
Robert Downey died at the age of 85, married 3 times in his life, and left in his sleep

author:New Gold Medal Entertainment Observer


New Gold Entertainment Observers know that a lot of people today are talking about the death of Robert Downey. But we need to clarify that this is not Robert Downey, who played "Iron Man", but his father Robert Downey Sr., who has directed films such as "Heart of Philadelphia" and "Mexican Palace", and has also starred in "Defense Lawyer" and "Magnolia".

Robert Downey died at the age of 85, married 3 times in his life, and left in his sleep

Robert Downey Sr. is actually quite talented. He's not just an actor, he's also a director and screenwriter. Unlike his son, he didn't like the popular Hollywood big productions. I've seen Downey Sr.'s film The Wonders of Time, a fantasy short film about a Civil War soldier who wakes up in Central Park in 1961, which made him famous in one fell swoop.

Robert Downey died at the age of 85, married 3 times in his life, and left in his sleep

But like his son, Downey Sr. has a rich love history, and he has been married three times in his life. The first marriage was with actress Elsee Ann, who then had two children. By 1978, they were separated. The second marriage was between actress and writer Laura, but unfortunately in 1994, his wife died. In 1998, he married his third wife, Rosemary. I have to say that his life is really wonderful.

Robert Downey died at the age of 85, married 3 times in his life, and left in his sleep

Old Downey also once taught his son to sink into the sea of poison. It wasn't until 1981, when his deceased wife gave him an ultimatum, that he managed to get rid of it. With his father's demonstration, his son later changed from evil to righteousness and became the bearer of Marvel movies. Fans feel that Downey Jr. also inherited his father's artistic genes.

Robert Downey died at the age of 85, married 3 times in his life, and left in his sleep

Downey's later years were happy, his son became a top star, and he himself was very happy. At the age of 85, he died in his sleep, which should be said to be the end of his life. Finally, we silently wish the old man and hope that he will go all the way.

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