
How did the 108 generals in "Water Margin" die? Exams will be taken

author:Lao Xie Language Hall
How did the 108 generals in "Water Margin" die? Exams will be taken

No matter what we do, we always think of the ending. Everything has an ending, everyone has an ending, and so does the writer's characters, who have their own endings.

Let's take a look at the ending of the Water Margin 108 General ~ see how their ups and downs of life are drawn to the end ~ ~ ~ ~

Thirty-six days of stars

Song Jiang

Song Jiang, the character Gongming, he is black and short, loyal and righteous, often for the people who have fallen into the rivers and lakes to solve their worries and difficulties, people call "timely rain". It was originally the Oshi Division of Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. Chao Gai, Wu Yong, and others robbed the birthday gang and were arrested by the government, but fortunately Song Jiang informed him in advance. Unexpectedly, this matter was discovered by Song Jiang's concubine Yan Poxi, and taking advantage of the opportunity to threaten, Song Jiang angrily killed Yan Poxi and committed a human life lawsuit.

Later, Song Jiang drunkenly wrote anti-poetry in Xunyang Lou, became an anti-thief, and was forced to go to Liangshan. After Chao Gai's death, Song Jiang became the leader of Liangshan Po. He pursued the line of only opposing corrupt officials and not the emperor. Led the good Han of Liangshan to submit to the imperial court. After conquering Fangla, he was made a pacification envoy of Chu Prefecture, but was eventually poisoned by the traitors with poisoned wine.

Lu Junyi

The rich man of Beijing's Daming Mansion is nine feet tall and has an extraordinary appearance. A good martial art, the stick is not right in the world. Because of his fame, he was favored by Song Jiang, so Wu disguised himself as a fortune teller to trick him into Liangshan, and Lu Junyi did not want to fall into the grass. Back in Beijing, his wife Jia Shi had an affair with the housekeeper Li Gu. Lu Junyi was framed as a thief and put on death row. Liangshan hit the Daimyo mansion three times and rescued Lu Junyi. Later, he captured Shi Wengong alive in Zengtou City to avenge Chao Gai. After conquering Fangla, he was made a pacifying envoy of Luzhou, but was later poisoned by the traitors with mercury, unable to ride a horse, and could not stand firmly when riding a boat, and fell into the water and died.

Wu yong

Originally a village teacher, the road number "brightened", the word is pedantic. Pingsheng was clever and clever, and had read thousands of scriptures. Wu Yong offered a plan for Chao Gai, and after outwitting the Birthday Gang, he went up to Liangshan. When zhujiazhuang was attacked three times, Wu used a series of sacrifices to break the enemy. When the chain of horses was broken, Wu used the time to send a thief to trick Xu Ning into going up the mountain. When Song Jiang was in Huazhou, Wu used a trick to borrow the Golden Bell hanging of Su Taiwei and rescued Shi Jin and Lu Zhishen. Throughout his life, he has repeatedly made strange plots and made many military achievements, and is a confidant of Song Jiang. After the conquest of Fangla, he was made an envoy of the Wusheng Army. After Song Jiang was killed, he hanged himself in front of Song Jiang's grave.

Gongsun Sheng

A native of Jizhou, Hebei. Gongsun Sheng, along with Chao Gai, had earlier robbed the Birthday Gang and later left Liangshan. When the Liangshan people attacked Gao Tang Prefecture, Gao Lian was good at demonizing the law, and Song Jiang was helpless. Wu Yong asked Song Jiang to ask Gongsun to win the mountain. Gongsun Sheng was a disciple of Luo Zhenren of the Erxian Mountain, with the Dao name "Yiqing". He fought with Gao Lian and broke Gao TangZhou. After the good Han of Liangshan made a fuss in Huazhou, he passed through Mount Mangzhong and was stopped by Fan Rui, Xiang Chong, and Li Gong, who knew spells. Gongsun Sheng broke the three of them and persuaded them to submit to Liangshan. Ranked fourth in the ranking of Liangshan Po Heroes, he was given the title of Deputy Military Division in charge of secrets. After Song Jiang was recruited, Gongsun Sheng returned to Jizhou to practice buddhism and did not participate in the conquest of Fangla.

Guan Sheng

The descendants of Guan Yu, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms, made a green dragon and a crescent knife. Originally an inspector of Pudong, he was later transferred by Cai Taishi to Liangshan Po to attack the rear of the Song River. Song Jiang was very fond of Guan Sheng's famous family, and he would be rare. Hu Yanzhuo used a trick to lure Guan Sheng into Songjiang's village, and was dragged off the saddle by scratching the hook and captured alive. Guan Sheng felt song Jiang's loyalty and submitted to Liangshan. Liangshan good man fifth, Ma Jun five tiger general first. After the conquest of Fangla, he became the chief of the Daimyo Prefecture. Later, he died of drunken illness.


He was originally the leader of the 800,000-strong gun stick in Tokyo. Leopard head ring eyes, exquisite marksmanship. His wife was teased by Gao Yanei, and he himself was framed by Gao Li and mistakenly entered the White Tiger Festival Hall. When he was sent to Cangzhou, he was fortunate to escape the disaster thanks to the brother Lu Zhishen who was rescued in the wild boar forest. While guarding the hay field in Cangzhou Prison City, he was secretly plotted by Lu Qian, a confidant of Gao Qi. Lin Chong killed Lu Qian, and went up to Liangshan on the snowy night. After Chao Gai waited for Liangshan, the leader Wang Lun did not tolerate these heroes, and Lin Chong and Wang Lun pushed Chao Gai to the position of the leader of Liangshan Po. After the conquest of Fangla, Lin Chong suffered a stroke and stayed in Hangzhou Liuhe Temple to recuperate, cared for by Wu Song, and died of illness half a year later.

Qin Ming

Qin Ming, the commander of the Qingzhou Terracotta Army, made a wolf tooth stick, had the courage of ten thousand men, ranked seventh among the heroes of Liangshan Po, and the fifth general of the Ma Army. Qin Ming was impatient, sounding like giant thunder, nicknamed "Thunderbolt Fire". He often came out first and made many achievements. When fang la was secretly calculated, he was killed by Fang Jie, and the people of Liangshan were all discolored.


Hu Yanzhuo, after the famous Northern Song general Hu Yanzan, Liangshan Po was the eighth good man, and the Five Tigers of the Ma Army were fourth. Runing County is under the control of two steel whips, riding a royally given kicking snow horse, ancestral chain armor horse array, with the courage of ten thousand men. He used a chain of horses to make Liangshan's military horses suffer, and was later broken by a hook and sickle gun. He also attacked the Three Mountains, so that the good men of the Three Mountains could go to Liangshan. After the conquest of Fangla, he was made the commander of the imperial camp soldiers and horses. Led the army to resist Jin, and killed until Huaixi was killed.

