
Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection

author:Red Net

On the morning of December 11, about 50 trainees from the Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class and the Xinning County Follow-up Training Principal came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection. During the half-day period, the trainees of the training course visited the campus and listened to the introduction of the school management by President Fan Xijuan and the introduction of the curriculum and teacher development system by Executive Vice President Luo Xijuan.

Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection
Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection

Accompanied by Luo Kunguang, assistant to the principal of the school, the trainees of the training course visited the school office building, canteen, student dormitory and other venues, and the beautiful campus environment and strong cultural atmosphere left a deep impression on the participants of the training class.

In the academic lecture hall of the school, Fan Xijuan, the general principal of Yuanhengjia Zhuzhou Jingyan School, expressed her warmest welcome to the leaders of Liuyang Municipal Education Bureau on behalf of more than 3,000 teachers and students of Jingyan.

President Fan Xijuan chatted with the guests present about the development of Jingyan School and summarized Jingyan's 21 years of running the school in three sentences: "Difficult course, brilliant achievements, bright future." "In the past 21 years, Jingyan School has grown from 163 students in the initial 4 classes to 54 teaching classes at present, with more than 3,000 students and 208 teaching staff. The school has been committed to the all-round development, characteristic development and top-notch development of students, and guides students to diversify into talents. The results of student diversification training are remarkable, 39 students study abroad at public expense in Singapore, 30 teenagers in Xi'an Jiaotong University, 20 young pilots, 159 in Tsinghua Peking University, and the school has ranked first in the city in the city for 19 consecutive years.

Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection
Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection

Speaking of the future, she introduced the vision of the new school to the guests. This year, Jingyan introduced Shenzhen Yuanhengjia Education Group, relying on Zhuzhou City's strongest state-owned investment company - Zhuzhou Chengfa Group, the three parties joined hands to open a new model of PPP schooling, at present, the investment of 800 million Yuanhengjia Zhuzhou Jingyan new school main project is about to be completed, the school will be relocated to the new school as a whole in the second half of next year. Jingyan New School plans to have about 4,400 students, including 54 classes in the junior high school, 48 classes in the high school, and 16 classes in the international department. After joining hands with Shenzhen Yuanhengjia Education Group and Zhuzhou Chengfa Group, Jingyan School strives to achieve two main visions: First, take the road of group development, set up through-style education from preschool education, primary school, junior high school, to high school, and strive to become a first-class private education group in Zhuzhou, a leading in the province and a well-known private education group in the country. Second, the new campus of Jingyan School will take the development path of high-grade, modernization, informatization and internationalization.

Subsequently, President Fan Xijuan, as an old educator, had an in-depth exchange with the visiting principals and management cadres on the issues of "Tao" and "Technique" of educational development. "If a principal makes a mistake on the 'Tao', it can be fatal to the school; if there is a deficiency in the 'art', there is still a chance to make up for it," she said. Managing school is a kind of practice, and we have been practicing enlightenment and forging ahead. ”

At the exchange meeting, Luo Xi, executive vice president of Jingyan School, gave a detailed introduction to the school curriculum system, and focused on the evaluation of the school's pathfinding teacher development and the guests.

Liuyang Primary and Secondary School Management Cadre Training Class came to Zhuzhou Jingyan School for exchange and inspection

After the meeting, the trainees of the training course expressed their appreciation for the student-based education concept of Zhuzhou Jingyan School and the outstanding achievements achieved over the years, and said that the exchange activities had benefited a lot, and everyone agreed that in the future, the schools could strengthen contact and continuously promote the high-quality development of the school.

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