
Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate

author:Red Net

On the morning of December 18, Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of propaganda, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate and inspect the creation of civilized campuses, the publicity and promotion of ideological positions, campus safety, and epidemic prevention and control.

Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate
Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate

Liu Jianhua, general secretary of the party branch of Jingyan School, introduced the basic situation of the school in detail to the research team, focusing on the achievements in the creation of a civilized campus and the achievements in ideology.

Fan Xijuan, president of Zhuzhou Yuanhengjia Education Management Co., Ltd., welcomed the arrival of the research group on behalf of Jingyan's 3,000 teachers and students, saying: "The important mission of the school is to teach and educate people, build people with virtue, and cultivate excellent successors for the party and the country. In order to do a good job in this work, our school has adhered to the leadership of party building in the past twenty-one years, insisted on doing party building with temperature, and truly implemented party building work in all aspects of education and teaching. She also reported to the research team on several aspects such as school culture construction, teacher development, and moral education curriculum.

Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate

At the forum, Tian Can pointed out that the education system is an important area of the party's ideological work, and Jingyan School, as a brand private school in Hetang District, Zhuzhou City, and even the whole province, should comprehensively strengthen ideological work, firmly grasp the leadership, leadership, and initiative. It is necessary to deepen the creation of spiritual civilization and strengthen the construction of school civilization in the new era.

Tian Can, member of the Standing Committee of the Hetang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, and his party went to Jingyan School to investigate

Tian Can demanded that culture is the soul of the school. It is necessary to give full play to the role of educational concepts, educational ideas and other complete sets of campus cultural systems, cultivate teachers and students, and unite people's hearts. Teachers are the foundation of a school. Schools should pay special attention to the construction of the teaching team, in addition to the improvement of professional ability, we should pay special attention to the cultivation of educators' feelings, realms and teacher morality. Innovation is the source of strength. Innovative people must be dedicated, diligent, open-minded, flexible thinking, and dare to take responsibility. The times are developing with each passing day, and I hope that Jingyan School will make better achievements in innovation and development. Rawness is the foundation of education. The starting point, foothold and destination of our education are all students, and it is necessary to provide students with a happy and relaxed growth environment, in addition to teaching and teaching, the school should do a good job around campus safety, campus hardware facilities, and the opening of quality education courses. Openness is the way forward. He hoped that Jingyan School would actively explore the market with an open and inclusive attitude, further strengthen external publicity, make the school brand bigger and stronger, and make greater contributions to Zhuzhou's education cause.

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