
The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted


Ranking celebrities is a very interesting thing, such as the American scholar Michael Hart's "List of 100 Celebrities Affecting the Course of Human History", in which he crossed the boundaries of history, geography and field, selected the 100 most influential celebrities in the history of all mankind, and ranked them. So, who would it be if we elected 10 celebrities who influenced the course of the history of the Three Kingdoms?

The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted

The first one I think should be Cao Cao. Cao Cao was the most powerful figure in the Three Kingdoms period, and he blackmailed the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and was a real power figure. It can be said that the history of the early Three Kingdoms period was almost single-handedly promoted by Cao Cao: the two most important battles, the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Chibi, were launched by Cao Cao, the former helping Cao Cao to suppress Yuan Shao, the biggest enemy in unifying the north; the latter declaring the formation of the Three Kingdoms after Cao Cao's defeat.

The second one I think should be Liu Bei. Liu Bei claimed to be a relative of the Han Dynasty, and it can be said that without Liu Bei, I do not believe that the situation of the Three Kingdoms would have been formed. Cao Cao eliminated most of the hostile forces, but Liu Bei and Sun Quan left him helpless. Compared with the "second generation of officials" Sun Quan, Liu Bei is more self-made, he started from scratch, from weak to strong, occupying Jingzhou, Hanzhong, Xichuan and other regions in one fell swoop, and the balance and cooperation of the three kingdoms are also indispensable to the role of the Shu state in it.

The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted

The third place I am inclined to Sima Yi. In the end, the Three Kingdoms were the Sima family's domination of the world, and the solid foundation laid by Sima Yi was indispensable. Cao Cao had long seen that Sima Yi "looked at the wolf with a tiger's eye", Sima Yi could be described as the top of the Three Kingdoms in terms of power plots, seemingly mediocre, but in fact it was a hidden killing machine, he was the leader of Cao Wei's confrontation with the Shu state at that time, which was one of them; the second was that his descendants Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Sima Yan, in Cao Wei's power expanded step by step, Sima Yi really had foresight and played a big chess game in the true sense.

The fourth place I am inclined to Sun Quan. Sun Quan was the monarch of the State of Wu, and of course his influence could not be small. However, the reason why I did not put Sun Quan in a higher position is because Sun Quan was after all a defender, he occupied Jiangdong, and he was wise enough in the Battle of Chibi, but compared to Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Sun Quan would be slightly inferior in historical influence.

The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted

The fifth place should be Lu Xun. He was the commander of the Battle of Yiling, which was a node in the transformation of the Shu kingdom from prosperity to decline, and the Shu state damaged the monarch Liu Bei and opened the era of "Kong Ming Fu Adou". Before the Battle of Yiling, the State of Shu could be said to have flourished, taking Hanzhong, beheading Xiahou Yuan, and Guan Yu flooding the Seventh Army, directly threatening Xu Du. However, the glory and decline were in an instant, Guan Yu was defeated in Maicheng, Liu Bei was angry and sent troops, the Shu kingdom was defeated and retreated, Liu Bei died of illness in the White Emperor City, and the history of the Three Kingdoms entered a new stage.

The sixth is Zhuge Liang. I think that judging by the criterion of "influencing the course of history," Zhuge Liang is more appropriate after Lu Xun. Without Zhuge Liang, of course, it would have been impossible to maintain the strength of shu Han and the maintenance of the late regime, and his main achievement was to assist Liu Bei, help Liu Bei's forces gradually become stronger, and play an important role in promoting Sun Liu's alliance.

The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted

The seventh is Wang Yun. His most famous deed is to get rid of Dong Zhuo through the beauty plan and with the help of Lü Bu's hand. Dong Zhuo was extremely powerful at that time, everyone in the DPRK was jealous but there was nothing they could do to him, if it were not for Wang Yun's offer, if Dong Zhuo's strength could continue to grow, then the history of the Three Kingdoms would probably be another direction.

The eighth is Xu You. Xu You's plan for Cao Cao to sneak up on Wuchao, the place where Yuan Shao's army was stockpiled, changed the course of the Battle of Guandu during the Battle of Guandu, and considering the far-reaching impact of the Battle of Guandu throughout the history of the Three Kingdoms, I think Xu You deserves a place on this list.

The 10 most influential figures in the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao was the first, and Wang Yun and Xu You were shortlisted

The ninth was Deng Ai, a famous general in the late Cao Wei period. Deng Ai smuggled into Yinping, which directly led to the collapse of Shu Han, and there were so many generals in the history of Cao Wei, Deng Ai can be said to be the first in merit. It is no wonder that Deng Ai is definitely a famous general of the powerful faction, wise and courageous, and all generations have praised him.

Tenth place, I will give this quota to Mr. Water Mirror! He was the master of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, and recommended them to Liu Bei. Liu Bei must thank Mr. Shui Jing, and powerful figures only need a few words to pry history.

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