
Defending where Jiang Wan's hometown is again: Jeonju Debate

author:Explore Guibei

Chapter Four: Jiang Huan's Hometown Debate (VI) Jeonju (Three Kingdoms Period Lingling County Taoyang County) Debate

Note: The blue words in the text are the key prompt content. The red word is the field where there is an error.

Jeonju people consider Gong gong to be Jeonju. The evidence is that Meitan Village, Yongshi Town, Jeonju County, is the place of production and residence of The Public Property and Residence of Wan, as evidenced by the Shilongtan Stele. According to << the first >> of the Jiang Clan Of Theory of Jeonju, written by Jiang Mian of the Ming Dynasty University Shiwen Dinggong, << The Place of Jiang's Surname and the Self-Examination of Emperor Wuzong" Yun: "The Jiang of present-day Xiangyuan (< span=" "> the name of the county in the Sui and Tang dynasties of Jeonju) is said to have come from the lineage of Shu Xiang Anyang Houhuan. Kao Sanguo zhi, a native of Xiangxiang Township. ...... Yuanzu Xiu, who came to Lingling at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was passed down as Sima Anyang Houhuan of Shu. ...... Based on this, it is believed that Gong Gong is a native of Ancient Lingling County (the predecessor of Jeonju County).

1. Historical evolution

Lingling County: In the 26th year of the First Emperor (221 BC), Lingling County was established and belonged to Changsha County. The county was established 39 kilometers southwest of the present-day county seat (now Laogongqiao, Xianshui Township, Jeonju County or Fenghuang Township Inspection Department of Jeonju County). It has jurisdiction over the area south of Taoshui in present-day Jeonju County, as well as parts of Guanyang, Xing'an, and Resources.

According to the "Minutes of Reading the History of Fang Public Opinion, Volume 17, Guangxi II", it is recorded that the county of Lingling is thirty miles north of the prefecture. The Han Dynasty placed Lingling County, and Lingling County was governed here. Later Han because of it. In the eighth year of Yanxi, guiyang thieves attacked Lingling, Lingling was wet, weaving wood for the city, taishou Chen Qiu stubbornly defended, thieves torrented irrigation city, balls in the city due to the pool situation of the water flooded thieves, thieves retreated, that is. Jian'an Zhong, Sun Wu moved to Zhiquan Mausoleum, Lingling County belonged to Yan. This is why after the Promotion. Or it is called Little Lingling, and it is also for Lingling County. "Sui Zhi": Xiaolingling County, abolished into Xiangyuan in the tenth year of the Kai Emperor. Liu? The sentence says that the ancient city is seventy-eight miles south of Xiangyuan County, which seems to be wrong. Now its place name is Meitan, so the city graben still exists.

It seems that both Lingling County and Lingling County were in Meitan, yongsheng Town, thirty miles north of the present-day county seat of Jeonju. The Lingling Commandery was not moved to Quanling in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-55 AD); but rather in the middle of Jian'an (around 208 AD) or during the Sun Wu period (after 222 AD). At the time of his birth, the county seats of Lingling County were in the current Jeonju, which negated the claim that the Duke of Chunling was a Member of the Quanling People, further proving that the Duke of Lingling was a native of Jeonju today.

Taoyang County: Western Han Dynasty, belonging to Lingling County. The seat of government was in the village of Xiajiazhou, thirty-five miles northeast of present-day Quanzhou County, Guangxi. Its county area included parts of the town of Yongshi in present-day Quanzhou County, Guangxi, as well as the towns of Huangshahe, Miaotou, Wenqiao, and Dong'an County of Hunan Province. The author believes that whether the administrative office is in xiajiazhou village needs to be further examined. Because the water is in the north of the village of Mayuan in present-day Yongshi Town, it enters the Xiang River. Xia gaizhou village is located in the south of the Xiangkou of Taoshui, and it is doubtful whether it is in the ancient Taoyang realm.