Hua Rong

Hua Rong, the ninth of the Heroes of Liangshan Po, the first member of the Eight Tigers of the Ma Army and the Pioneer Envoy. Originally a deputy Zhizhai of Qingfeng Village, a pair of handsome eyes, white teeth and red lips, eyebrows flying into the sideburns, thin waist and wide arms of the United States general. Make a silver spear, the god arm is good at shooting, and a hundred steps through Yang. He is a confidant with Song Jiang, and in order to save Song Jiang, he makes a big fuss and runs to Liangshan. After Song Jiang was killed, he hanged himself in front of Song Jiang's grave.

Chai Jin

Chai Jin, the tenth of the Liangshan Po heroes, was a descendant of emperor Chai Shizong of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and Taizu of Song gave his family The Danshu Iron Coupon. Dragon eyebrows phoenix eyes, bright teeth vermilion lips. Fighting righteousness and neglecting wealth, love to make friends with good people in the rivers and lakes. During the conquest of Fang La, under the pseudonym Ke Yin, he infiltrated Fang La's interior, married Princess Jinzhi, and joined forces with the Liangshan people Mali Yingwai. After resigning from the government, he returned to Cangzhou to serve the people, and died without illness.

Li Ying

Li Ying, the eleventh good man of Liangshan Po, was in charge of money, grain, and property together with Chai Jin. Li Yingyuan was the owner of Lijiazhuang, known as the "Heavenly Eagle", making a steel gun with five flying knives hidden in the back, which was haunted and could hurt people within a hundred steps. Later, he was tricked by Song Jiang into going to Liangshan. After zhengfangla, he returned to his hometown to become a rich man.

Zhu Tong

Liangshan good man twelfth, Ma Jun's eight tigers riding and vanguard envoy sixth place. Originally a horse soldier in Yuncheng County, he was born in a rich family and had a beautiful beard. Later, because of the private release of thunder, he was sent to Cangzhou. When the prefect saw that he was concerned about his official demeanor, he asked him to take care of Xiao Yanei. Not wanting Li Kui to hack Xiao Yanei to death, he cut off Zhu Tong's way back and was forced to go up Liangshan. After the conquest of Fangla, he was given the title of the governor of Baoding Province. Later, he broke the gold with Liu Guangshi and continued to be the emissary of the Taiping Army.

Lu Zhishen

Lu Zhishen, the thirteenth good man of Liangshan, the first leader of the ten infantry. Lu Zhishen, whose original name was Lu Da, was the governor of Jingluo Province, and saw Zheng Tu bully Jin Cuilian's father and daughter, and killed this "town Kansai" with three fists. He fled to Mount Wutai to cut his hair and became a monk, and changed his name to Lu Zhishen. He once pulled up weeping willows, made a big fuss in Peach Blossom Village, burned the Clay Pot Temple, and singled erlong Mountain. A lifetime of hoeing the strong to help the weak, and the good end sits in the big brake. Add a righteous martyr and a Zen master.


A native of Qinghe County. In Jingyang Gang, he drunkenly beat the tiger and became famous in the world, and became the head of the infantry of Yanggu County. Later, he angrily killed Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian to avenge his brother Wu Dalang. Wu Song is a well-known hero, who once drunkenly beat Jiang Menshen, made a big fuss about Feiyunpu, splashed the Mandarin Duck Tower with blood, and walked Centipede Ridge at night. During the conquest of Fangla, he was cut off by Tianshi Bao Daoyi with an arm. Later, he became a monk at Liuhe Temple in Hangzhou, was named the ancestor of Qing Zhong, and lived to the age of eighty.

Dong Ping

Dong Ping, the fifteenth good man of Liangshan Po, the fifth general of the Five Tigers of the Ma Army. Dong Pingyuan is the governor of Dongping Province, a clever mind, a gentleman, making two iron guns, rampage during the war, brave and invincible. Song Jiang attacked Dongping Province and captured Dong Ping alive. Dong Ping was killed at Dusongguan during the conquest of Fangla.

Zhang Qing

Zhang Qing, Liangshan Po Sixteen Good Men, Ma Jun's Eight Tiger Riders and Pioneer Envoys fifth place. Song Jiang attacked Dongchang Province, and the tiger of Dongchang Province rode Zhang Qing, making good use of flying stones to hit people, firing hundreds of shots, known as "no feather arrows", and once beat fifteen generals of Liangshan in a row. Later, qiongying was married, and died in Dusongguan during the conquest of Fangla, and had a widow, Zhang Jie.

Yang Zhi

Yang Zhi, after the famous Northern Song Dynasty general Yang Ye. He won the martial arts, wanted to make meritorious achievements, revived the prestige of the ancestors, helpless fate to make people, first lost the flower stone class, fell to the streets of Tokyo to sell ancestral swords, and later lost the birthday class, ranked seventeenth among the good men of Liangshan, Liangshan Army Mali as the horse army eight tiger riders and pioneer envoys, ranking third. He died of illness in Dantu during the conquest of Fangla.

Xu Ning

Xu Ning, the eighteenth good man of Liangshan, the second of the Eight Tigers of the Ma Army and the vanguard. Xu Ning was originally the head of the Golden Gun Class of the Beijing Division, and he knew the hook and sickle gun method. Later, he was tricked into going up the mountain by Wu Yong and Tang Long and broke the serial horse of Hu Yanzhuo. He was poisoned by a poisoned arrow in his neck during the conquest of Fangla, and because the "divine doctor" An Daoquan did not go out on the expedition, he was later poisoned and killed.


Suo Chao, the nineteenth good man of Liangshan, the fourth of the eight tigers of the platoon army and the vanguard. Suo Chao is a famous general in Beijing, who uses a mountain axe and always leads the way when fighting. Later, Liangshan attacked the Daimyo Mansion, and Suo Chao fell into a trap and was captured, returning to Liangshan. Rushing to pursue the enemy during the conquest, Fang La was killed by Shi Bao turning around and using the meteor hammer.

Dai Zong

Dai Zong was originally a member of the Jiangzhou Provincial Festival. After practicing the Divine Practice, he can travel eight hundred miles a day, and is known as "Divine Action Taibao". Song Jiang wrote a counter-poem in xunyang lou, and Cai Jiu ordered DaiZong to go and arrest Song Jiang, and DaiZong was also implicated for helping Song Jiang. The good han of Liangshan made a big fuss about Jiangzhou and rescued him and Song Jiang to the mountain, responsible for confidential intelligence. After the conquest of Fangla, Daizong went to the Tai'an Yue Temple to accompany the temple and spent his life.

Liu Tang

Liu Tang, purple and black broad face, sideburns with black hair and red moles, known as "red-haired ghosts". Liangshan Hero is the twenty-first, the platoon leader is the third, and he makes a simple knife. Drifting in the rivers and lakes, he conveyed the information of the birth anniversary to Chao Gai, which triggered the Liangshan Juyi. When zhengfangla was pressed to death by the gate of the hangzhou tide.

