
Zhang Yunhui's new song "Minnan People" is ready for the fans to look forward to a feast

author:China Entertainment Network

On July 1st, the original single "MinnanRen" sung by "Quanqi Artist" Zhang Yunhui will be officially launched! Over the years, Zhang Yunhui with comprehensive strength and poetry-like temperament, captured a large number of loyal hardcore fans, recently the new song online information came out, immediately exploded in the fan circle, everyone has moved the small bench, sit and wait for the release of the new song, looking forward to the song "Minnan People" to bring different surprises.

As we all know, Zhang Yunhui is a native of Nanjing, Zhangzhou, an authentic Minnan person, who has always been enthusiastic about the spread of Minnan culture since his debut. Earlier, Zhang Yunhui said in an interview with the media that as a Minnan person who grew up on the water and soil of southern Fujian, she has always wanted to take some opportunity to take the culture of southern Fujian as the prototype and express it through music, literature, film and television. The production of this new song "Minnan People", for Zhang Yunhui personally, just realized her long-cherished creative wishes over the years, and in the music industry, it is considered to be a "new Hokkien song" that meets the aesthetic needs of the times, which is of extraordinary significance.

Zhang Yunhui's new song "Minnan People" is ready for the fans to look forward to a feast

Zhang Yunhui graduated from the Conservatory of Music of minzu University of China, and after studying abroad and returning from study tours, she has a unique insight and aesthetic pursuit of music, especially in the innovation of music. Recently, it was learned from major media reports that the song "Minnan People" integrates the creative methods of international music, adding the rhythm of Funk Rock and Smoke Jazz, making the whole song sound brisk and jumpy, full of rhythm and movement. This new style of music is an effective combination of Hokkien songs and Western electroacoustic instruments, and a musical product after full interaction with contemporary popular music, which is more infectious, providing valuable experience and good reference form for the diversified creation of Hokkien songs in the future.

According to Yunhui Studio, the song "Minnan People" is mixed with a large number of Minnan characteristic dialects, which are full of Minnan flavor, which is different from the traditional "Taiwanese Tone" type of Minnan songs, giving people a refreshing feeling. In the recent new media movie "Violent Notes" that he starred in for free on the whole network, the classic Hokkien lines also made fans addicted, "Young Boy Lang, clench your fists", "Young Boy Lang, life should know how to cherish it", "Top Half Dark Xiao Chicken, Lower Half Dark Xiao Duck"... These chicken soup golden sentences make people feel very kind, and they are as refreshing as Daigo empowerment.

Zhang Yunhui's new song "Minnan People" is ready for the fans to look forward to a feast

It is reported that Zhang Yunhui in the early stage of creating the song "Minnan People", in order to better interpret the Minnan language and make the culture of Minnan more grounded, she specially consulted the ancient books related to minnan language, and then combined with the actual needs of song creation, she found suitable words from the vivid minnan tone rhyme to innovate, and strived to make the songs understand the minnan people as soon as they listened, and there was emotional resonance as soon as they listened, which is where Zhang Yunhui's intention lies.

In addition, according to the relevant industry insiders, Zhang Yunhui, as a member of the Nanjing CPPCC Committee, has done a lot of work in promoting the culture of southern Fujian and the public welfare undertakings in his hometown. In 2016, he returned to his hometown for the filming of the MV "Water Moon", and presented the natural scenery, customs and cultural history of Nanjing through beautiful pictures. In the public welfare cultural undertakings, no effort has been spared, in 2016 typhoon "Moranti" hit Fujian, Zhang Yunhui actively participated in the post-disaster relief, with practical actions to give material and economic help; in response to the national call for accurate poverty alleviation, many times went deep into Fujian poor households to help; wholly sponsored the Chinese children's talent show "Children's Voice" and became an image ambassador... It is Zhang Yunhui, who has a deep cultural complex in southern Fujian, who resolutely returned to southern Fujian from Beijing to develop, and integrates strong emotions into the song "Minnan People", and that kind of pride and pride can be imagined.

In recent years, Zhang Yunhui has strived to show everyone a better self with her endless excellent works, such as "Water Moon", "The Same Thing", "Taiwan Crazy Is Coming", "Violent Notes", etc. And this classic inspirational Hokkien song "Hokkien People" is also about to be released on July 1st, let's wait and see!

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