"Youdi Jisheng" Volume 60 Jeonju: Taoshui "The north of the water is yang, so Han county is named after Taoyang". "Water Jing Xiangshui": Xiangshui "and northeast through the east of Taoyang County". Li Daoyuan Note: "Taoshui leaves the southwest mountain of the county, and the northeast runs south of its county, that is, the taoshui is called the standing name." In the fifth year of Emperor Yuan Shuo of the Han Dynasty, he made the Prince of Changsha Ding, Jinghou Dog yan, a prince of the hou state. The "Qing Yi Tongzhi Guilin Fu" quotes the "Chronicle of the Prefecture": "The ancient city of Taoyang, in the thirty-five miles north of the prefecture, the place name was changed to Zhou Tan." The Southern Song Dynasty belonged to the Lingling State. Qifu belongs to Lingling County. Sui Pingchen was abolished into Xiangyuan County.

In the twelfth year of Han Gaozu (195 BC), King Yingbu of Huainan rebelled, and Bu retreated to Changsha, intending to enter Vietnam through the border of the county, and in October was surrounded and annihilated by the Han army on the south and north banks of Taoshui.

In the winter of the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty (111 BC), the two counties of Guiyang and Changsha were set up in Lingling County (肶陵县), and at the same time, Taoyang County was established, and the seat of government was located in the back mountains of Meitan Village in present-day Yongshi Township.

   In the ninth year of the Kai Emperor (589), the three counties of Taoyang, Lingling, and Guanyang (present-day Guanyang) were established in Xiangyuan County, and the administrative office was set up in the village of Zheqiao, a township on the outskirts of the present-day city.

   In the twenty-seventh year of Hongwu (1394), Quan and Guan Yaomin rebelled against the oppression of the Ming Dynasty and held an armed uprising. Zhu Yuanzhang commanded the envoy Han Guan in Guangxi, dispatched the Huguang battalion to suppress it, and killed more than 1,400 Yaomin. In August of the same year, the whole prefecture was changed from the original Yongzhou Prefecture in Hunan to the Guilin Prefecture in Guangxi.

It can be seen that the current Jeonju County evolved from the northern part of Lingling County and the southern part of Taoyang County during the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms Period. Located in the upper reaches of the Xiang River, it was known as Xiangyuan County during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

2. Is Xiangxiang the whole state?

In the era of The Life of Duke Huan (from the end of the Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Three Kingdoms), where was the "Lingling Xiangxiang" under the jurisdiction of Lingling County? "Is it the whole state?"

The "Genealogical Order of the Jiang Clan" written by Jiang Mian, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty and the first assistant of the cabinet, yun: "Examination of the "Later Han County Chronicle", Xiangyuan Lingling, Han Yongjian changed its name to Xiangxiang in the third year. In the early years of the Republic of China, Zhao Kaixun of Lingling Zhi County wrote a preface to the "Genealogy of the Jiang Clan": "Later Han County Guozhi Xiangyuan, Lingling changed its name to Xiangxiang in the third year of Yongjian (128 AD)". This Yongjian three-year change of name to Xiangxiang is actually wrong. In 1993, the "Xiangxiang County Chronicle" and the historical examination made a study of this: the misunderstanding was caused by a misreading of the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" and the "Chronicle of the County".

However, some scholars believe that the "Xiangxiang" under the jurisdiction of Lingling County at that time was in the upper reaches of the Xiang River north of the Lingqu, in the corridor between the Dupangling Yuecheng Ridge, that is, all of the present-day Jeonju County and the area north of Xing'an County, the southern part of ancient Lingling County, Taoyang County, and the northeast of Shi'an County. For nearly 800 years since the Sui Dynasty, the name of this region has been given the word "Xiang", such as Xiangxiang, Xiangyuan, Qingxiang, Xiangchuan and so on.

"Shijiaoshan Ancient Treasure Record" in: Xiangyuan, Jeonju also. Xiangshui flows out of Haiyang Mountain, Xing'an, Guangdong Province, and the Water Classic Notes: Yanghai Mountain, also known as Lingling Mountain, flows east through Jeonju to the Huangsha River (Note: Huangshahe Town, Quanzhou County, Guangxi), and the water of Zero West Township enters Yan, so Zero is the boundary of Xiangkou Quanling, commonly known as Xiangxiang. That is to say, Xiangxiang is Xiangyuan, and Xiangyuan is Jeonju.