Li Kui

Li Kui, a member of the Baizhang village of Yishui County, nicknamed "Iron Bull". He is a dark man, who is eager to kill, known as "Black Whirlwind", the twenty-second good man of Liangshan, and the fifth leader of the infantry. When he went down the mountain to pick up his mother, he tried to kill four tigers. He followed Song Jiang all his life and was loyal. In the end, Song Jiang was afraid that after his death, Li Kui would rebel and ruin his name of loyalty and righteousness, so he tricked Li Kui into drinking poisonous wine and dying.

Shi Jin

Shi Jin was the son of Shi Taigong of Shijiazhuang in Huayin County, with nine green dragons tattooed on his body, and he liked to dance with guns and sticks since he was a child, and was the apprentice of Wang Jin, the leader of the 800,000 Forbidden Army. Later, it was misunderstood by the government, and a fire burned the courtyard and fell grass on Shaohua Mountain. He was shot to death by Pang Wanchun in front of Yuling Pass.

Mu Hong

Mu Hong, a wealthy household in Jieyang Town, ran amok in the town, known as "No Cover", and quarreled with many good people in Liangshan, Jiangzhou. The twenty-fourth hero of Liangshan is the eighth place in the eighth place of the Eight Tigers of the Ma Army and the vanguard envoy. He contracted the plague in Hangzhou while zhengfangla was dying.


Lei Heng was the twenty-fifth good man of Liangshan, the fourth leader of the infantry, and could jump over the stream of two or three zhang. It was originally the head of the infantry of Yuncheng County. Born in iron, he learned a good martial art. Because his mother was bullied, he angrily beat the prostitute Bai Xiuying to death and went to Liangshan. Zheng Fanglashi and Si Xingfang were beheaded single-handedly.


Li Jun, the twenty-sixth good man of Liangshan, was the first leader of the water army. Li Jun was originally a native of JieyangLing, a good man on the Xunyang River. Excellent commander of the water army. In Taihu Yuliuzhuang, he met Fei Bao and others. After conquering Fangla, he built a large ship in the port of Taicang and went to sea, and went to Siam with Tong Wei, Tong Meng, Fei Bao, etc., and Li Jun became the lord of the country.

Ruan Xiao'er

Ruan Xiao'er, with thousands of pounds of strength in both arms, ranked twenty-seventh among the good men of Liangshan and was the fourth leader of the Liangshan Four Zhai Water Army. The people of Shijie Village next to Liangshan Po make a living by fishing. Ranked first among the three Nguyen brothers. During the conquest of Fangla, the soldiers at Wulongling were defeated.

Zhang Heng

Zhang Heng, the twenty-eighth good man of Liangshan, was the second leader of the Liangshan Water Army. The Xiaogushanxia people's clan specialized in robbing money on ships on the Xunyang River. During the conquest of Fang La, he angrily beheaded Fang Tianding, the son of Fang La, and avenged his younger brother Zhang Shun.

Ruan Xiaowu

Ruan Xiaowu, the twenty-ninth of the good men of Liangshan, ranked fifth among the eight leaders of the liangshan water army. Ranked second among the three Nguyen brothers, he fished for a living and often did some private business. It is said that of all those who are enemies of him, none of them can survive. He was killed by Lou Minzhong in Qingxi County.

Zhang Shun

Zhang Shun, the hero of Liangshan ranked thirtyth, and the leader of the eight members of the water village ranked third. In Jiangzhou, he sells fish for a living. There is a snow-white muscle, underwater can lie down for seven days and seven nights, known as "white stripes in the waves". When the conquest of Fang La, the soul broke the Golden Gate. Later, he appeared meritorious and was enfeoffed as General Jinhua.

Ruan Xiaoqi

Ruan Xiaoqi, nicknamed "Living Yan Luo", was the thirty-first good man among the heroes of Liangshan and the sixth leader of the eight members of the Liangshan Water Army. Nguyen Thi Tri Hung is the youngest of the three. He was the only one who survived in the Conquest. Later, he was stripped of his official position because he had worn a Fang Lalong robe to play tricks. He returned to Shijie Village with his old mother and became a fisherman again. Lived to the age of sixty.

Yang Xiong

Yang Xiong, the seventh among the ten infantry leaders of Liangshan, was the thirty-second good man of Liangshan. Yang Xiong was originally a Jizhou jailer and execution executioner, with a yellowish complexion and nicknamed "Sick Guansuo". Because his wife Pan Qiaoyun committed adultery with the monk Pei Ruhai, he killed Shi Xiu and defected to Liangshan. He died of back sores after the conquest of Fangla.

Shi Xiu

Shi Xiu, a member of the Jiangnan clan, has lost both of his parents since childhood and has been living in exile in Jizhou to sell firewood. When the road is uneven, he has to give up his life to help, nicknamed "Desperate Sanlang". In the streets of Jizhou, he married Yang Xiong as a brother because of his uneven embrace. He died under a stray arrow during the conquest of Fangla.

Xie Zhen

Xie Zhen is the first hunter in Dengzhou. Make a steel fork with a hun iron point. He was framed by Mao Taigong for his meritorious service in fighting tigers. When he was marching on Fangla, he climbed the Oolong Ridge, but was found by the enemy army and fell from the cliff and fell to his death.

Unlock the treasure

Xie Bao is the younger brother of Xie Zhen and the first hunter in Dengzhou. Make a steel fork with a hun iron point. More fierce than his brother. He was framed by Mao Taigong for his meritorious service in fighting tigers. When he was marching on Fangla, he climbed the Wulong Ridge, but unexpectedly alarmed the enemy army and was killed by rocks.

Yan Qing

Yan Qing is an orphan and was adopted by Lu Junyi from an early age. He is clever and clever, and he can play and sing songs. A bow, arrows do not fail; more good at sumo wrestling, once defeated the "Optimus Prime" Ren Yuan, angrily fell high. Even Li Shishi, the world's first prostitute, admired him. After zhengfangla bid farewell to Lu Junyi, he wandered the world and disappeared.

Seventy-two earth stars

Zhu Wu

Zhu Wu, of the Dingyuan Ren Clan, was able to use double swords, was proficient in formation, and had a wide range of strategies. Together with Chen Da and Yang Chun, we fell grass in Shaohua Mountain. After going to Liangshan, he became Wu Yong's deputy and counselor of military aircraft. After conquering Fangla, he went to Gongsun Sheng to learn the Tao.

Yellow letter

Huang Xinyuan was the military governor under Murong Yan, the prefect of Qingzhou, who was a good martial artist and an apprentice of Qin Ming. He prides himself on being able to suppress the Three Mountains Thieves of Qingzhou. After Song Jiang was recruited, he returned to Qingzhou to become an official after conquest.

