when he was taken to the hospital, he was told that he could not save his life, and after his son's death, Cafu revealed that he never went into Danilo's room again, but still cried every day to alleviate his inner pain.

Speaking about the Miracle of Istanbul in 2005, he recalled: "We didn't start celebrating early when Milan led 3-0 in the first half, we didn't expect Liverpool to come up with that kind of counter-attack in the second half, we did neglect it, but in the end it all came to their inner convictions, they believed they could turn the tide and the final Champions League title was what they deserved. ”

In addition, for the 3-0 defeat to France in the 1998 World Cup final, he said that Ronaldo should not have played in that match. He revealed that in the hotel before the game, Ronaldo suddenly convulsed, followed by César Sampaio hurriedly pulling his tongue out of his throat to avoid him from suffocating.

Cafu continued: "I can cite many reasons for the loss of that game, but the result was that we did lose the game, and France played better than us. Even if Ronaldo's physical condition returns to 100 percent, I don't think the results will change. ”

When asked how it would feel to lead Brazil to another World Cup four years later, at the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, Cafu replied excitedly: "Pele handed me the Hercules Cup as the guest of honor, and then I looked at the trophy and thought, 'Oh my God! We did it! It felt like fireworks were going straight into the sky and blooming on the surface of the moon — in fact, only my teammates who had won the championship with me at the time could understand what I meant when I said that. ”

"I was asked to stand on a high glass platform to receive the award and then raise the Hercules Cup aloft. To be honest, I don't care at all whether I will fall, I don't care if I will be injured, and things like whether the glass platform will be trampled on, collapsed, etc., if it is really trampled and collapsed, I can immediately stand up and continue to hold the trophy high. ”

(Editor: Yao Fan)

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