The couplet corroborates: "Bird's Nest Building" of the Jiang Clan Ancestral Hall in Shigang Village, Yongshi Town, Jeonju Prefecture, there is still a couplet written by Qing Kangxi Ding Ji Keju and Jiang Fu of ZhiXian County, Wei County, directly under the daimyo capital: Shanglian: "Period Thinking of Qishui and Liaocheng, Both Happy and Peaceful, He Zai Migration Society Qu Kui, No Nine Marquis Yixing Yunyang, Descendants of Du Xiang"; Lower Link: "Lingling Xiangxiang Ben quan county, special name, that is, the old house Longtan Jiangpu, from this ten room analysis Of the Qiangong, from the shigang sect." In the lower link, it can be understood that "Lingling Xiangxiang is the whole county, with the same name and place", "Lingling (County)" and "Xiangxiang" are originally "whole counties", which are the same place with different titles, and "whole county" is now "Jeonju" county.

It is certain that the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the hometown of Lingling Xiangxiang is the Lingling County of Lingling County at that time, and Xiangxiang can also be said to be another name for Lingling County, which is now Jeonju.

3. Lineage

At present, the Jiang clan has a population of more than 200,000 in Jeonju, which is one of the surnames of jeonju, accounting for more than a quarter of the county's population (834,600 in 2014).

Except for those who moved in from other sides after The Tang Dynasty, they were all descendants of the Duke of Anyang Houhuan. From the 59th Dynasty onwards, the stream was divided into two lineages: the Bin Gong and the Gong of Qi; from the 60th Dynasty onwards, the Stream was divided into three factions: the Heng Gong, the Bing Gong, and the Blazing Gong. At present, the descendants of the Duke of Wan are distributed in more than 700 villages in 20 townships and villages in the whole prefecture, accounting for about 60% of the Jiang clan in the whole state.

Defending where Jiang Wan's hometown is again: Jeonju Debate
Defending where Jiang Wan's hometown is again: Jeonju Debate

By the way, some people have said on the Internet that the ancestors of Meitan in Jeonju have been "Jiangong" and "Anyang, Henan". This is not to pretend to understand, to take the meaning out of context. Instead, it did not connect the lineage chart of the Marquis of Anyang in the "Genealogy of the Jiang Clan of Meitan" with the map of the Meitan Sect. Just looking at the Meitan sect branch map, it is believed that the ancestors of Meitan were Jiangong, and the Descendants of The Duke of Jianyang are said to be from Anyang, Henan, and it is recommended to carefully look at the "Genealogy of the Jiang Clan of Meitan" (which can be downloaded on the Internet) before speaking out. So as not to laugh generously.

4. History

Old Book of Tang · Zhi 20 · Geography 3 Xiangyuan Han Lingling County, belonging to the ancient city in the present-day south of the county seventy-eight miles. Sui Pingchen and Lingling entered Xiangyuan County.

The novel "Anti-Romance of the Three Kingdoms" The thirty-fourth time Cao Mengde Xuchang Conference Sun Zhongmou Poyang Small Military Parade

  Jiang Huan selected another three thousand elite people from the county, led himself to the Xiang River Tour, day and night, during the four or five days, after passing through Hengyang, to Deyongchang, Jiang Jue received. Jiang Huan asked about the incident, and Jiang Jue said: "According to the report that Xiao Zuo returned from Lingling, Cangwu Taishou Shi Xie led 7,000 troops and hid in the Huangsha River;

  When Jiang Huan heard that lingling was lost, he still had to pass the Huangshi Ridge, and urgently ordered Jiang Jue to lead 3,000 people along the Xiangshui River, out of the Huangsha River, to join the local militia, and intercept the back road of Wu Bing. Jiang Jue took the order and set off immediately. Jiang Huan ordered Chen Nan, the general of Hengyang, to select three thousand people from among the 10,000 guards, and the starry night took the road to meet Jiang Jue.

  Moreover, it is said that Jiang Jue came to Huangshiling and ordered Jiang Jue to lead three thousand troops, go straight up along Xiang, out of the Huangsha River, intercept the back road of the Wu army, and reorganize the entire army of 10,000 people, and attack Lingling from the Huangshiling Trail. Secretly, he first sent a meticulous work to the inside and outside of Lingling City to move the old defensive army, so that it could wait for the gap and attack the Wu army.

