
Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau Vincent and his party visited the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the implementation of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety."

author:Yushu Municipal Public Security Bureau
Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau Vincent and his party visited the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the implementation of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety."

Recently, Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau, Vincent, accompanied by the staff of the Special Office of the State Public Security Bureau, came to the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the development of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety". Members of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau of The Municipal Bureau attended the meeting. Work is carried out in the form of symposia. At the forum, entrusted by Li Yongqian, vice mayor and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Dawa Jiangcai, member of the party committee and political commissar of the bureau, made a report on the special work carried out by the Yushu Municipal Public Security Bureau on "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety".

Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau Vincent and his party visited the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the implementation of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety."

Vice Governor Vincent Vincent put forward specific requirements for solidly carrying out the special work of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety": First, the publicity work should be in place. It is necessary to take the opportunity of the study of party history and the education and rectification of the public security contingent to solidly carry out activities such as "I do practical things for the masses" and "a million police officers entering tens of millions of homes," and carry out propaganda in various forms and through multiple channels to publicize new measures for cracking down on crime, publicize the good story of Yushu public security, and publicize the good voice of the people's public security.

Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau Vincent and his party visited the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the implementation of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety."

Second, the collection and management of cordyceps should be in place. It is necessary to combine the work of maintaining the public order of cordyceps collection in 2021, continue to carry out public security patrols, patrolling mountains and guarding boundaries, setting up checkpoints and other work in cordyceps production areas, and at the same time, combined with the recent thunderstorm climate situation, solidly carry out the publicity of safety prevention knowledge such as lightning protection, electricity prevention, and animal prevention. Third, departmental coordination work must be in place. In view of the current situation of the high incidence and frequent occurrence of telecommunications network fraud crimes, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the Anti-Telecommunications Fraud Joint Committee, link up departments, perform their respective duties, and jointly prevent and control, and comprehensively carry out a comprehensive battle, coordination, and attack against telecommunications network fraud.

Vice Governor and Director of the State Public Security Bureau Vincent and his party visited the Municipal Bureau to inspect and guide the implementation of the special action of "preventing risks, eliminating hidden dangers, reducing the occurrence of cases, and ensuring safety."

Fourth, public security prevention and control work must be in place. Special patrol police and public security checkpoints should give full play to the role of "iron fists" and "filter nets", build a solid social barrier for prevention and control, and comprehensively enhance the ability and level of "fighting, preventing, managing, and controlling".

Fifth, the work of analysis and judgment must be in place. It is necessary to comprehensively sort out the key people and key matters, analyze the causes and consequences of inducements, the basis for decision-making, and the measures taken, so as to provide strong data support and theoretical basis for the decision-making of party committees and governments.

Sixth, the work of information reporting should be in place. For the excellent experience, effective practices, and work results formed in the work, it is necessary to carry out the work of summarizing, refining, popularizing and popularizing in a timely manner, and play a leading and exemplary role in the comprehensive development of various work.

Seventh, the work of cracking down on crime must be in place. It is necessary to pay close attention to the eight types of serious criminal offenses and the high incidence of various types of criminal activities in the city, and in light of the fact that people go to the building during the period of cordyceps collection and prevent weak prevention, adopt the method of combining crackdown with prevention and striking hard, so as to crack big cases faster, crack more small cases, handle cases more accurately, and better control cases.

Eighth, the work of one post and two responsibilities should be in place. It is necessary to always adhere to the concept of promoting team building with party building and promoting team building, strictly implement the dual responsibilities of one post, ensure that the work of business, party building, and team management work is grasped and managed together, and advances hand in hand, and go all out to build a plateau public security iron army that can "fight a war, a big war, and a victory."

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