Sun Li

Sun Liyuan was a soldier and horse in Dengzhou, skilled in bowing horses, good at making whips, and the thieves on the seashore were frightened and fearful, known as "sick lieutenant chi". He is the thirty-ninth good man of Liangshan, and the second place of the Sentinel Leader of the Fengliang Mountain Horse Army xiao Biao and the far outpost. After being recruited, he returned to Dengzhou as an official.


Xuanzan was once a county horse, he looked black, nose to the sky, the county lord thought he was ugly and resentful. Liang Zhongshu sent an urgent message to Cai Jing at damingfu, and Xuanzan recommended Guan Sheng to lead his troops to besiege Liangshan and make himself a deputy general. Later, they all returned to Liangshan. Xuanzan ranked 40th in Liangshan Good Han, and Xiao Biao of the Juma Army was the third in the sentinel leader. He died under the Drinking Horse Bridge during the conquest of Fangla.

Hao Siwen

Hao Siwen was the forty-first good man of Liangshan, and Xiao Biao of the Liangshan Horse Army was also the fourth in the sentinel leader. His mother dreamed that the twenty-eight-year-old Inugi had reincarnated and gave birth to him. He was the brother of Guan Shengjieyi, proficient in eighteen martial arts, Guan Sheng led his troops to encircle and suppress Liangshan, and Hao Siwen was the deputy general. During the conquest of Fangla, he was dragged into the city and scraped alive.

Han Tao

Han Tao, the forty-second good man of Liangshan, and the fifth place of The Sentinel Leader of the Ma Army Xiao Biao and the Far Range. Song Jiang's soldiers and horses attacked Gaotang Prefecture. The Hui sect sent Hu Yanzhuo to lead the Chen Prefecture regiment to train Han Tao and conquer Liangshan Po. Han Tao, known as the "Yum General", made a jujube mallet and drove three thousand consecutive horses to defeat the Liangshan people. Later, during the attack on Changzhou, he was shot dead by Jin Jie.

Peng Xuan

Peng Xuan was originally a training envoy for the Yingzhou Regiment. With Hu Yanzhuo's conquest of Liangshan as a deputy pioneer, he was known as the "Heavenly Eye General", making a three-pointed and two-edged knife, resembling the Erlang God. He was captured alive and returned to Liangshan. He was named the sixth general of the Liangshan Horse Army Xiao Biao and the sixth sentinel leader, and was the forty-third good man of Liangshan. He was killed while following Song Jiang in his conquest of Fang La.

Shan Tingjue

Shan Tingjue, the forty-fourth good man among the heroes of Liangshan, ma jun Xiao Biao will also be the seventh sentinel leader. Shan Tingjue was known as the "Holy Water General", and he was good at using water to soak the soldiers to defeat the enemy. Together with Wei Dingguo, he was ordered to attack Liangshan. He fell into a trap during the conquest of Fangla, and was killed with a long gun and a bow and arrow.

Wei Dingguo

Wei Dingguo was originally a training envoy of the Lingzhou Regiment, who was proficient in fire attack methods and used special firearms to take people, known as "Divine Fire General". Together with Shan Tingjue, he was ordered to attack Liangshan. Xiao Biao, the platoon commander, was also the eighth sentry leader. It is the forty-fifth good man of Liangshan. He fell into a trap during the conquest of Fangla, and was killed with a long gun and a bow and arrow.

Xiao Jean

Xiao Rang, a calligrapher from Xiucai, was good at writing in the four fonts of Su, Huang, Mi and Cai at that time. He was in charge of Liangshan's writings and dispatching troops. Ranked 46th in the Pailiang Mountains. When Song Jiang was consulting Fang La, Xiao Rang did not go out on the expedition and became a mr. menguan under Cai Jing.

Pei Xuan

Pei Xuanben was the sixth case of Jingzhao Fu and was a man of integrity. Pei Xuan rewarded and punished the military and political officials at Liangshan and was the forty-seventh good man. A lifetime of dedication to people's merits and deeds, rewards and punishments are clear. After the conquest of Fang La, he went to drinking Ma Chuan to ask for leisure.

Ou Peng

Ou Peng, walking like a fly, known as "Moyun Golden Wings", was originally a soldier, because he offended his superiors, he fell into the grass in Huangmen Mountain. Ou Peng, Jiang Jing, Ma Lin, and Tao Zongwang heard that Song Jiang was trapped in Jiangzhou and was rescued by the good han of Liangshan, so they submitted to Liangshan. Xiao Biao, the general of the Pailiang Mountain Horse Army, was the ninth sentry leader and the forty-eighth good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he was shot by Pang Wanchun with a beaded arrow.

Deng Fei

Deng Fei, who ate more human flesh and his eyes were red, made an iron chain, and people could not get close, and met Dai Zong and went up to Liangshan. The hero of Liangshan ranked forty-ninth, and Ma Jun Xiaobiao was the tenth rank of sentry leader. He was killed by Shi Bao during the conquest of Fang La.


Yan Shun, originally a sheep and horse dealer, became a robber on Qingfeng Mountain because of his loss. Red hair, yellow whiskers, long arms and broad waist,

Hellfire Star

The Jianghu people call it "Jinmao Tiger". Ranked fiftieth in the liangshan good man, he was the eleventh general of the Liangshan Horse Army Xiao Biao and the eleventh leader of the far-reaching sentry. He was killed by Shi Bao during the conquest of Fang la.

Yang lin

Yang Lin, Jianghu Ranger, the fifty-first good man of Liangshan, the general Xiao Biao of the Ma Army and the fifteenth sentinel leader of the far reaches. Daizong was ordered to go down the mountain to inquire about the news, passing through Jizhou, and met him defecting to Liangshan. After the conquest of Fang La, he went to drinking Ma Chuan to ask for leisure.

Ling Zhen

Ling Zhen was an artillery expert of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the artillery he built could hit fourteen or five miles away, and wherever he went, there were landslides and rock cracks. When Hu Yanzhuo attacked Liangshan, please come to Ling Zhen. Ling Zhen shelled the Duckbill Beach, showing great might. Chao Gai used a gauge to make Ruan Xiao'er catch Ling Zhen in the water. The fifty-second hero of Liangshan. After the recruitment, he was appointed by the imperial camp of the Gunpowder Bureau.

Jiang Jing

Jiang Jing, the fifty-third good man of Liangshan, repeatedly failed the list of Kao Keju, and then abandoned Wen Congwu, was good at platooning troops, proficient in book calculations, and was known as "Divine Operator". The grass fell on the Huangmen Mountain, and then returned to Liangshan Po. Jiang Jing was in charge of money and grain expenditure and inclusion in Liangshan. After the conquest of Fangla, he returned to his hometown to be a civilian.

Lu Fang

Lü Fang, the famous general Lü Bu at the end of the Han Dynasty, made a Fang Tian painting sword. He was the fifty-fourth good man of Liangshan, and was named the General of the Guarding Chinese Army. Lü Fangyuan was falling grass on the Shadow Mountain, and Guo Sheng wanted to come and seize the cottage. The two fought a big battle at the foot of the mountain, but fortunately they were shot away by An arrow from Hua Rong and submitted to Liangshan together. During the conquest of Fangla, Lü Fang fell off a cliff in Wulongling and died.