  Na Shi Xie rode lightly and drove long, without the effort of a soldier, gently and skillfully, and obtained the Lingling, intending to take advantage of the gap to advance into Hengyang, only to go deep with a lone army, fearing no future

  Jiang Huan was originally from the Lingling clan, and he knew the terrain well and was familiar with the situation.

Only to see the sergeant who stayed in the Huangsha River in the past, fleeing back to Lingling, seeing Taishou, Yan Han soldiers had occupied the Huangsha River and flew to Lingling. Jiang Huan ordered Jiang Jue to be stationed at Huangshahe, Zhou Yi was also stationed in Lingling, and Huang Ying was stationed in Dao County to contact the momentum to consolidate the western defense. After the resettlement was settled, Jiang Huan led three thousand troops and returned to Changsha from the waterway path, and Fei Shi welcomed him into the palace and handed over the seal silk. Jiang Huan detailed the situation along the way to the King of Hanzhong, still conveyed by Fei Shi. It is ~~~~···

Although the novel "Anti-Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is not a historical record, the battlefield depicted in this hui is the current Jeonju and Yongzhou areas, and it is said that "Jiang Huan was originally a Lingling people, well aware of the terrain, familiar with the situation" The Huangsha River mentioned many times is the town of Huangshahe in present-day Jeonju County (Note: This town is located along the upper reaches of the XiangJiang River, although Huangshahe Town is a town with a population of only 20,000, because Huangshahe Town is an important gateway to northern Guizhou, the Xiangjiang River runs through the border, the geographical position is superior, the traffic is very convenient, since ancient times, it is a corner that soldiers must fight for, there is" The first town of Bagui"). This can also be proved from the side that Huang gong is a native of ancient Lingling County, not a native of Xiangxiang, Hunan.

The "Jiang Clan Genealogy" of Jiangsu Mingling records that Jiang Huan lived in Lingling, and his brother Jiang Yu lived in Yangxian (present-day Yixing), Jiangsu. The "Great Sect Map" of the Genealogy of the Jiang Clan of Jinling (Volume 2) collected by the Shanghai Library also records that the 58th Jiang Huan lived in Lingling, and his younger brother Jiang Yu lived in Yangxian, Jiangsu (present-day Yixing, Jiangsu) because of his career. This Lingling obviously refers to the ancient Lingling County.

5. Records of Xiangyuan County

Some people said: "Why don't you see the Jeonju Local Chronicle and jeonju Chiang Family Genealogy that the Duke of Jeonju is a Jeonju native"? In fact, it has long been recorded, according to Wending Gong Jiang Mian 's "Jiang Clan Receiving The Land of the Surname and The Self-Examination of Wuzong": "According to the old xiangyuan zhi zai, Jiang Gongshun's ancestor Zhongliang Longxi, gave birth to three sons, Shao Yueyan, Gongshun father also." The brother of the Yan clan, Yuanfu, who is fond of learning and good literature, travels zhang Nanxuan and the gate of Lu Xiangshan, and is the genealogy of this sect, which has been more than 1,400 years in the distant and near worlds, and the calendar can be examined. Yuanzu Xiu, who came to Lingling at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was passed down as Sima Anyang Houhuan of Shu. "Laiju Lingling" apparently refers to Lingling County (the predecessor of Jeonju County) where the author is located. Instead of Lingling County, Quanling County (present-day Lingling District, Yongzhou City).

Some people have questioned that Wending Gong Jiang Mian 's "Place of Jiang's Surname and Wuzong's Self-Examination" is a continuation of the records in Song Shaosheng's "Yang Xianting Jiang Clan Lineage Diagram" in Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province in the third year (1096 AD). I wonder what his basis is? I wonder what he understands the term "Xiangyuan Old Zhizai"? It also rejects the claim that Yaogong is the ancestor of the Lingling branch, which can be understood that Yaogong did not have a record of settling in Lingling (ancient Lingling County). It is also not mentioned in the Wending official documents, but only says that "the distant ancestor Xiu lived in the Lingling Tomb at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty". It is not impossible for The Duke of Zunyao to be the ancestor of the Lingling (present-day Jeonju) branch. Moreover, Wending Gong Jiang Mian 's "The Land where Jiang Clan Was Subjected to the Surname and Wuzong's Self-Examination": "The Jiang of Xiangyuan today is said to be from the Shu Xiang Anyang Houhuan lineage... Credibility is undoubtedly also "nothing wrong with it."

