
"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

author:Or so be it
"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

The film "A Feast of Love" is adapted from the novel of American writer Charles Baxter, which takes place in Oregon, the United States, some stories about "love", through the delicate eyes of the old black professor Harry (Morgan Freeman), glimpses people's ignorance, wandering, determination, and growth in love.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

The most "back" in the movie is the coffee shop owner Bradley (Greg Kinnier), a middle-aged man who looks optimistic and cheerful and happy, never knows how to explore the heart of his wife Keslin (Selma Blair), so that at a women's softball game, after the third baseman easily touched Keslin, the meaningful eye wave also touched Keslin's heart.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

He didn't know what color his wife's eyeballs were? He didn't know that his wife's fear of dogs couldn't change, and he didn't know that love was not only good for her, but also took care of her feelings. Keslin was gone, not because she was lace-edged, but because she couldn't love her husband.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

Choosing to move away from the sad Bradley, he is lucky enough to meet his "second spring", and the smart and capable real estate agent Diana (Rada Mitchell) easily enters his heart.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

Diana, who looks beautiful and elegant, is actually a wild and crazy woman who is deeply in love with the married man David (Billy Budge), and the two have maintained a relationship of love, even after she decides to marry Bradley.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

After a passion, when Diana told David that she was going to marry Bradley, David slapped her angrily on the spot, trying to wake up her heart, because "marriage" is not a child's play, and the originally determined people who walk in may fade with time, not to mention the people who have no love at all, how to spend a long life together?

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

However, Diana still walked in, bradley thought he had been blessed by God again, and went up to the clouds again, he thought, this time it should be "true love"! Unfortunately, Diana could not deceive her heart after all, and when she put on David's shirt, the love that could not be hidden suddenly became an open secret.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

Poor Bradley was dumped twice, although this time he was a man, but he felt more miserable, in order to vent the grief in his heart and experience the feeling of heartbreak, he took a kitchen knife to chop his fingers, fortunately, this stupid thing did not let him continue to carry, the emperor did not live up to the bitter heart, he finally found a woman who truly loved him, willing to enter his heart, but also willing to let him enter her heart.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

"Love" is two kinds of love, there is no one who will not love, only love the right person and love the wrong person, the kind Bradley, repeatedly defeated, his heart is very brave, experienced the pain of not being cherished, will cherish the warmth that really has.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

What touched me the most in the movie was the love at first sight, Chloe (Alykesha Diolos) and Oscar (Toby Hemingway), Who has no parents, Oscar has an alcoholic father, and the two find a sense of dependence on each other.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

The madness of their love, the passion in the starry, empty stadium, the sincerity of their love, closing their eyes to tell each other what kind of scenery their future home is, I saw a tear in the corner of Chloe's eyes, and she snuggled tightly in Oscar's arms, which was the tear of fear of losing it after a long time of loneliness.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

In order to live in a better house, the two foolishly went to make an A-movie, the power of love makes them forget the worldly vision, as long as they can be together, such love has a fearless innocence, more moving than any so-called bright and upright love.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

When Croy calculated from the psychic medium that Oscar might not be able to spend the future with her, she not only did not give up on him, but immediately wanted Oscar to marry her, but also to have two children with him, and later, Oscar really failed to be with her for a long time, on the court, Oscar suddenly suffered from heart paralysis, and left her in an instant, I saw the big belly Ofe Holding Oscar's hand, tears raining down, but that firm look, there was no trace of regret.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

What was the strength that gave her so much courage to be desperate, just to be with her beloved, even though she knew that she would soon be separated, she was willing to cling to him until the last moment.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

I think this is "love", love makes her have no fear, love makes her know how to cherish, love makes her an angel, just to illuminate her beloved, love, is a lifetime. However, how many people in this world are willing to be brave? And how many people are willing to cherish it? I saw a ray of light in Chloe's clear eyes, and I hoped that light would not disappear easily.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

There are many regrets in life that always happen inadvertently, regrets become the pain in everyone's heart, how to let the pain pass, do not stay forever, this is a difficult problem, but it is also a test given to people by heaven.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

When the old professor lamented the loss of Oscar's young life and the ruthlessness of heaven, Bradley said: "Heaven is to make our hearts braver, so that we can continue to love and not give up life easily."

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

Therefore, the old professor couple who lost their son will not be lonely forever, Chloe who lost oscar still has a small Oscar, and Bradley, who once lost two wives, can also get real happiness.

"Feast of Love": Between 2 men and 4 women, a rich "feast of life"

Let the heart be brave, love can continue, this "feast of love" is not a "feast of life", understand love, and willing to be brave to love, no matter what the ending? Life will no longer be just imaginary.

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