Guo Sheng

Guo Sheng, a famous Tang Dynasty general Xue Rengui, who made a Fang Tian painting sword, was the fifty-fifth good man of Liangshan. Because of the sale of mercury folding books and occupy the shadow mountain. He fought with Lü Fang at the foot of the mountain, but fortunately was shot away by An arrow from Hua Rong and returned to Liangshan together. He was also a general of the Ma Army of the Defending Army with Lü Fang. During the conquest of Fang La, he was killed by rolling stones in Wulongling.


An Daoquan is a profound doctor, known as the "Divine Doctor", and is the fifty-sixth good man of Liangshan. When Song Jiang led his troops to attack the Daming Mansion, he had sores on his back and was seriously ill, so he returned to Liangshan Po, and Zhang Shun invited An Daoquan. In the "Complete Biography of Yue Yue", he later treated King Kang, who fled south, at Niutou Mountain.

Emperor Fu Duan

Huang Fuduan is a famous veterinarian in Dongchang Province, who is good at soma and is a good friend of Zhang Qing. Song Jiang captured Dongchang Province, and Zhang Qing recommended Emperor Fuduan to Song Jiang. Pai Liangshan fifty-seventh good man. After Zhao An, he was named the Ambassador of the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

Wang Ying

Wang Yingyuan was a coachman, five short in stature, lustful, after killing people and robbing money, he went to Qingfeng Mountain to be a robber, and after capturing Song Jiang, he admired Song Jiang's personality and submitted to Song Jiang. Liangshan was in charge of the leader of the Horse Army within the Three Armies, and was the fifty-eighth good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he was killed by the "Demon King" Zheng Biao.

The Third Lady

The third lady was originally a thousand gold in the Family Village, making two mouths of the sun and the moon double knife, and even more with a rope sleeve to take people's stunts. When Song Jiang attacked Zhujiazhuang, Hu Sanniang captured Wang Ying in the first battle. He was later captured alive by Lin Chong. Recognized by Song Jiang as a younger sister, she married Wang Ying. He is the fifty-ninth good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he was killed by the "Demon King" Zheng Biao.

Bao Xu

Bao Xu was originally a robber of the Dead Tree Mountain, who liked to kill people, making a broadsword, and was known as the "God of Mourning" in the rivers and lakes. After Li Kui and Jiao Ting met on the way, they joined forces with Bao Xu to attack Lingzhou. After going to Liangshan, he was named the second general of the Seventeen-Member Infantry General, and was the sixtieth good man of Liangshan. He was killed in battle during the conquest of Fang La.

Fan Rui

Fan Rui had earlier teamed up with Xiang Chong, and Li Gong was king at Mount Mangzhong, good at making meteor hammers, able to call the wind and rain, and not taking Liangshan Po in his eyes. He was subdued by Gongsun Sheng and was given the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Fa- He was the first general of the Seventeen Infantry Corps and the sixty-first of the Good Men of Liangshan. After conquering Fangla, he went to Gongsun Sheng to learn the Tao.

Kong Ming

Kong Ming was the son of Kong Taigong under the White Tiger Mountain and an apprentice of Song Jiang. Temperamental. The brothers attack Qingzhou to save their uncle, and Kong Ming is captured by Hu Yanzhuo. Song Jiang led the soldiers and horses to capture Qingzhou together, and was named the general of the infantry guarding the Chinese army, and was the sixty-second good man of Liangshan. He fell ill and died while consulting Fang La.

Hole bright

Kong Liang is Kong Ming's younger brother. Sexual impatience, good to mess with people. Song Jiang's apprentice, Kong Liang, together with his brother, became the infantry general of the Liangshan Guardian Army and was the sixty-third good man of Liangshan.

Item charge

Xiang Chong was the sixty-fourth good man of Liangshan and the third general of liangshan infantry. Originally, he and Fan Rui were king at Mount Mangzhong in Xuzhou. Make a dough card, hold an iron javelin in your hand. When Liangshan's men attacked Mount Mangzhong, Gongsun Sheng captured Xiang Chong alive with a spell, and Xiang Chong surrendered to Liangshan. He was killed in battle during the conquest of Fangla.

Li Gun

Liangshan sixty-fifth good man, Liangshan seventeen infantry generals leader fourth. Earlier, he was an accomplice of Fan Duan and Xiang Chong, and became king of Mount Zhanshan outside Xuzhou. Make a dough card, make a sword in your hand. He was killed in battle during the conquest of Fangla.

Kim Dae-kin

Kim Dae-kyun, a famous gold stone sculptor, was good at carving the four fonts of Su, Huang, Mi and Cai at that time, and the Jeju people's clan. Together with Xiao Rang, Jin Dajian was a civilian general of Liangshan, who was in charge of creating soldiers and printing letters, and ranked the sixty-sixth hero of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he was summoned back to the imperial court by the Holy Will.

Ma Lin

Ma Lin, who blows a good iron flute, makes a large hob knife, known as the "Iron Flute Immortal" in the jianghu, he is the sixty-seventh good man of Liangshan, and the general Xiao Biao of the Ma Army is also the twelfth of the sentinel leader. During the conquest of Fang La, he was shot and fell from his horse, and was hacked to death with a knife.

Tong Wei

Tong Wei, a native of the Xunyang River, sells salt on the river, lives in Li Jun's house, can ambush the water in the big river, can drive a boat, and the people on the rivers and lakes are called "out of the cave Jiao". He is the seventh member of the leader of the Liangshan Four Villages Water Army and the sixty-eighth good man of Liangshan. Later, he accompanied Li Jun on an expedition overseas.

Tong Meng

Tong Meng is the younger brother of Tong Wei, and earlier the two brothers sold smuggled salt on the Xunyang River, and the water was extremely good, known as the "Mirage". After returning to Liangshan, Tong Meng was the eighth leader of the water army and the sixty-ninth good man of Liangshan. Later, he accompanied Li Jun on an expedition overseas.

Meng Kang

Meng Kang, whose ancestral home is from the Zhendingzhou people's clan, is known as "Jade Banner Pole" because of his tall and tall appearance and extremely white purity. Meng Kang is good at building large and small ships. Because of the escort of Hua Shi gang, Meng Kang was ordered to build a large ship, and was bullied and insulted by the responsible ti dispatch officer, killed the ti tuning officer in one breath, settled in the drinking machuan, and was killed by artillery when he accompanied Song Jiang to negotiate Fang La.

Hou Jian

Hou Jian, whose ancestral home is Hongdu, has done a good job as a tailor, flying needles and threads, and is highly skilled. Love to make guns and sticks, once worshiped Xue Yong as a teacher. Black and thin, he is called "Tong Gibbon". After entering Liangshan, he was responsible for making military uniforms such as the Jingqipao jacket, and was the seventy-first good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Hou Jian drowned.