Annex: Xiangyuan County, in the ninth year of the Kai Emperor (589) and the three counties of Taoyang, Lingling, and Guanyang (present-day Guanyang) were placed in Xiangyuan County, and the administrative office was set up in the village of Zheqiao, a township on the outskirts of the present-day city. Daye initially belonged to Lingling County. Tang belongs to Yongzhou. In the fourth year of the Fifth Dynasty Jin Tianfu (939), it was changed to Qingxiang County (after the First Year of Tang Tiancheng, to avoid Emperor Mingzong's secrets, Xiangyuan County was changed to Xiangchuan County). It took 349 years.

6. Supported by poetry

Mianyang County Chronicle records

Defending where Jiang Wan's hometown is again: Jeonju Debate

The "Cultural Studies of the Three Kingdoms" selects the "Tomb Poems of the Marquis Gong of Jiang Gong" contained in the "Mianyang County Chronicle". Introduction to its author. "The author of this poem, Jiang Qichun, the Salt and Tea Ceremony of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, is a fellow villager of Jiang Huan, Yu is unknown"

Can we be sure that Jiang Qichun is from where jiang qichun is? Today, because there is no clear geographical location in the hometown of Gong Gong, it can only be corroborated from the side. Nature is worth learning.

After investigation: Jiang Qichun (1816 ~ 1876), also known as Qi Ling, Zi Shen Fu, and Shi Yue. (Longshui Village, Longshui Town, present-day County). poet. Born into a family of eunuchs. His grandfather, Jiang Lichang (editor of the Genealogy of the Jiang Clan in Meitan), was a scholar in the second year of his father Daoguang. Daoguang Twenty Years Gengzi Family (1840) 2nd Class 59th Jinshi. Sex, good discussion, Lilin Yuan Shu Jishi, editor ,、、 prefect, Salt Tea Ceremony, Hanlin, Suncheon Fu Yin and other positions. This proves from the side that Jiang Huan is the current Jeonju. Instead of the people of Xiangxiang, Hunan today. Because fellow countrymen refer to people of the same place of origin (said when they are out of town). The place of origin is as small as a township, and as large as a province, it is a fellow township. This also negates the claim that Gong Huan is a native of Hunan today. It was determined that Gong Huan was a native of Quanzhou, Guangxi today.

In the "Tomb Poem of the Marquis Gong of Jiang Gong", there is "Lady's final hometown, Jizi Fengming, Mei Yusun Zhixiu, and Guamian Zudechun." Longtan Migration Calendar, 螽羽咏诜诜诜" (螽音 zhōng, 诜音shēn), this "lady" naturally refers to Lady Mao, the wife of Duke Mao. It shows that The lady died in the hometown of the Duke of Huan (this residence of course refers to the hometown of the Duke of Huan, not the mother of Lady Mao, because the lady is a Shu person). Jizi is the third son, Jiang Li. In fact, the final place of residence and death of Lady Mao was in Meitan, present-day Jeonju County. The tomb is in the town of Wenqiao in present-day Jeonju County. The "plum" of Mei Yu Sun Zhixiu refers to Meitan (named Meitan because of the plum tree planted). The "Longtan" of the Longtan Migration Calendar refers to Shilongtan (Meitan was renamed from Shilongtan), Shilongtan is also called Longtan, and the Shilongtan Stele records that "Longtan is Meitan also". This completely confirmed that Gong Gong's hometown was in Gulingling County (present-day Jeonju).

