
Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

I believe that the old players of the Three Kingdoms Killing are familiar with the classic warrior voice, even if they kill online, they will use their skills while speaking boldly, enlivening the atmosphere of the table and promoting the arrogance of their own side.

Among them, a large number of warriors' lines have become the target of ridicule and ridicule by hand killers, and there are also many earth-shaking orders that make the generals feel frightened and directly entrusted, and some voices make people hear in the clouds - what "iron grunts", like Shamoko's mind, makes people wonder.

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

Now let's take stock of the voice packs that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The various forces of Wei Shu and Wu Qun sent representatives one after another to compete for the title of the most famous line.

At the top - Xu You

Xu You, known as the "bb machine", is the most worthy of the name of the "top" warrior. When "I have a good strategy in Huaibi for Ah Cai needs I am full of belly Yuan Benchu did not hide from Ah You have my good plan to take Jizhou is as easy as a palm ..." Such as "noisy cut miscellaneous bullets, large beads and small beads fell on the jade disk" poured out, players from all walks of life were angry and rushed to the crown, but also cold hair straight up, and did not forget to hang a sweaty soybean expression.

One sentence was not finished, and then the next sentence, multiple skills were used at the same time, which made people feel bored at the same time, but also could not help but be a little jealous, only because Xu Moushi never only used the momentum of thunder to hit the damage of the rain, his strength must not be underestimated.

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

The most elegant - Lu Xun

Lu Xun and the former Xu You, like the two poles of a magnet, were very different in temperament. "Humble gentleman, gentle as jade." Although Lu Xun only had 3 blood, and his attack power was not significant, whenever the round was over, between the waves, the many cards in Tunde instantly opened the fan, which had a sense of fullness of the essence of heaven and earth.

Look at his other lines: first, "Lose indifferently, gain calmly", showing a gentleman's style; second, "full of losses, humble benefits." "Speaking of the Book of Shang", it advocates humility and humility, which also happens to be in line with Lu Xun's personality as a scribe in history.

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

The most villain - Cao Pi

The state of Wei, marked by blue and purple, has no shortage of mysterious and cold atmosphere, and warriors with villainous images abound in Great Wei. After much screening, the general Cao Pi finally broke out of the siege and won the title of "most villain".

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

Cao Pi, because of his skill in "banishment", was able to make a warrior turn over after being injured, shouting "Turn it over for me!" But the exclusive voice of the epic skin is much more intriguing than this: "Exile, already the greatest mercy." "Go to the earth alone." The arrogant words inexplicably give rise to a vicissitudes of romance.

Cao Pi's attitude of being empty-eyed, arrogant and elegant made Li Ru, whose villain attributes were comparable to his, leave the scene indignantly.

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

The most frank - Ma Yunlu

"Wait until I get on the horse with my gun and hit you!"

Ma Yunlu has been learning martial arts since childhood, straightforward and frank, a move "Phoenix", can be entered and retreated, this female Haojie even has a playful childishness. For his own skills, he never pretended to be modest: "They all blame me for being too strong." "Well, just by you, you want to compete with this girl." The voice spares no effort to show the agility and bravery of the shu maiden.

Then there's the "Don't Count!" Fight again another day! "Brother, they bullied me." Even if Ma Yunlu loses, he never hides his emotions, does not hold the shelf, but plays with a crying voice, accuses his opponent of bullying people, his lines are frank as a person, he does not deliberately avoid her as a woman's delicate side, the character image is multi-faceted and three-dimensional, and he is a more successful military general.

Do you know the voices of the most deeply rooted warriors in the Three Kingdoms Killing?

The combination of high-quality voice and skin in the game can always give people a strong sense of substitution, enrich our game experience, and what other martial arts lines are like lingering sounds, making you unforgettable for a long time?

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