
Interview with the star of the American drama "Blind Spot"

Interview with the star of the American drama "Blind Spot"

Blind Spot poster

Time Network News In response to the "Wenzhou dialect is the language of the devil", the spit made "NBC's new crime detective drama "Blind Spot" popular all over mainland social networks. Since its launch on September 21, the show has averaged more than 9 million viewers per episode (premiere episodes exceeded 10 million), making it the best performer in September. Blind Spot stars Jamie Alexander and Sullivan Stapleton, in which a mysterious woman with tattoos (Jamie Alexander) wakes up in Times Square but has lost her memory. FBI agent Kurt Weller, played by Stamp layton, was appointed to investigate the matter. Other members of the investigation team include Patterson (Ashley Johnson) and Bethanie (Marianne Gene Baptiste) from other divisions of the FBI.

They gradually discovered that the tattoos on the mysterious woman were all pointing to the next crime. Having lost her memory, she is not only very skilled, but also very good at guns, and the action team is more interested in finding out the true identity of the woman. Overall, Blind Spot is a lot like The Blacklist + Spy + Prison Break.

At the 2015 New York Comic Con, a Time Network reporter interviewed starring Ashley Johnson and Marianne Gene Baptiste. They talked about their original intention to take over the play, and also gave their own understanding of the popularity of "Blind Spot", of course, they also revealed the story of "Blind Spot" on the set of "Play well, eat well".

Interview with the star of the American drama "Blind Spot"

Blind Spot starring Ashley Johnson (left) and Marianne Gene Barbdist (right)

Mtime: Why did you want to do Blind Spot in the first place?

<b>Baptiste:</b> When I first approached the show, I realized the ambiguity of the character of Bethany, and I don't think she's a simple character. I'm interested in playing a role like that.

<b>Johnson:</b> I've never played a role like this before, and I'd love to try it. As an actor, sometimes you want to do something that makes you nervous or challenges you. I really like the script and stock market of Blind Spot, and I am very happy to be one of the casts of this show.

Mtime: In your opinion, what made Blind Spot popular as soon as it started?

Johnson: I don't know, I just know that the reason I'm attracted to it is that I love puzzles. The key characters of the show are like a precious map, except that people need to analyze this map in the most cruel way. The concept that the protagonist is a map is cool enough. I know people say that, but Blind Spot does it better. The series started off to a great start, and everyone worked together to do something unique.

BAPTIST: Yes, I agree. People want to be smart, and when they watch the show, they want to recognize those characters. Once they guess correctly, they give themselves a big thumbs up; if they guess wrong... Do you know what I mean? The motivation that keeps you watching is that you say, I didn't see that. So viewers will continue to wait for the next episode to see if they can get some new information.

I already felt this in the script when I didn't know what the story would be like next, and you'll see it next. Jamie Alexander's mysterious woman has tattoos from head to toe, so there's a lot more to be discovered. Maybe the future finds an ant tattoo on her eyeball, and then leads to more clues, and the plot can almost continue to play like this.

Interview with the star of the American drama "Blind Spot"

Blind Spot refers to Wenzhou dialect as the "Language of demons"

Mtime: In paragraph-style episodes, the director always switches back and forth. What did these directors bring to Blind Spot?

<b>Baptiste:</b> I think the style of Blind Spot is established, so it will continue to do it in that style. Of course, these directors also bring their style, which is equally interesting. You'll feel that the arrival and departure of a director will have a smaller impact than the ones you've encountered before. You feel like every episode looks pretty much the same, that's when they're in line. The biggest difference is the way they work with us.

<b>Johnson:</b> Each of them is different, so the way they communicate with the actors will be very different, and they will bring different performances. The tone of the episodes will also vary depending on the story, but it's fun overall.

Mtime: Which of the scenes that have been filmed so far is your favorite?

<b>Baptiste:</b> All I can say is what you've seen, and I can't say what you haven't seen. My favorite scene was a bridge section done in collaboration with Michael Gaston. There's a lot of things going on in this scene that don't explain, and the tone is tense.

<b>Johnson:</b> My favorite scene is one of the scenes from the eighth episode that I just finished filming, which is related to an old book.

Mtime: On set, what else would you do besides filming?

<b>Baptiste:</b> We've been playing well and are always laughing at something. They made fun of me for wearing sky-high shoes — I just didn't want to stand on the box and make a show.

<b>Johnson:</b> Not only did we play well, we ate a lot. The crew was great and we were all pleasant.

Interview with the star of the American drama "Blind Spot"

Stills from "Blind Spot"

Mtime: Nowadays, a lot of detective dramas are no longer made into that kind of paragraph structure, but let the story run through the series. What kind of episodes do you prefer to watch?

<b>Baptiste:</b> I was born to be a theater lover. I don't like advertising, I want to sit quietly and watch it non-stop like watching a play. I'll save up some episodes and watch them in one sitting.

<b>Johnson:</b> I like that too. Now you can see a lot of content at the same time, but I like to look at it in a "packaged" way. Blind Spot still has a storyline for us, and I think if you start in the middle, you might feel a little confused.

Baptiste: I don't know, because the audience is now learning to be smart. They know that new tattoos appear every week, so they can watch them anytime, even if they don't know how to start. We get the script about a week or a little earlier so we can get ready.

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