Chen Da

Chen Da, of the Yicheng clan, made a white-spot steel gun, and the Jianghu people called it "Jumping Tiger". Together with Shi Jin, he submitted to Liangshan when the Liangshan army was in Huazhou, and was the thirteenth sentinel leader of the Liangshan horse army Xiao Biao and the thirteenth sentinel leader, and was the seventy-second good man of Liangshan.

Yang Chun

Yang Chun, of the Puzhou Xieliang clan, made a large pole knife, skilled in martial arts, long waist and thin arms, known as the "White Flower Snake" by the jianghu people. Together with Zhu Wu and Chen Da, they became acquainted with Shi Jin when they attacked Shijiazhuang in Shaohua Mountain. When Song Jiang led his men and horses to the Western Yuehua Prefecture, he surrendered to Liangshan, and became the fourteenth general of liangshan' horse army Xiao Biao and the leader of the far-reaching sentry, and was the seventy-third good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he was shot by a random arrow.

Zheng Tianshou

Zheng Tianshou, a native of Suzhou, was originally a silversmith, born white and handsome, known as "white-faced Lang Jun". Together with Yan Shun and Wang Ying, he was king at Qingfeng Mountain. He was the ninth general of the Liangshan Infantry General and the seventy-fourth good man of Liangshan, and was smashed to death by a grinding fan during the conquest of Fangla.

Tao Zongwang

Tao Zongwang, whose ancestral home is from the Gwangju people's clan and was born in the Village, is accustomed to using a shovel, and can also make a gun and a knife, and people call "nine-tailed turtles". After Song Jiangzhou was rescued, when he returned to Liangshan, he met Ou Peng, Tao Zongwang and four others at Huangmen Mountain. Tao Zongwang and others have since submitted to Liangshan and are responsible for building some buildings such as the Liangshan BoCheng Wall, and are the seventy-fifth good man of Liangshan. Tao Zongwang was killed in battle during the conquest of Fangla.

Song Qing

Song Qing, Song Jiang's younger brother. At home, he took care of his father, Mrs. Song. Song Qing was in charge of the matter of liangshan arranging a feast, and the seventy-sixth good man of Liangshan was ranked. After being recruited, Song Qing was given the title of Wu Yilang. He later continued to farm at home. There was a son, Song Anping, who became an official.


Lehe was originally a small prison in Dengzhou City. Clever and clever, all kinds of music, a learning, and a good noise, known as "iron barker". He was the first member of the military to report the secret infantry leader, and the seventy-seventh good man in Liangshan. Before the conquest of Fang La, Le He was named by Wang Duwei to leave and stay in Kyoto.

Gong Wang

Gong Wangyuan was Zhang Qing's deputy general, nicknamed "Hua Xiang Hu", with tabby tattoos on his body and a tiger's head on his neck, and he would make a flying gun on horseback. Lu Junyi's attack on Dongchang Province failed, Song Jiang went to support, Gong Wang was captured, surrendered to Liangshan, and was made the fourteenth general of the infantry, the seventy-eighth good man of Liangshan, and was killed in battle during the conquest of Fang La.

Ding Desun

Ding Desun was Zhang Qing's second-in-command, with scars on his cheeks and all over his body, and would make flying forks on horseback. When Zhang Qing fought with Liangshan's men and horses, Ding Desun was captured and surrendered liangshan. Ding Desun was the seventy-ninth hero of Liangshan and was named the fifteenth general of liangshan infantry. He was bitten to death by a poisonous snake during the conquest.

Mu Chun

Mu Chun, Mu Hong's younger brother, was originally the son of a wealthy family in Jieyang Town on the Xunyang River, a local bully. Song Jiang was hunted down and killed by them, thanks to Li Jun and others. The Mu Chun brothers have known Song Jiang ever since. After the good Han of Liangshan robbed the dharma field to save Song Jiang and Dai Zong, the Mu Chun brothers entered Liangshan. He is the seventh rank of liangshan infantry general and the eightieth good man of Liangshan. After being recruited, Mu Chun returned to his hometown and became a good citizen.

Cao Zheng

Cao Zheng, a native of Kaifeng Province, Lin Chong's apprentice, was born as a butcher in the ancestral generation, and his methods of killing pigs and stripping cattle were excellent, and he was known as the "knife ghost". Cao zheng was responsible for slaughtering cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and livestock in Liangshan, ranking the eighty-first good man in Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Cao Zheng died of poisoning arrows.

Song Wan

Song Wan was the elder of Liangshan Po, who had earlier been king of Liangshan with Wang Lun and Du Qianzhan, and was tall and mighty, with ordinary martial arts. After Wang Lun was fired by Lin Chong, Song Wan remained in Liangshan and was named the tenth general of the infantry and the eighty-second good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Song Wan was killed in battle.

Du Qian

Du Qian was the elder of Liangshan Po, who had earlier become king of Zhanshan with Wang Lun and Song Wanyi, with long hands and mediocre skills. After Wang Lun was fired by Lin Chong, Du Qian remained in Liangshan and was named the eleventh general of the infantry and the eighty-third good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Du Qian was killed in battle.

Xue Yong

Xue Yong, a native of Luoyang, Henan Province, was born as an officer in his grandfather, and because he was poor and lived by selling art and medicine, the Jianghu people called him "a sick worm". Song Jiang was sent to Jiangzhou, and when he saw Xue Yong's gun stick, he rewarded him with five or two pieces of silver, and the two became acquainted. Later, the Liangshan people immediately went up the mountain and was named the fifth general of the infantry and the eighty-fourth good man of Liangshan. Killed during the conquest of Fang la.


Shi En, the eighty-fifth good man of Liangshan, the sixth rank of the infantry general. Wu Song was sent to Mengzhou City and met XiaoGuanying Shi En. Shi En opens a restaurant in the Happy Forest, which is occupied by the "Jiang Men God". So he asked Wu Song to retake the restaurant for him. Later Shi En was forced to go to Liangshan. He was killed in Kunshan during the conquest of Fang La.

Li Zhong

Li Zhong was originally a gun maker and a medicine seller in the jianghu, and was the master who taught Shi Jin martial arts. When Li Zhong passed by Taohua Mountain, he was intercepted by Zhou Tong, who defeated Zhou Tong and went up the mountain to sit in the first chair. Hu Yanzhuo attacked Taohua Mountain, and Li Zhong asked Erlongshan for help, and later submitted to Liangshan, becoming the eighth general of the infantry and the eighty-sixth good man of Liangshan. Killed during the conquest of Fang la.


Zhou Tong had earlier fallen into the grass in Taohua Mountain as the king, and looked like Xiang Yu, the king of Chu Ba, known as "Little Bawang". Zhou Tong was named the sixteenth general of the Ma Army Xiao Biao and the leader of the sentry, and the eighty-seventh rank of the good men of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, Zhou Tong was killed at Dusongguan.

