
Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

author:History and the hearts of people

Xun Yu, as Cao Cao's chief strategist and hero in unifying the north, was known as "Wang Zuo's Talent". He was instrumental in construction, conspiracy, Kuang Bi, and people, and was called "my son's room" by Cao Cao. In terms of strategy, Xun Yu formulated a blueprint for Cao Cao's planning to unify the northern Central Plains, and repeatedly adjusted Cao Cao's strategic policy, which was appreciated by Cao Cao, including "deeply rooted in the foundation to control the world" and "to meet the Heavenly Son"; tactically, he once defended the three cities of Yanzhou in the face of Lü Bu's rebellion, plotted to strangle Yuan Shao at Guandu, and made a light advance between Wanwan and Ye to hide his surprise attack on Jingzhou and many other achievements.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

In addition, another important contribution of Xun Yu was to recommend many talents for Cao Cao, especially Guo Jia and other top strategists, which made Cao Cao very happy. So, the question is, Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

1. Guo Jia

Guo Jia (170–207), courtesy name Fengxiao, was a native of Yangzhai,Yingchuan (present-day Yuzhou, Henan). At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao was a famous strategist under his account. For Guo Jia, like Xun Yu, they are from Yingchuan County. During the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, Yingchuan County, like Nanyang County, was a place where talents were born. According to historical records such as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia was born in the Yingchuan Guo clan. Originally a subordinate of Yuan Shao, he later switched to Cao Cao and went to the military division to sacrifice wine and seal the Marquis of Yangting. He died of illness during Cao Cao's conquest of Karasuma at the age of thirty-eight. His courtesy name is Marquis Zhen. The history books say that he was "a man of great strategy and a wonder of the world." Cao Cao praised him for having seen people and being his own "Qizuo". In this regard, in the author's opinion, if it were not for his untimely death, Guo Jia would obviously be able to make more merits under Cao Cao.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

Second, Xun You

Xun You (荀佑) (157–214), courtesy name Gongda, was a native of Yingyin, Yingchuan (present-day Xuchang, Henan). Xun Yu was Xun Yu's nephew, and just as the so-called Juxian did not shy away from relatives, Xun Yu also helped Xun Yu recommend it to Cao Cao. As early as the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xun You was imprisoned for plotting to assassinate Dong Zhuo, and then abandoned his official and returned home. In 196 AD, after Cao Cao welcomed Tianzi into Xu Capital, Xun You became Cao Cao's military master. When Cao Cao was conquering Lü Bu, Xun You dissuaded Cao Cao from retreating, and offered a strange plan to flood Picheng and capture Lü Bu alive. In the Battle of Guandu, Ji beheaded Yan Liang, and then calculated to cut off Wen Ugly, and then plotted the Qi soldiers to send Xu Huang to burn Yuan Shao's grain and grass, and also urged Cao Cao to adopt Xu You's plan to attack Wuchao, and also urged Cao Hong to accept Zhang Gao and Gao Lan, all of whom made great contributions. In 214, Xun You died on Cao Cao's way to conquer Wu. Honorable Marquis. In the eyes of many historians, Xun You is known as Cao Cao's "mastermind" and is good at flexible and changeable tactics and combat strategies.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

3. Zhong Xuan

Zhong Xuan (151–230), courtesy name Yuan Chang, was a native of Changshe County, Yingchuan County, Yuzhou (present-day Changge, Henan). During the Three Kingdoms period, wei guozhongchen was a famous calligrapher. Zhong Xuan was born from the famous Yingchuan Zhong clan, with extraordinary appearance and intelligence. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ju Xiaolian was born, and successively served as Shang Shulang and Huangmen Waiter Lang, assisting Emperor Xian of Han to return to Luoyang in the east and crowning him as the Marquis of Dongwuting. After Xun Yu's recommendation, Zhong Xuan was trusted by Cao Cao, the chancellor, and served as a lieutenant colonel, zhen shou guanzhong, outstanding merit, and moved to the former military division. Cao Cao was made the Prince of Wei, served as the Dali Secretary of the State of Wei, and moved to the State of Xiang. After the establishment of Cao Wei, he successively held the posts of Ting WeiQing, Tai Wei, and Tai Fu, and was crowned the Marquis of Dingling County, ranking third duke. In the fourth year of Taihe (230), Zhong Xuan died, with the posthumous name "Cheng". In addition, in the late Three Kingdoms period, Zhong Xuan's son Zhong hui fought the Battle of Wei and Shu. However, in 264 AD, Zhong Hui attempted to divide Shu lands, and as a result, he was defeated and killed.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

4. Chen Qun

Chen Qun(?) – February 7, 237), long text. A native of Xuchang County, Yingchuan County (present-day Xuchangdong, Henan). Chen Qun was born into a famous family, and in his early years he was promoted by Liu Bei as a driver in Yuzhou. However, when Cao Cao entered Xuzhou, Chen Qun was made a subordinate of Sikong Xicao. Since then, Chen Qun has served Cao Cao and made important contributions to the establishment of Cao Wei. When Cao Cao was enfeoffed as Duke of Wei, Chen Qun served as the imperial historian of the State of Wei. Later, he worshiped the official Shangshu and was the Marquis of Wuting of Fengchang. After the establishment of Cao Wei, he successively served as Shang Shu Ling, General of the Zhen Army, Zhonghu Army, and Lu Shang Shushi. After Cao Pi's death, Chen Qun, along with Sima Yi, Cao Zhen, and Cao Xiu, became the chancellor of Tuoguo. Cao Rui ascended the throne, and Chen Qun served as Sikong and Lu Shang Shushi, and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Yingyin. In December of the fourth year of the Qinglong Dynasty (February 237), Chen Qun died of illness and was nicknamed "Jing".

