
The Liuyang County Veterans Affairs Bureau quickly studied and implemented the spirit of the video conference on the city's consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results to effectively connect the key work of rural revitalization

author:Hanzhong Veterans Affairs Bureau
The Liuyang County Veterans Affairs Bureau quickly studied and implemented the spirit of the video conference on the city's consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results to effectively connect the key work of rural revitalization

In order to further implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on his two visits to Shaanxi, and continue to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and smoothly promote rural revitalization, on the morning of October 10, the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Luoyang County held an enlarged meeting of the bureau's party group to deeply study the spirit of the city's video conference on consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting the key work of rural revitalization. Zhang Ju, secretary of the bureau's party group and director of the bureau, presided over the meeting, and members of the bureau's leading body and all cadres of the bureau's system attended the meeting.

The Liuyang County Veterans Affairs Bureau quickly studied and implemented the spirit of the video conference on the city's consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results to effectively connect the key work of rural revitalization

At the meeting, Zhang Ju, secretary of the party group and director of the bureau, conveyed the spirit of the video conference on the city's consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting the key work of rural revitalization, organized and studied the spirit of the document "Notice of the Leading Group of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China for implementing the rural revitalization strategy on carrying out the "I do practical things for the masses" to the village" and "six checks" and "six questions" (Shaanxi Agricultural and Industrial Office Letter [2021] No. 55), and interpreted in detail the specific content and requirements of the "six checks" and "six questions" in the villages. Arrangements were made for how the bureau system should carry out the work of rural revitalization in the near future.

The first is to raise awareness and improve work style. All cadres of the bureau system should earnestly enhance their understanding, fulfill their duties and responsibilities for the work of contacting and helping households, and have a thorough understanding of the basic situation of the families in contact and assistance; they should adopt the method of "pulling up the family routine" to gain a deeper understanding of the production and living conditions of the contact households, grasp whether the relevant assistance measures are in place, whether there is a risk of returning to poverty, understand in a timely manner the difficulties and problems that exist in the contact households, and help solve the problems that can be solved in a timely manner; if they cannot be solved, they must give feedback to the village-based task force and the village "two committees" in a timely manner Put the assessment work after poverty alleviation in the first place, on the basis of contacting new households, we must also do a good job in the contact and return visit work of the original help households, cancel the weekend break this month from now on, and the leaders take the lead in walking in the forefront, work in a down-to-earth manner, strictly enforce discipline, and ask questions if they fail to fulfill their responsibilities.

The second is to be proficient in policies and increase publicity. It is necessary to strengthen the study and study of policies related to rural revitalization. Each cadre must deeply study relevant policies, correctly publicize policies, let the help and support households understand the effective connection and changes of policies through "stressing policies", and vigorously enhance the awareness of the masses of policies.

The third is to act quickly to implement the "six investigations" and "six questions." Comprehensive benchmarking inspection, all the help and support contacts of the bureau system and the team stationed in the village quickly went deep into the village group to carry out the "I do practical things for the masses" to the village "six investigations" and entered the household "six questions" action. Continue to deepen the results of party history study and education, and consolidate the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

The Liuyang County Veterans Affairs Bureau quickly studied and implemented the spirit of the video conference on the city's consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation results to effectively connect the key work of rural revitalization

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