
Nanjing girl Zhang Yunhui: chasing dreams "full perch"

author:Zhangzhou News Network
Nanjing girl Zhang Yunhui: chasing dreams "full perch"

Stills from the movie "Violent Notes", zhang Yunhui on the left

Hearty boxing fights, flowing classical music, brilliant clashes of love, dreams and destiny... On December 5, the online movie "Violent Notes" premiered exclusively on iQiyi. This work, co-starring Nanjing girl Zhang Yunhui and TVB old drama bone Luo Yingjun, immediately set off a wave of clicks on the Internet. Zhang Yunhui is not only an actor, but also an original singer, director and producer, and is a rising star in the acting industry in recent years.

Can sing and dance, the seedlings of art thrive

Zhang Yunhui grew up in Nanjing County, and showed an interest in music as early as when she was learning to speak. Capable of singing and dancing, she is versatile and debuted on stage at the age of four, which won wide acclaim. Kindergartens often represent schools in competitions and achieve excellent results. "She has always been a literary and artistic activist in the school's publicity team." Zhang Mu said proudly.

When she was a student, whether she sang and danced or hosted a party, Zhang Yunhui was always the one who was very dazzling. Whether it is the interest class of the Children's Palace or the tutor, Zhang's father and mother have worked hard to cultivate Zhang Yunhui, unconditionally supporting her to study art and pursue her dreams. Since middle school, she has shuttled between Nanjing-Zhangzhou-Xiamen every week to learn vocal music from famous teachers. "My parents attach great importance to my education and cultivation and give me the greatest support. They let me wander around to study and exercise my independent personality. Zhang Yunhui said gratefully.

Independent and self-reliant, bravely pursue artistic dreams

For her artistic dreams, Zhang Yunhui went to Shanghai, Beijing and other places alone as early as high school for further study, and carried out intensive "devil training", performing, reciting, form, vocal music, etc., all without falling. Although the conditions of study were difficult, it did not affect her enthusiasm for learning. With the persistence of strong perseverance, Zhang Yunhui has made rapid progress.

Zhang Yunhui's piano enlightenment teacher Lin Yuezhong recalled the scene of her learning the piano and praised: "At that time, her time was very tight, but she was very diligent, and her own understanding was relatively high, and she would take the initiative to communicate with me when practicing difficult problems, and her progress was particularly fast." After continuous efforts and a choice, Zhang Yunhui was admitted to the Conservatory of Music of the Central University for Nationalities, where she studied under the famous musician Professor Li Xiaofeng. Since then, she has embarked on a professional artistic path.

Grateful, versatile and all-pervading development

In 2008, after Zhang Yunhui debuted on the CCTV stage, she was often active in major evenings, TV programs and public welfare activities. In order to improve herself, Zhang Yunhui resolutely pushed off all invitations and went overseas to study. Now that she has returned gorgeously, she has dabbled in singing, film and television, drama and production, and began to develop in an all-habitat way.

In July 2016, Zhang Yunhui returned to Nanjing Yunshui Ballad and filmed a MV (music short film) for his single "Water Moon", presenting his hometown of Nanjing Tulou to more people. On December 5, the inspirational movie "Violent Notes" was officially released, and the TVB veteran drama Bone Luo Yingjun, who cooperated with her, praised her for "being young but having such acting skills, very promising, and being a dedicated actress". Her independently composed single "The Same Thing" was launched on major music platforms and became a hit track for many fans. She serves as the spokesperson of the Wanren Group, and has achieved unprecedented good benefits under the role of the star effect. Recently, Zhang Yunhui is still nervously preparing for her new album.

Zhang Yunhui, who has a fresh temperament and a pure voice, always has a bright smile on her face, which makes people feel the warmth of the sun. She said that she must return to Zhangzhou and Nanjing to shoot more times, because "I am a native of Nanjing, I love my hometown, and I love this beautiful town." ☉ Chen Qiaoyun Huang Zhoucheng Zhou Yanzhen text/photo

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