Tang Long

Tang Long's ancestors lived by striking iron for generations, and Mars burned him to the ground. Xu Ning is Tang Long's cousin. Tang Long made a hook and sickle gun, Xu Ning coached the marksmanship, and The Liangshan people and horses broke the chain of horses. Tang Long was responsible for the construction of Liangshan's military armor and was the eighty-eighth good man of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, Tang Long was killed.


Du Xing had an ugly face, had caused trouble in Jizhou before, and thanks to Yang Xiong's rescue, he became a housekeeper in Lijiazhuang. When Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu asked Du Xing to ask Li to save Shi Qian, Li Ying was injured by Zhu Biao's cold arrow. After going to Liangshan, Du Xing and Zhu Gui were in charge of the Nanshan Hotel, and were the eighty-ninth good men of Liangshan. After being recruited, Du Xing was given the title of Wu Yilang. Later became a rich man.

Zou Yuan

Zou Yuan is Zou Run's uncle, born of an idle man, since childhood like to gamble money, high temperament, refuse to tolerate people, people called "out of the forest dragon", and nephews are the same age, in dengyun mountain grass. He was invited by Sun Xin to rescue Xie Zhen and Xie Bao, and later entered Liangshan, where he was named the twelfth general of the infantry and the ninetieth good man of Liangshan. He was killed in battle during the conquest of Fang La.

Zou Run

Zou Run, Nephew of Zou Yuan. Zou Run grew up, looked strange, had a sarcoma at the back of his head, was called "one-horned dragon", and once broke a pine tree. After Zhujiazhuang was breached, he returned to Liangshan and was the thirteenth general of the infantry and the ninety-first good man of Liangshan. After the conquest of Fangla, Zou Run returned to Dengyun Mountain and fell into the grass.

Zhu Gui

Zhu Gui was the ninety-second good man of Liangshan. Zhu Gui was first the eyes and ears of Wang Lun, the leader of Liangshan, and in the name of opening a hotel, he specially listened to the news of merchants who came and went, and the rivers and lakes were called "dry land and neglect of law". As soon as there were people on Liangshan Mountain, Zhu Gui shot a loud arrow into the harbor across the lake, and a fast boat swung out from the opposite side. After Wang Lun was killed by Lin Chong, Zhu Gui still inquired about the news of the Hotel for Liangshan, and was in charge of the Nanshan Hotel with Du Xing.

Zhu Fu

Zhu Fu was Zhu Gui's younger brother and Li Kui's compatriot. Li Kui went down the mountain to pick up his old mother, and Song Jiang sent Zhu Gui to secretly take care of Li Kui. After Li Kui killed the tiger in Yiling, he was caught drunk by Cao Taigong. Zhu Fu poisoned li kui in wine, rescued Li Kui, and went up to Liangshan with his master Li Yun. Zhu Fu was responsible for supervising the manufacture and supply of wine and vinegar in Liangshan. PaiLiang Shan is the ninety-third good man. He fell ill and died on the way to fight Fang La.

Cai Fu

Cai Fu, who was originally a prisoner and executioner of the two courts of the Daming Province, was called "Iron Arm" because of his high killing methods. Liang Zhongshu was entrusted by Li Guzhi to kill Lu Junyi. When liangshan men attacked the Daming mansion, the Cai Fu brothers had no choice but to go up to Liangshan, in charge of Liangshan's murder and execution, ranking the ninety-fourth good man in Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Cai Fu was seriously injured and died.

Cai Qing

Cai Qing was the younger brother of Cai Fu and a famous executioner of the Daimyo Province. He was born to love a flower. Because he and his brother had helped Lu Junyi, after Song Jiang led his troops to defeat the Daimyo Province, the brothers submitted to Liangshan. He was the executioner of Liangshan and ranked ninety-fifth in the rank of liangshan good man. After conquering Fangla, he returned to Beijing to serve the people.

Li Li

The Jieyangling people on the Xunyang River specialize in providing food, accommodation, and transportation for private businessmen on the Xunyang River. Li Likai's hotel also often uses Menghan medicine to numb guests and seek wealth and death. If Li Jun had not arrived in time, Song Jiang would have been in danger of being poisoned. After Li Li went to Liangshan, he was responsible for opening the Beishan Hotel, ushering in the delivery, inquiring into the news, and ranking ninety-sixth in the liangshan good man. During the conquest of Fang La, Li Li was killed.

Li Yun

It is the capital of Yishui County. The eyeballs are blue and are known as the "blue-eyed tiger". Li Kui was captured after killing the Four Tigers at Yiling. Li Yun led people to escort Li Kui. Zhu Gui anesthetized Li Yun and saved Li Kui. Under the persuasion of Zhu Fu, Li Yun went to Liangshan. He is in charge of the construction of houses in Liangshan and is the ninety-seventh good man of Liangshan. Killed during the conquest of Fang la.

Jiao Ting

Three generations of sumo wrestling have been passed down for a lifetime, and no one will take him in for the rest of his life. The ninety-eighth good man of Pailiang Mountain was the sixteenth member of the Infantry General. Li Kui secretly went down the mountain to help Guan Sheng attack Lingzhou, and on the way he met Jiao Ting, and a fight broke out, and Li Kui was thrown twice in a row. Killed during the conquest of Fang la.

Shi Yong

Shi Yong, a member of the Daimyo clan, usually earns a living by gambling, and the Jianghu people call him "General Shi". Shi Yong met Song Jiang and others at a hotel near Yingshan Mountain, defected to Liangshan, and became the seventeenth general of the Liangshan Infantry And the ninety-ninth hero of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Shi Yong was killed in battle.

Sun Xin

Sun Xin, whose ancestral home is from the Qiongzhou clan. He came to Dengzhou with his elder brother Sun Li as his home. Sun Xin learned his brother's skills and could make several good whips, known as "Little Lieutenant Chi". Sun Xin presided over the affairs of the Dongshan Hotel in Liangshan and Gu Dajie, ushered in the delivery, inquired about the news, and was the 100th good man in Liangshan. After being recruited, Sun Xin was given the title of Wu Yilang.

Sister-in-law Gu

Gu Dajie is the second heroine of Liangshan, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, fat face and fat waist. It turned out to be a hotel outside the east gate of Dengzhou City. After going to Liangshan, he and her husband Sun Xin opened the Liangshan Dongshan Hotel, returned to their old business, and were the 101st good man in Liangshan. After being recruited, Gu Dajie was given the title of Prince of Dongyuan County.

Zhang Qing

Zhang Qingyuan was a vegetable grower at the Guangming Temple in Mengzhou Province, and because of trivialities, he killed the monk and fled to Cross Slope, where he was defeated by Sun Erniang's father. Wu Song passed by Cross Slope, saw that there was a problem with wine and meat, pretended to be drunk, captured Sun Erniang, met Zhang Qing and his wife, and worshiped Zhang Qing as a brother. After Zhang Qing and his wife defected to Liangshan, the Kaixi Mountain Hotel. Zhang Qing ranked 102nd in liangshan, and died in the rebellion during the conquest of Fang La.