Defending where Jiang Wan's hometown is again: Jeonju Debate

"Three Kingdoms Cultural Studies" contains the Qing Dynasty Mianzhou Zuomian Academy chair Yan Lufeng's "Tomb Poem of Marquis Gong of Han Jiang". The first sentence, "Jingnan only produced He Shuyou", points out that the hometown of Duke Huan is in Jingnan. During the Three Kingdoms period, Jingzhou (Wu) included present-day southern Hubei and most of Hunan. Northern Guangxi. Jingnan obviously refers to the southern part of Jingzhou, that is, the present-day northern Guangxi and southern Hunan, and the whole prefecture conforms to the geographical location of Jingnan, while Xiangxiang is almost in the middle of Jingzhou, which also excludes the possibility that Xiangxiang is a Xiangxiang.

7. "Shilongtan Stele"

The original ancestor's original surname was Ji, and he was a descendant of Hou Ji. The third son of duke Of Zhou, Bo Ling, was enfeoffed to Jiang, in present-day Jiankang, Nanjing

The mountain and the Jiangshan Temple are its land, and the descendants think that it is a clan. Descendants migrated to Shandong. Han has a secretive person, a thing

Shu, because it is produced in Xiangyuan of Lingling. Emperor Ming of Wei and Ding Wei of the first year of the reign of Emperor Ming of Wei moved to Beixiang Twenty

Five miles of stone dragon pond and live in Yan. When the eight houses were bred, they wanted to cut a large plum tree in the Qianxi Bridge Ridge

Cross the river. Before the cutting, one night the fierce wind thundered, pulling the plum into the pool and planting it. Winter flowers float in the water

Noodles, fresh and lovely, because Yilongtan is a plum pond. Although its plum is withered, it still exists today, and the branches come out of the water,

Autumn water is still visible when it is clarified. After the eight major houses, there were more than three hundred suns, and one of the guards fell

Official money, general responsibility, Xiangyuan chief came to pursue. There are many dogs in the family, biting the chief. The family business is broken,

Affecting the houses, it is to move everywhere. Now there are more than 100 mountains, Gepi, Daluxia, Shiqiaogang and so on

The village name Le'an County Jiang surname is also.

In the first year of the Song Dynasty, the Rebbe Shangshu Jiang Manchu wrote

This inscription clearly records that Shilongtan (石龙潭, in present-day Meitan, Jeonju) was the place of origin of the Duke of Jeon and the residence of the Duke of Jeon. This is the historical past of Jiang Wan's wife Mao and her son Jiang Xiao migrated to Meitan in Jeonju after the Shu Disaster.

8. Discussion on distant ancestors

According to Wen Dinggong's "The Land where Jiang Clan Received the Surname and The Self-Examination of Emperor Wuzong": "Xiangyuan Old Zhi zai ... Yuanzu Xiu, who came to Lingling at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was passed down as Sima Anyang Houhuan of Shu"

So who is Xiu Gong? Which of the Nine Marquises is a descendant? After consulting the family tree, Xiu Gong was the twelfth son of Hou Yaogong of Hou Yao of Henggong Andong: He Zi Xiu. He was a former Han general and the Marquis of Shaoling. His son: Zhigong. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, he lived in Lingling. The four traditions are Sima Wan of the Later Han Dynasty (see Western Cantonese Spectrum). This shows that Jeonju had a genealogy of chiangs during the Sui and Tang dynasties (during the period when Jeonju was formerly known as Xiangyuan County, 589-926 AD). His genealogy records that the great-grandfather of Gaozu, the Duke of Wan, already lived in Lingling, and the local chronicle of Jeonju at that time, "Xiangyuan Zhi", is recorded. However, due to its age, the Xiangyuanzhi and the Jiang Family Tree no longer exist. However, this does not affect the assertion that the hometown of the Duke of Jing is in the present-day jeonju.

According to the usual range of materials in local history, it is a specific administrative area, that is, the matter of the land within the current zoning. It is also certain that this Lingling was the ancient Lingling County (that is, the predecessor of Xiangyuan County, Lingling County) in the Eastern Han Dynasty, rather than Quanling County (present-day Lingling District, Yongzhou City), nor the present-day Xiangxiang County (city).

(Note: In this article, it is inevitable that there are inaccuracies or errors, and I hope that the family will correct more and study together.) In order to shorten the length of this article as much as possible, only the title and a small amount of text are adopted for the cited articles, and then replaced by an ellipsis, please forgive the original author, and only select important pages for the pictures)

Jiang Jingsheng, Quanzhou, Guangxi

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