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

Fifth, drama Zhicai

Xi Zhicai is slightly recorded in Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

"Yuyan strategist, into the drama of Zhicai." Zhi Cai pawn, and then into Guo Jia. ——" Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Shu, Xun Yu Biography

"Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, and others have negative ridicule, and Du Qijian is arrogant and rare, all of them are based on wisdom and strategy, and eventually each of them will become famous." - "The Biography of Xun Yu"

After being recommended to Cao Cao by Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai died young, so it is not clear what merits he had made.

Sixth, Du Raid

Du Xun (born and died unknown), courtesy name Zixu, was a native of Dingling County, Yingchuan County (in present-day Xiangcheng County, Xuchang, Henan). In 220, Cao Pi ascended the throne as empress dowager, appointed Du Xun as the overseer of the imperial history of grain, and created him the Marquis of Wupingting. Later, he entered the dynasty and served as Shangshu. In 227, after the Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui ascended the throne, Du raided and entered the Marquis of Pingyang. In 228 AD, when Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, went on a northern expedition to the Central Plains, the general Cao Zhen led his troops to resist and moved Du Tou to become a general and a military division. In 231, after Cao Zhen's death, Sima Yi took over the official position of general, and Du Xi became Sima Yi's military division. Later, Du Xun returned to the imperial court due to illness. After his death, the imperial court posthumously awarded Shaofu the title of Marquis of Dinghou.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

VII. Du Qi

Du Qi (163–224), courtesy name Bohou, was a native of Jingzhao Duling (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi). During the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Wei was a chancellor and a famous general. For Du Qi, he was born in the Jingzhao Du clan, a descendant of Du Yannian, the Imperial Historian of the Western Han Dynasty. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Du Qi served as an official of The County Gong Cao and zheng county order. Because he was good at judging cases, Xun Yu recommended him to Cao Cao, who appointed him Sikong Sizhi and transferred him to the position of Lieutenant of the Qiang Guards, making Xiping Taishou the leader of the Festival. In 220, after Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi made Du Qi the Marquis of Fengle Ting, and the official Zhi Shangshu was a servant. Later, Du Qi was sunk by a strong wind during the sea trial on the Tao River, and unfortunately died at the age of sixty-two, and Cao Pi wept over it, posthumously giving him the title of Tai servant and the posthumous title of Dai Hou.

VIII. Wellcome

Wellcome (?) – 212), courtesy name Yuan, was a native of Jingzhao Duling (京兆杜陵; present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi). For Wellcome, he and Du Qi are fellow countrymen. As a chancellor and calligrapher at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei Kang was the son of Wei Duan, the prince of the Imperial Household. According to historical records such as the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Wei Kang was tall. Yado Hongyi, the lord of Jingzhao County. Born in filial piety, he was recommended by Xun Yu and was highly valued by Cao Cao. He succeeded his father as the Assassin of Liangzhou and was loved by the people.

Xun Yu recommended 9 talents to Cao Cao: In addition to Guo Jia, which one do you know?

In the first month of the seventeenth year of Jian'an (212 AD), after Ma Chao retreated to Liangzhou, he once again gathered the qianghu people to attack Longshang counties, and the counties responded, but Liangzhou Prefecture ruled Jicheng and insisted. Zhang Lu dispatched Yang Ang to help Ma Chao. During the siege, Wei Kang sent Yan Wen to break through to the rescue, but was captured by Ma Chao's army. Wellcome held the city for eight months, and reinforcements did not arrive. Do not want the people to suffer from hunger. Ignoring the advice of Chang Shi Yangfu and others, he insisted on surrendering. Afterwards, Ma Chao violated his previous agreement and instructed Yang Ang to kill him. The people of Liangzhou were indignant when they heard the news of Wei Kang's killing.

9. Strict Elephant

Yan Xiang (163–200), courtesy name Wenze, was a native of Jingzhao, Sizhou (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi). For Yan Xiang, he is less intelligent and has courage ("Three Auxiliary Decisions"). At the beginning of Jian'an, he was promoted to Shang Shulang with high talent. Yan Xiang was both literate and martial, and after receiving Xun Yu's recommendation, Cao Cao made Yan Xiang an official position such as overseer and imperial historian Zhongcheng, thus rebelling against Yuan Shu, who had overstepped his title of emperor. In 199 AD, after Yuan Shu's death, Yan Xiang was worshipped by Cao Cao as the Assassin of Yangzhou, and he recommended Sun Quan as Maocai. At the end of the fourth year of Jian'an (199 AD) (the beginning of 200 AD), Yan Xiang was killed by Sun Ce's subordinate Li Shu, and the Chinese New Year's Eve 8.

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