Sun Erniang

Sun Erniang, Zhang Qing's wife, sold human flesh at the Cross Slope of Mengzhou Road with Zhang Qingkai, specializing in killing people and grabbing goods. Wu Song was sent to Mengzhou to pass through the cross slope, and was almost poisoned by Sun Erniang. Later, he went to Liangshan, presided over the Liangshan Xishan Hotel, ushered in the delivery, inquired about the news, and was the 103rd good man in Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, he died in Qingxi County.

Wang Dingliu

Wang Dingliu, the sixth in the family, because he walks and jumps fast, is known as the "living flash woman", usually likes to get guns and sticks, and sells wine by the river to survive. Wang Dingliu followed Zhang Shun to Liangshan and became the owner of the Beishan Hotel, the 104th good man in Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Wang Dingliu died of poisoned arrows.


Yu Baosi, with a long body and a large waist. Originally a subordinate of Zengtou City, he was captured and returned to Liangshan. He held a banner and ranked the 105th good man in Liangshan. During the conquest of Fangla, Yu Bao died with four flying knives.

White wins

Bai Sheng, a native of Anle Village, Huangnigang East Ten Mile Road, is an idle man. He was caught for participating in the robbery of the birthday class. Bai Sheng was rescued by Liangshan's men and horses, and became the fourth leader of the infantry in the army to report secrets, ranking 106th among the heroes of Liangshan. He died of the plague during the conquest of Fangla.

Time shifts

Shi Qian practiced a good light skill, can fly over the wall, through the wall around the beam, the jianghu people called "drum on the flea". Shi Qian was named the second leader of the secret infantry, and was the 107th good man of Liangshan. After the conquest of Fang La, Shi Qian suffered from colic and died.

Duan Jing lived

Zhuozhou is a good horse trader, proficient in multi-ethnic languages, known as the "Golden Retriever" in the jianghu. He bought a thousand-mile horse outside the Great Wall, the "Zhaoye Jade Lion Horse", to be dedicated to Liangshan, but was robbed by Zengtou City. The third leader of the secret infantry was the 108th good man of Liangshan. Drowned during the conquest of Fangla.

Final destination

Tiankui Xing, Timely Rain (Hu Baoyi) Song Jiang. (Poisoned by Gao Li after victory)

Tiangang Star· YU Qilin Lu Junyi. (After victory, he was framed by the traitors, and after drinking poison and wine by mistake, he fell into the water and died)

Celestial Star · Zhi Duo Xing Wu Yong. (Hanging of Hua Rong after Song Jiang's death)

Celestial Star · Izuyun Long Gongsun Sheng. (Returning to Luo Zhenren before Zheng Fangla)

Tianyong Star· Da Dao Guan Sheng. (After the victory, he fell ill and fell ill from drunkenness)

Tianxiong Star· Leopard Head Lin Chong. (After victory, he was paralyzed and WuSong stayed at Liuhe Temple, and died of illness a year later)

Sky Star · Thunderbolt Fire Qin Ming. (Zhengqingxi Cave was killed by Du Wei and Fang Jie)

Tianwei Star· Double Whip Hu Yan Zhao. (Victorious as an official, later killed in battle in Hexi, died in Jin Wushu)

Tianying Star· Xiao Li Guang Hua Rong. (Hanged with Wu Yong)

TianguiXing· Little Whirlwind Chai Jin. (Victorious as an official, after resigning from the official and returning to his hometown, he died without illness)

Tianfu Star· Li Ying. (After victory, he died with Du Xing as a rich man)

Starry Sky · Hairdresser Zhu Tong. (Victorious to be an official, an official to a thrifty envoy)

Lone Star · Flower Monk Lu Zhishen. (Sitting in Zhejiang after victory)

Celestial Wound Star · Walker Wu Song. (During the conquest of Wulongling, he was cut off by Bao Tianshi's left arm, and the later Liuhe Temple finally grew old)

Tianlixing· Double Gun General Dong Ping. (Dusongguan was cut in half by Zhang Tao)

Tianjie Xing· No Feather Arrow Zhang Qing. (Du Songguan was stabbed to death by Li Tianyan)

Dark Star · Blue-faced Beast Yang Zhi. (Died of illness in Hangzhou)

God Bless The Star · Golden Gunner Xu Ning. (Chinese medicine arrow when marching in Hangzhou, after which he died)

Sky Star · Vanguard Suo Chao. (Zheng Hangzhou was killed by Shi Bao's meteor hammer)

Celestial Star · Shenxing Taibao Daizong. (Victorious to become an official, after resigning from the official to go to the Tai'an Prefecture Yue Temple to accompany the monk, laughing to the end)

Celestial Alien · Red-haired ghost Liu Tang. (Zheng Hangzhou was crushed to death by the floodgates)

Sky Killer Star · Black Whirlwind Li Kui. (When Song Jiang was dying, he was afraid that Li Kui would rebel and drug him to death)

MSI · Nine-striped Dragon Shi Jin. (Zheng Yulingguan was shot to death by Pang Wanchun, Lei Jiong, and Ji Ji)

Celestial Star· No shade Mu Hong. (Hangzhou illness and death)

Sky Retreat · Winged Tiger Lei Heng. (Zhengdeqing County was hacked to death by Si Xingfang)

TianshouXing· Chao Jiang Long Li Jun. (Going to sea after victory)

Celestial Sword Star · Li Di Tai Nian Ruan Xiao Er. (Zheng Wulongling Waterway was surrounded by Fang La's army and killed himself)

Celestial Star · Ship Fire Zhang Heng. (Hangzhou Illness and Death)

Celestial Sin Star · Short-lived Jirō Nguyen Siu V. (ZhengqingxiDong was killed by Lou Chengxiang)

Sky Damage Star · Langli Baitiao Zhang Shun. (Zheng Hangzhou died in Yongjinmen and was killed by knives and arrows)

Skyfall Star · Live Yan Luo Ruan Xiaoqi. (After victory, he was slandered and returned to his hometown to fish)

Celestial Prison Star · Sick Guan Suo Yang Xiong. (Victory back sores died)

Celestial Star · Desperate Sanlang Shi Xiu. (Zheng YulingGuan was shot dead by Pang Wanchun, Lei Jiong, and Ji Ji with random arrows)

Skysburst · Two-headed snake Xie Zhen. (Zheng Wulongling climbed a cliff and fell to his death)

Crying Star · Two-tailed scorpion Xie Bao. (Zheng Wulongling climbed a cliff and was stoned, shot dead by a bow and arrow)

Tianqiao Star· Prodigal Son Yanqing. (Victory Resignation)

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