
What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song

author:Pick the lamp and read Shi Meng Slaying the Dragon


During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, when the emperor could be manufactured on the assembly line, a total of fourteen emperors were created in the fifty-four years before and after, of which Chai Rong of the Later Zhou Dynasty was known as the First Ming Emperor of the Five Dynasties.

When he was young, he did a small business of walking the streets and alleys, and later defected to his uncle Guo Wei, who was a great general in the Later Han Dynasty, and was adopted as a righteous son and changed his name to Guo Rong.

What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song
What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song


Guo Wei followed Liu Zhiyuan, the ancestor of later Han Gao, and rose up because of his military merits, and when Emperor Yin of Later Han was worried that his power was too great, he designed to kill him, Guo Wei was forced to lead his troops to capture Beijing, Emperor Yin was killed, and Liu Zhiyuan's adopted son Liu Yun was made emperor.

In the first month of 951, in the name of the khitan expedition, Guo Wei added the banner to his body, deposed Liu Yun and proclaimed himself emperor, the state name Zhou, the history called Later Zhou, and the Later Han Died. In the same year, Liu Yun's biological father Liu Chong, was proclaimed emperor in Taiyuan, and the history was called the Northern Han Dynasty.

Later, Zhao Kuangyin's yellow robe was added to the body, which was completely plagiarized.

In the first month of 954, in the first year of Xiande, Guo Wei died of illness, and the temple number Taizu was buried in Songling.

What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song

Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei Song Mausoleum, in the town of New Zheng Guo Ling

Guo Wei's entire family was killed before he captured Beijing, and among the three possible successors of his son-in-law Zhang Yongde, nephew Li Chongjin, and righteous son Chai Rong, Chai Rong's character and ability were all good, and he stood out and succeeded to the emperor's throne, that is, Later Zhou Shizong. Just after succeeding to the throne, he set the ambition of "opening up the world with ten years, raising the people in ten years, and bringing peace in ten years".

When he first ascended to the throne and was dissatisfied internally and externally, The Northern Han Emperor Liu Chong, with the strength of the whole country, attacked Hou Zhou with Khitan reinforcements, and in the Great Decisive Battle of Gaoping, the Northern Han Dynasty was almost completely destroyed.

The Battle of Gaoping made two people famous, and later Zhou recognized Chai Rong, and Chai Rong recognized Zhao Kuangyin.

Since then, Chai Rong has conquered the Southern Tang Dynasty and destroyed Hou Shu, recovered the three prefectures of Yanyun, Wenzhi Wugong, Shen wuxiong, and achieved a generation of heroes.


Chai Rong I was famous, but in the end he saw that he had done a wrong thing and disgraced the family of the Changing Lord.

In September 959, five years after Xiande, Chai Rong occasionally obtained a sachet on the way to the Khitan Expedition, with a wooden plank inside, on which was written 'Dian check to get the Son of Heaven'.

Of course, Chai Rong's wisdom knew that it was a man-made "prank", and he did not think so.

He died before he could get out of the division, and the hero was in tears. Chai Rong is no exception.

The reconquest of Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures had just achieved a stage victory, suddenly fell ill, hurriedly returned to Beijing, and soon fell ill and died, only 39 years old. Buried in Qingling (present-day New Zhengguoling), courtesy name Ruiwu Xiaowen Emperor.

His seven-year-old son Chai Zongxun succeeded to the throne as Emperor Gong of Later Zhou.


Before Chai Rong died, he remembered the point of checking the world on the collapse of the disease.

Proverbs abound in Chinese history, from Qin Shi Huang's 'Qin Destroyer Hu' to Wu Zetian's 'Wu Dynasty Li Xing', etc., often beyond human ability to crack, can not be prevented.

Chai Rong couldn't help but think about it.

At that time, the person who served as the inspector of the Later Zhou Palace was Guo Wei's son-in-law Zhang Yongde, who was also loyal.

It is better to believe that it has.

The scheming Chai Rong replaced Zhao Kuangyin, a confidant who had just been promoted by a relative of the emperor, Zhang Yongde.

Compared with his brother-in-law Zhang Yongde, the possibility of a subordinate officer coming from Zhao Kuangyin usurping the throne was lower, and he felt that it was safer.

Zhao Kuangyin was inspected in front of the palace.

In a word, maybe there is really providence in the underworld, and it is really a point to check the world.

In 960 AD, Chen Qiao mutinied, Zhao Kuangyin added his robes, ending the five dynasties ending the Zhou Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty was established.


I don't know if no one in the world can be trusted, or if Chai Rong is not accurate?

If Chai Rong did not die, when he came to the Great Song, it was estimated that the intestines of regret were green, and he was angry and vomited blood!

Time destroyed and decayed, only the Qingling Tomb is still well preserved, has been hung by future generations, has never been surpassed, more than a hundred Ming and Qing dynasty stone tablets in front of the mausoleum are enough to tell the name of Chai Rong I.

What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song

There were originally more than 100 Ming and Qing dynasty stone tablets in front of the Qingling Tomb, but now only 33 pieces are left

What is the relationship between Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei and Sejong Chai Rong? Why zhao Kuangyin was able to rise rapidly and establish the Great Song

Tomb of Emperor Shizong of Zhou

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