
What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

author:Alternative video sharing fungus

Today, I share the fungus to push you a cyberpunk-style movie "Blade Runner", which is biased towards hard science fiction and is the favorite theme of the majority of movie lovers.

Blade Runner is an action science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Harrison Ford, Sean Young, and Rutger Hal, released in the United States in June 1982.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

The film received poor response after its release, and although the film received nominations for Best Visual Effects and Best Art Direction at the 55th Academy Awards, neither was officially awarded. And the film's release time is the same as "Star Trek 2: The Roar of the Khan" and "Alien E.T.", and it is inevitable that these two stronger movies will steal the box office.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have watched "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. </h1>

The film from the fantasy of the 1980s to the present, tells the story of 2019 human technology has been by leaps and bounds, various genetic technology and robot technology continue to innovate, human beings have colonized outer space through high-tech products known as "replicants", this film is in this scientific and technological progress and cultural integration of social background.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

Humans have conquered various dangers in space through replicants, but replicants' yearning for freedom has become stronger, and after a replicant riot, the earth has banned replicants, and with the discovery of a discarded spaceship, the whereabouts of replicants have once again appeared in the sight of the Earth police.

In order to let the illegal landers retire, the police department found the retired elite and put him in charge of the matter.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

In the process of investigating this matter, Deckard discovered through a conversation with the replicant inventor that the replicant was set to live only four years, and if it started to be set for a longer time, the replicant was almost indistinguishable from a human being, and the inventor's secretary was his creation, and the beauty had no idea that he was not a real human being.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

In the hunt for replicants, Deckard falls in love with the beautiful rachel and teaches Rachel the human cognition of love, so that Rachel, who discovers her replicant identity, once again gains the motivation to live.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

On the other hand, the four replicants who entered the country illegally came to Earth in search of hope of survival, knowing that their lives were under the control of humans, and wanted to find inventors to modify their lifespans, for which they paid a terrible price.

After the loss of three people, Roy, the only living replicant, learns that their lifespan has been fixed at the beginning of creation, and that the replicants who have been produced cannot change their lifespan, and when he learns of this, he kills the Creator and goes into madness.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

Roy tortured Deckard to death after Deckard and beat him to death with his stronger body, but he reached out to Deckard when Deckard was about to fall from the building, sparing him a life, and it turned out that Roy was nearing the end of his life, and he told Deckard at the last moment of his life: "The things I have seen are absolutely unbelievable to you humans, I have witnessed the battleship burning on the edge of the end of Orion; I watched the C-rays shine in the darkness near don's Gate of Don Huaiser; all these moments will eventually be lost in time, and like tears disappearing in the rain, The time of death has come. ”

Roy lost his life in the good memories, and his yearning for a good life will always be in Decker's mind.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

Eventually, Deckard returns to his residence to find The Replicant Rachel and takes her on a journey of escape.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > Reviews:</h1>

In the form of dystopianism, the film gives people a glimpse of the ultimate form of an extremely bad society, contrary to the ideal society. People have obtained technology, but technology has brought oppression and exploitation, people in this "cyberpunk" world to commit crimes and seek real beauty, the film replicant riot violates the interests of mankind, but the replicant yearning for a better life makes us into a dilemma, replicants are better than ordinary humans, the body can have a higher level of enhancement, if they are treated the same as humans then humans will be eliminated, so humans use technology to exploit the value of these replicants.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

At the beginning of the film's release, some critics commented on Blade Runner: "This work is just a cliché about human beings being threatened by humanoid and inhuman creatures." But the sharing fungus does not think so, the sharing fungus feels that this film leads to a new way of thinking, a dark scientific and technological thinking, human science has advanced but morality has regressed, the public can experience the benefits of science but society is still stagnant, on the basis of this culture, there have been many derivative works, in addition to the above-mentioned "Ghost in the Shell" There is also the more well-known movie "Time Planning Bureau", in "Time Planning Bureau" human beings improve the living standards of the upper class by exploiting the time of the people at the bottom , is also a dystopian masterpiece.

Although this "Blade Runner" did not gain public support at the beginning of its release, the film creatively quotes a large number of oriental elements, people walking on the dark and decaying streets, looking up to see brilliant neon lights with Japanese advertising, this contrast between darkness and luxury has laid the essence of cyberpunk.

What was once a bad film has become a god work now, why can this "Blade Runner" enhance its reputation? Let's talk about the content of this movie, if you have seen "Ghost in the Shell" released in 2017, you can understand this movie more simply. Comments:

The story of human and non-human creatures throws out questions about life and death, human nature, and the Creator.

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